November Project Castro

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Gerardo Castro

Pd. 3

By: Marie Lu

June and Day reach Las Vegas after Days escape, the elector is dead and his son
Anden takes over his role. Day and June both join the Patriots because of Day
wanting to rescue his brother Eden and look for a way towards the Colonies. With
June completely against the Republic, the Patriots and Day convince June to kill
Anden. While working under cover she realizes that Anden is not at all like his
father but she doesnt know how to convince Day.

Setting & Place

The setting is mainly in most of the Republic because of the
setting being changed throughout states/districts of the Republic.
The time is definitely in the future because of the genre it is and
the amount of technology that was used. Pg.1, Pg.130

June Iparis is the main character of the story Prodigy. June is a fifteen year old girl and an exprodigy of the Republic because of her helping Day escape from the Batalla Hall in Los Angles.
Her family was wealthy but both of her parents were killed in a car crash which left only her
brother to care for her. Her brother Metias was killed by the Republic without her not knowing
and hr not knowing that the Republic also killed her parents. She is also very gifted and is an
elite fighter that knows everything in the book when it comes to fighting and is very agile. Pg.192

The antagonist is Razor/Commander Desoto the head of the Patriots, Razor makes a plan to assassinate
Anden(Elector). Razor fooled Day and June making them think that the Patriots were funded by the Colonies but
the were actually being funded by the Republic. June didnt like Razor from the beginning but Day convinced her
to be part of the plan which made the job easier for Razor. Day and June later found out Razors plan and found
out he was hired by the senate to kill the new elector, if Razor went through with the plan he would have given
the spot as elector. Razor is a sly and mischievous person and for him he had been charged for treason and so
did others who were on the operation. Razor was skinny, and small, with dark hair

Main Character
Day is with June through all these events but is searching for the only family
member he has left his brother Eden. Day is a runner that are experienced in
runaways and escapes, Day is given some sort of robot leg after he was shot
escaping the Batalla Hall with June. He has blonde hair and is very quick but can
be unreasonable sometimes but it is only because he is determined on finding his
brother and would never stop looking.

Another Main
Tess is a 14 year old girl who had been Days crime partner and his medic. She was abandoned
by her parents because of the lack of money and resources to take care of her. Day took her in
when she was only 10 years old. When she and Day saw each other again when they were
meeting with Patriots she had matured and increased her skills in the medical field. Day never
considered Tess as a girlfriend when she got older which angered Tess because of June always
being by Day. Tess had different feelings now for Day, Day always thought of her as a family
member, a sister.

List of other
Kaede- Is part of the Patriots she helped Day and June escape from the Republic and helped them on the operation. Until she also
noticed Razors plan, she then helped them g back to the colonies to resolve the problem which ended up with Kaede the only one dead
after crash landing the plane in Denver.
Commander Jameson- Commander Jameson was in the first book Legend and was guilty for giving the order for Thomas to kill Junes
brother Metias. Commander Jameson is sent to jail at the end of prodigy for her first crime which wasnt known until prodigy and for
helping Razor kill Anden.
Thomas- Thomas is also from the Legend and is also thrown in jail for treason and murder since he had killed Metias in the end of
prodigy. Thomas was a good friend of Metias and June before but know that June knows what he had done she would never forgive him.

Central Conflict
June is stuck trying to convince Day how Anden is nothing like his father. The previous
elector Andens father lied to the people of the Republic and only showed the people
what he wanted. Anden is nothing like that which angers the senators because of how
kind and thoughtful Anden is. The Republic never wanted people to know what was
happening on the outside which wasnt right and Anden knows it. June has to
convince Day but the plan is to kill him and they have already started the mission.

Main Event In Plot #1

June goes back to the Republic trying to convince the elector and the
government to forgive her. June is but through tests and tells the
government that she regrets what she has done, she also tells the
elector that something was going to happen to him so that convinced
him move to the place were the assassination was going to occur.


why she
has to talk
to him so


Main Event In Plot #2

June has a thoughtful conversation with the Elector and she knows that the
Anden is nothing like they thought he was. The elector actually had the same
plans as June and Day, the Elector wanted the people to be more involved on
what was actually going on. Day gets jealous about how close the Elector and
June are getting and starts to think she will actually go back to what was her
beloved country.

Everyone is differentThe theme matches the story because of all the characters having their a
label over them that might not be true. For example the character Razor
or Commander Desoto, the character had pretty much two sides of him.

Marie Lu Biography
Hyper Link

Author Biography
Marie Lu was born on July 11th, 1984, she moved to the
U.S. when she was just five years old. Her family and
heritage have an impact on how she writes.
Full Biography

Own Review
Prodigy is a fantastic book for those type of people how enjoy some action and sci-fi. Prodigy is
still a great book also that anybody could read because of how great it was written and having
three books in the series. Prodigy is well rounded and has all the elements for it to be a must see
on everybodys book shelf. The author really did write the book so you could feel like you were
actually in the book. Marie Lu is also New York Times bestselling author. The book has very high
ratings from multiple sources and is very recommended by many such as New York Times so why

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