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Annotated Bibliography
Ball, S. A., Cobb-Richardson, P., Connolly, A. J., Bujosa, C. T., & O'Neall, T. W. (2005).
Substance abuse and personality disorders in homeless drop-in center clients: symptom
severity and psychotherapy retention in a randomized clinical trial. Comprehensive
psychiatry, 46(5), 371-379.
This articles discusses substance abuse and personality disorders in homeless individuals
and the connection between the two. Looking into the different counseling focuses,
effectiveness, and if the clients continue receiving lifetime help. This helps discover the
best ways to help these individuals live the most satisfying life. My organization works
with this population and also has drop-in centers. The location where the research was
done, I will be able to take this information and evaluate whether the organization is fully
helping individuals with substance abuse and behavioral health issues.
Helm, V. M. (1993). Legal Rights to Education of Homeless Children and Youth. Education and
Urban Society, 25(4), 323-39.
This explores the issues and other factors with educating homeless youth; the legal
ramifications around educating homeless youth and where boundaries need to be drawn.
This will help me to see if the agency is following the legal requirements and rules with
homeless youth. My organization almost exclusively works with homeless youth, so this
will relate perfectly and help me when evaluating how well they adhere to legal
guidelines. Also it talks about the steps beyond education and making sure that there are
other resources to help the youth besides education.
Kaufmann, C. L., Ward-Colasante, C., & Farmer, J. (1993). Development and evaluation of

drop-in centers operated by mental health consumers. Psychiatric Services, 44(7), 675678.
This article looks at the development of drop-in centers. It looks at over 400 individuals
and their satisfaction from drop-in centers and their effectiveness. This is directly
connected to my organization. My organization helps the majority of their clients by
using drop-in centers. This will show how other centers were run and the way they
delivered their services. When evaluating my organization I will be able to see the
different ways they are run and if it is the most effective way.
KoniakGriffin, D., Lesser, J., Uman, G., & Nyamathi, A. (2003). Teen pregnancy, motherhood,
and unprotected sexual activity. Research in Nursing & Health, 26(1), 4-19.
This article explores teen pregnancy and the different attitudes toward condom use and
other protection methods. It looks at the statistics of this age group and the other factors
that surround teen pregnancy. This connects well with my agency as they interact with
many teens who may already have children. They also work with teens in need of
resources to prevent teen pregnancy. This can help to look into reason why individuals
are against condom use and how the agency works to help education about the effects of
teen pregnancy.
Paradise, M., & Cauce, A. M. (2002). Home street home: The interpersonal dimensions of
adolescent homelessness. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 2(1), 223-238.
This article explores how adolescents and youth get to the point of homelessness. Also
looking at how they become distant from their families at a young age. The mental health
issues that can arise from homelessness and being alienated from their families is also
discusses. This connects to my organization because it explores homeless youth the

group served by my organization. Also with a focus on the mental health issues I a can
explore how well the organization is helping these issues as they develop.
Pennbridge, J., Mackenzie, R. G., & Swofford, A. (1991). Risk profile of homeless pregnant
adolescents and youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 12(7), 534-538.
This article looks at the risks that add up to create homeless teens who are also pregnant.
Creating a profile helps to see the different risk that are common among pregnant
homeless youth. This will be very effective to determine if the agency is actively fighting
against teen pregnancy. Also to make sure that proper referrals are being made in order to
help reduce predisposed risk for pregnant youth.
Podschun, G. D. (1993). Teen Peer Outreach-Street Work Project: HIV prevention education for
runaway and homeless youth. Public health reports, 108(2), 150.
This article discusses the connection between teen homelessness and the high risk for
HIV. This is because of the risky actives that the youth are commonly involved in. This
explores the different ways that this population can be educated in order to lower the
level of people at risk. Also, discussing the ways to get around the low literacy levels of
most homeless youth. I can use this to help evaluate if the organization is working to
lower risk levels of HIV among Hampton Roads homeless youth. Also look at the way
other organizations are working to lower risk levels and possibly suggesting them for this
Robertson, M. J., & Toro, P. A. (1999, August). Homeless youth: Research, intervention, and
policy. In Practical lessons: The 1998 national symposium on homelessness research.
Washington, DC: US Department of Housing and Urban Development and US
Department of Health and Human Services.

This gives an overview of homelessness among youth. This uses research to help explore
the different ways to intervene. This will help to better understand the different issues
around homelessness and an overview of the group. This will help with the overall
understanding, and exploring the different issues surrounding homelessness. For the
evaluation I will need to be fully educated around homeless youth. The topic of homeless
youth is complicated and this will help to open it up and allow me to dive deeper into the
Schwartz, M., Sorensen, H. K., Ammerman, S., & Bard, E. (2008). Exploring the relationship
between homelessness and delinquency: A snapshot of a group of homeless youth in San
Jose, California. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 25(4), 255-269.
This is an article exploring the connection to homelessness and delinquency within the
youth population. The data is collected by interviewing 42 individuals connected to a
drop in center; This connects to my organization because they work with homeless
youth and all of the issues they deal with, including delinquency. My organization does a
majority of their work through drop-in centers, so this connects well with the service
method used.
Zerger, S., Strehlow, A. J., & Gundlapalli, A. V. (2008). Homeless young adults and behavioral
health an overview. American behavioral scientist, 51(6), 824-841.
An article looking at the common behavior health issues connected to the vulnerable
youth facing homelessness. This looks at the prevalence of these issues. Also discussed
are effective treatments that can be used to best help this population. This will be helpful
in examining the different treatments available by my organization if they are effective in
helping the homeless youth.

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