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How to be an EMT

Lesson Title/Topic: How to be an EMT

Target Concept: Learning about the career of an EMT
Standards/Rationale: 115.7

(5) Health behaviors. The student comprehends behaviors

that reduce health risks throughout the life span. The student is expected to:
(E) demonstrate strategies for preventing and responding to deliberate and
accidental injuries;
(G) describe response procedures for emergency situations
Lesson Objectives: The student will identify the correct responses to different scenarios a professional
EMT may encounter with 75% accuracy.
Assessment: The student will draw a card with a scenario on it. Their partner will read them the
scenario, and they will respond by performing the correct first aid procedure on their partner. This will be
repeated 3 times for each partner for a total of 6 times.
Materials: Scenario cards, triangle bandages gauze, wrap, tongue depressors, medical tape, first aid
instruction cards, computer to play video.
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)
The teacher will

The student will

Focus/mental set: have students watch YouTube

Watch the YouTube video

video So you want to be an Emergency Medical

So you want to be an

Technician and Paramedic

Emergency Medical
Technician and Paramedic.
Ask students to turn to their shoulder partner and tell them
something they know about EMTs.

They will then turn to their

shoulder partner and tell
them something they know

about EMTs.

Teacher input: Inform the students they will need to listen

Listen carefully to facts presented

carefully to some facts so they can play a game. Show

about EMTs. Will respond to the 5

flash cards that display the average income for EMTs in the

facts after each one is read with

Fort Worth area ($29,375 per year) the educational

either thumbs up if they think the

requirements from local college TCC (2 semesters of

fact is correct or a higher number

coursework for $1169, including books, courses,

or thumbs down for not correct or

background and drug testing and licensing fees), and a list

a lower number. They will discuss

of what the job entails (responds to calls, assess the

their answers as a group. They will

situation and determines correct responses, provides

attempt to get 4 out of 5 facts

medical care to patients, provides emergency care in an

correct to win the prize.

ambulance on the way to the hospital, including CPR,

administering intravenous (IV) fluids and other medications
needed to keep the patient alive). Speak clearly but quickly.
Tell the students they will pretend they are on The Price is
Right. They will be shown 5 facts: The average income of
an EMT is $18,000, to become an EMT, you need to go to
college for 4 years, and EMT will respond to a call, assess
the situation and treat the patient, an EMT only treats you
before taking you to the hospital, never in the ambulance on
the way to the hospital, and an EMT will fix your birds
broken foot. After reading the facts, they will give thumbs
if they think the fact is correct or a higher number and
thumbs down for not correct or a lower number. They

must get 4 out of the 5 correct to win the prize. Present the
cards with the facts on them one at a time. Get the
responses from the group and discuss. After completing the
5 facts, present them with their prize.
Guided Practice: Have the students pair up. Explain they

Pair up with a partner. Listen as

will learn some first aid responses that may be similar to

teacher instructs how to make an

something an EMT may come across in their day. Show

arm splint with a triangle bandage.

students step by step how to make an arm splint with a

Practice each step as it is explained

triangle bandage. Have them try out each step on their

by the teacher. Switch roles with

partner as you explain each step (see attached for

their partner. They will now listen

instructions and diagrams). Switch partner roles and do it

and help guide their partner as they

again. Show students step by step how to make a finger

put their arm in a splint with a

splint. Have them try out each step on their partner as you

triangle bandage. Listen as teacher

explain each step (see attached for instructions and

instructs how to make a finger

diagrams). Switch partner roles and do it again. Show

splint with tongue depressors and

students step by step how you apply pressure and bandage

medical tape. Practice each step as

up a wound. Have the students practice on their partner as

it is explained by the teacher.

you explain each step (see attached for instructions and

Switch roles with their partner.

diagrams). Switch partner roles and do it again.

They will now listen and help

guide their partner as they put their
finger in a splint. Listen as teacher
instructs how to treat a wound with
gauze and bandages. Practice each
step as it is explained by the
teacher. Switch roles with their
partner. They will now listen and

help guide their partner as they

Independent Practice: Have the students switch up with

practice treating a wound on them.

Will switch to a new

another partner. Give each partner 3 scenario cards (see

partner. After each partner

attached scenario cards). Instruct them to not let their

receives three scenario cards each,

partner see the card until they read it to them. Have one

one partner will read a scenario to

partner read the scenario to the other partner. The partner

the other partner. The partner

listening will then respond to the scenario by demonstrating

listening will then respond to the

which first aid response would be the appropriate one.

scenario by demonstrating which

They will switch roles. And repeat until all six cards are

first aid response would be

read and the response is performed.

appropriate. The partners will

discuss the response, stating why
they think or do not think the
response was correct. They will
then switch roles and repeat the
process until all six cards are read
and the responses are performed
and discussed.
Watch video and discuss with

Technology Integration: Watch YouTube video

shoulder partner.

So you want to be an Emergency Medical

Technician and Paramedic

Plan for Extension: Students can research online how to

Research online how to do

do a leg splint. They will then create a poster explaining

a leg splint. Create a

how to do a leg splint step by step using objects that may be

poster to display in the

found around the classroom and not from a first aid kit.

classroom on how to do a
leg splint using items found
in a classroom. Can
demonstrate to the class
and show their poster when

Plan for Corrective Re-Teach: Work with the students

it is completed.
Discuss and work out each

who are struggling in a small group. Since the lesson is

step of the directions to see

mainly step by step directions, the teacher will need to

at what point they do not

observe closely individual students to see where they are

understand the process.

not connecting and work with them to make that

After that is identified,

connection. The goal is to have the student communicate

practice the step often and

which steps of the directions confuse them and work to

use a different approach to

clear up the confusion.

Closure: Tell students many consider EMTs community

reach the same final result.

Answer why many consider EMTs

helpers and heroes that work very hard. Ask them why they

community helpers and even

think many feel that way and if they agree.

heroes. Explain if they agree with

that common opinion.

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