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4/24/16 7:26 PM_/Users/ben/Documents.../myHybridNRFP_bmorris9.m function [xr, fxr,ea,numIter]= myybridNRFP_bmorris9(myfunc, x0, es,maxIter) BBB BBB BOOP AE POREEEEREEISOBBOOBOOSOOB OSE ETEEEEAREOSPOBSOOBOOO OO OREOEEEEADS sFunction file: myHybridNRFP_username.m % Purpose: % To obtain the root of a function using a hybrid (False Position + Newton % Raphson) method % sRecord of revisions (Date | Programmer | Change): % 2/11/2016 | Ben Morris | Original program % sain Variables: SsINPUTS: 5% myfunc _~ function handle for [fx,dfx]=myfunc(x) % x0-(1x2) initial bracket [xL,xU] % es-(1x1) specified error tolerance in % (i-e, es=5 implies error tolerance of 5%) % % maxIter ~ (1x1) maximum number of iterations that can be performed % SxQUTPUTS. % xr- (1x1) estimate of the root % fxr- (1x1) value of function at xr % ea~ (1x1) approx. percentage relative error at xr % nunIter- (1x1) number of iterations required to obtain xr % BAP EA POO PRP POPPER EOD POPEEPDOOEEPPOPPOREOOCOPEDP EOP ERR EOPPOREOBOOTEREOOEED “basic checks on inputs assert (Length(x@)==2, 'x0 should be a vector of 2 elements'); assert ((es>0)6&(es<100), ‘es should be between (0,100)')5 assert (maxIter>1, 'maxItér should be >1'); Sinitialize the outputs fxLemyfunc(xt) ; fxU=myfunc(xU) ; assert (fxL.#fxUe®, "function should change sign within [xt,xU]")s xrPrev: [xr,dfxr] = myfunc(xu); while (ea>=es)&&(numIter xr-fxr./dfxr)) xrexr—fxr./dPK6} (fxr, dfxed=myfune(xe) easabs((xr-xrPrev)./xr) #100; numIter=numIter+1; else XP=xU-fxU.*(XU-xL) . / (FxU-fXL) ; wyfune (xr); Ai (ParetxL0) xL = xry fx = fxrs end ea = abs((xr-xrPrev) ./xr) #100; nuntter = numIter+1;

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