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NAME: _____________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________

CLASS PERIOD: ____________________________

SEMINAR TOPIC: ______________________________

Socratic Seminar Participant Form

Focus Questions and Annotations

Ticket in
The door on

Write 3 level two or three questions about the text(s) to be discussed today. You may wish to make

connections with earlier readings, suggest a possible interpretation, or clarify your understanding of day!

Theme, character, or devices. Staple your annotated text(s) to this sheet.

1. How did the Industrial Revolution change the lives of Americans? What
opportunities were now available?
2. Were the new advancements in transportation and efficiency in
production important during this time period? What impact did it make on

3. In The Jungle why did Jurgis take the bribe given to him before taking
his vote? What influenced him? Did he get any positive affect from it?

Possible Responses to Your Questions

Write a brief reply to the questions you recorded above.

1. The Industrial Revolution changed the lives off Americans because more
job opportunities were given also with expanding growth in capitalism.

2. The advancements were things like steamboats, canals, roads etc. that
overall made things easier in transportation for people and goods. The
impact of these things was good because it just made things easier to do.

3. Jurgis took the bribe knowing that he would get payed because he
knows that his family needs the money. He wanted to get the money

NAME: _____________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________

CLASS PERIOD: ____________________________

SEMINAR TOPIC: ______________________________

without realizing that the problems in the city would just keep on getting
worse if there was no change in the political system.

Quick Write
Before the seminar, the moderator will pose a question. Write your response in the space below.

Today school is forced upon you. How was school a privilege at the turn of the century?
School was privilege because only people who had the money and time could go to school which made it
hard for everyone to get education. Today school is forced because of how important education is no
matter how much money you had which was shown when Horace Mann thought the only solution for the
inequality between the rich and poor was education. He thought that being wealthy and being able to
survive was important but because not everyone had the money education was something all people
should deserve so there isnt people who are educated and some that are.
How did limited education separate the classes? Evidence?
Limited education separated social classes because not everyone knew what exactly they were getting
themselves in. Like in the Jungle Jurgis really didnt know what he got himself in when he was going to vote.

Socratic Seminar Observation Form

Name of student you are observing: _3_________________________

Makes eye contact

Refers to text and/or notes

Asks a question

Answers a question


Engages in side conversation

NAME: _____________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________

CLASS PERIOD: ____________________________

SEMINAR TOPIC: ______________________________

1. Describe his or her tone and body language.

His body language was that he was paying attention and his tone made him
sound more interested in the topic. His body language also showed that he
made eye contact with others who were answering or stating the question.

2. What did he or she do well?

He payed close attention to topics and was making eye contact with other
who are saying something in the seminar. His question received answers
from most of the people in the seminar so his question/topic was something
that people could relate or express their own opinion.

3. What advice can you give for the next seminar?

For the next seminar, I would advise him to be more involved in answering

Last Word:
What do you wish you had been able to say or ask during todays seminar?

Socratic Seminar Preparation Guide

NAME: _____________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________

CLASS PERIOD: ____________________________

SEMINAR TOPIC: ______________________________

Key Passages
and Page

Horace Mann
Lowell Mill Girls
The Jungle

and insights

settings, and
plot points
that you
would like to

themes, and
that you
would like to
to other texts
or allusions
that provide

Lowell Mill Girls
Living Conditions
American Dream
Immigrant Experience

Document used in unit

For example
Lowell Mill documents
The Jungle
Horace Mann

NAME: _____________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________

CLASS PERIOD: ____________________________

SEMINAR TOPIC: ______________________________

Ticket in

NAME: _____________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________

CLASS PERIOD: ____________________________

SEMINAR TOPIC: ______________________________

Final Thoughts

The door after the seminar, write a page in which you clarify your interpretation of the text(s). You may wish to on day

answer one of the questions posed in discussion or synthesize ideas into a coherent paragraph with a clear after


and textual evidence. Attach paper as needed. Seminar!

My final thoughts of the seminar are that working conditions, education and overall all the problems that
were presented back then were really bad and how some of those problems are still in the U.S. today. An
example is like how the political system was very corrupt in the Jungle that made the rich have more
power and influence in the community. The political system was very unfair in Chicago because the
wealthy and educated people could get out of most situations with their money and their success in
business. Also the living conditions are something that was brought up in the seminar that wasnt very
keen and is still a problem in some jobs and schools systems. For example jobs had very bad working
conditions in Lowell and the jobs in Packingtown that people would be treated poorly and possibly die.
Overall the Seminar should me what I was doing good in and what I needed to improve on which will
help me do better in the next seminar discussion.

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