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United Greek Council Bylaws

United Greek Council will be noted as UGC in the bylaws.


A. After the interested organization has contacted the
UGC, an informational packet and application will be given to the
B. The completed application will be given back to the
UGC and will be reviewed and processed. If approved, a
representative from the interested organization must have an
interview with the Executive Committee concerning their
organizations purpose, history, what they can contribute, and
reasons why they are interested in joining the UGC.
C. A presentation given by the interested organization
will be made to the entire group at the next general UGC meeting.
Presentations can only be given on the last two UGC meetings of
the quarter.
D. Two-thirds majority vote of UGC members must
accept the interested organization.
E. The interested organization would operate as a UGC
organization, except for voting privileges for a period of one quarter.
After the probationary period, UGC Council will review the
interested organizations status. If the interested organization were
in good standing (i.e. participation, professionalism, etc.), they
would be granted active membership. The vote must be _______.


A. General Meetings
1. One Representative from the UGC
organizations, UGC Officers. The Representative can be
any member of the individual organizations.
2. Meetings shall be held every other
week. If deemed necessary, meetings will be held at other
times. Meetings should last no more than one and a half
3. Two-thirds of members
(Representatives & Officers, not including President) will be
considered Quorum. If quorum is not met, the meeting will
be postponed.

Last updated 10/13/15

Beverly Dosono

B. Executive Board Meetings/Events/other UGC

1. Only Officers are to attend Executive
Board Meetings.
2. Meetings shall be held prior to the
General Meetings or as deemed necessary.
3. Meetings should last no more than one
hour. Two-thirds vote can make extension on time.
C. Consequences Related To Meetings
1. Voting privileges will be lost if:
a) Late arrival by UGC
Representative and/or UGC Officer three times
(each quarter)
b) Missed meetings by UGC
Representative and/or UGC Officer six times (Fall to
Spring) The Secretary shall record all occurrences.
c) Fines will be implemented
on circumstance bases for unexcused absence at
meeting or activities.

A. All committees will be determined by the membership
of the United Greek Council by majority vote and will be organized
on a need help bases.


A. A vote will be put into order by the President and will
be recorded by the secretary.
B. The majority of the votes will consist of 51% of the
members present in the meeting.
C. Each active organization that is a part of the UGC will
be allowed one vote per Representative. In case of a tie, UGC
Officers (not President) may vote. If a tie remains, President may
D. Only those organizations that have paid their dues will
be allowed to vote.
E. Secret ballot may be requested at any time.


A. The election process will be held during the last
quarter of the year.
B. Each candidate will deliver speeches and the voting
will take place.
Last updated 10/13/15
Beverly Dosono

C. After elections, there will be a transitional period

(May-June) where past officers and future officers can corroborate
in efforts relating to their respective position. After the transitional
period, the term of office shall be fixed and will officially begin in
June for a one-year term.

Last updated 10/13/15

Beverly Dosono

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