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Candidates Name: ______Mary Jo Kerekes________________________________________________
Reviewers Name: _____Dr. Dana Brigson_________________________________________________
Date of initial review: ___9.19.15_______updated 4.20.16_____________________________________
Date of portfolio review: __________________________________________________
Reviewers Signature: _______
Subject Matter Standards for
Teachers of Business
A. A teacher of business has an
integrated understanding of the
functional areas of business
from the perspective of the
consumer, the employee, the
business manager, and the
BUED 435:
Info.System /Personnel

Met Through Previous Coursework/Work Experience
CS150, ECON300, ECON315, MGT202, MGT300,
MGT301, MGT303, MGT306, MGT307, MGT308,
MGT310, MGT322, MGT337, MGT340, MGT341,
MGT342, MGT343, MGT346, MGT440, MGT443,
MGT449, MGT459, MGT460, MGT461, MGT498
Work experience as a small business owner required a
full understanding of all of the functional areas of a
business (including human resources, sales and
marketing, production, accounting, data management and
customer service) from the perspective of consumers (by
taking on the roles of sales and customer service),


Requirement Met

MKT 300: Principles

of Marketing
BUED 215: Personal

employees (by taking on the roles of each employee and

handling conflict resolution), managers (by keeping track
of business performance at all levels and hiring, training,
managing and firing employees), and entrepreneurs (by
creating a business from an idea, managing the business
and working/networking with other entrepreneurs)

ACCT 211:Financial
ACCT 212:
Managerial Accounting
BUED 320: Business
BUED 330: Advanced
Business Technology
BUED 340: Integrated
Info. Systems
BUED 401: General
Business Teaching
BUSA 291: Legal
Environment of
B. A teacher of business has a

CS150, ECON201, ECON300, ECON315, MGT202,


fundamental and integrated

understanding of the factors that
affect business from the
perspective of the consumer, the
employee, the business
manager, and the entrepreneur.
ECON 201:
ECON 202:
BUED 435: Info.
BUED 401: General
Business Teaching
MKTG 300: Principles
of Marketing
BUSA 291: Legal
Environment of
BUED 340: Integrated
Info. Systems

MGT300, MGT301, MGT303, MGT306, MGT307,

MGT308, MGT310, MGT322, MGT326, MGT328,
MGT329, MGT337, MGT340, MGT341, MGT342,
MGT343, MGT346, MGT440, MGT443, MGT449,
MGT459, MGT460, MGT461, MGT498
Work experience as a small business owner required
wearing many hats, including management, sales,
purchasing, customer service, bookkeeping, budgeting,
and business analysis. Each of these tasks has required
working with all people that affect the organization
(including government agencies, customers, employees,
mentors, managers, other entrepreneurs) and gaining
their perspective.


C. A teacher of business
demonstrates the following
essential workplace skills and
understands how to create
learning experiences that make
this content meaningful to
BUED 333: Business
BUED 401: General
Business Teaching
ACCT 211: Financial
ACCT 212:
Managerial Accounting
ECON 201:
BUED 403: Technology
and Business Teaching
BUED 435: Info.

CS150, MGT202, MGT306, MGT398, EDUC529,

EFRT559, EFRT608, REDG600, REDG604, REDG605,
REDG650, REDG651
Specific workplace skills are listed below (1-5).
Through work experience as a full-time teacher of
business classes, these skills are communicated to
students through building on prior knowledge, stories
that students can relate to, and an emphasis on the fact
that what they are learning are life-long skills that will be
used throughout their lives.


(1) Communication and
interpersonal skills.

(2) Data interpretation and

management skills.

(3) Computational skills.

CS150, MGT306, MGT307, MGT398, MGT461, MTLE

Basic Skills Reading Score: 268, MTLE Basic Skills
Writing Score: 264
Work experience includes sales which requires excellent
communication and interpersonal skills with customers
and potential customers. Management experience
requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills
with employees. Work experience also includes teaching
with requires excellent communication and interpersonal
skills with students, parents, administrators and
CS150, ECON201, ECON300, MGT202, MGT290,
MGT300, MGT301, MGT303, MGT306, MGT307,
MGT308, MGT310, MGT322, MGT326, MGT328,
MGT329, MGT337, MGT340, MGT341, MGT346,
MGT398, MGT440, MGT449, MGT459, MGT498
Work experience includes high-level management that
requires analysis/data interpretation of all data including
financial reports, sales reports, and marketing reports.
Work experience includes management of sales staff,
office staff, and general business management.
Work experience includes data interpretation of student
grades and student surveys.
MATH121, MATH180, MGT290, MGT327, MGT346,
MTLE Basic Skills Mathematics Score: 280
Many and varied work experiences including
computations with and analysis of financial data, sales
data, marketing data, student grades, and student survey




(4) Collaboration and group

process skills.

(5) Career development and

transition skills.

D. A teacher of business
understands occupational
clusters within business,
marketing, and information
BUED 435: Info.
BUED 401: General
Business Teaching

MGT306, MGT307, MGT461, MGT498, EDUC529,

REDG600, REDG605
Collaboration and group process skills used in running a
business with team meetings/planning. Skills also used
in teaching with PLCs and grade level meetings.
CS150, MGT306, MGT307, MGT308, MGT337,
MGT398, MGT498
Personal transition skills used to enter a new career field
from accounting to government contract pricing, contract
pricing to business, and business to teaching. Work
experience includes teaching students how to use and to explore career
opportunities and apply the information used in class to a
workplace environment.


CS150, ECON300, ECON315, MGT202, MGT300,

MGT301, MGT303, MGT306, MGT307, MGT308,
MGT322, MGT326, MGT328, MGT329, MGT337,
MGT340, MGT341, MGT342, MGT343, MGT346,
MGT440, MGT443, MGT449, MGT459, MGT460,
MGT461, MGT498
Working in a small business requires understanding of
some occupational clusters within business, marketing
and information management. Work experience as a
pricing analyst in a large space and defense contracting
firm required the input from many occupational clusters
within the organization in order to perform my function
within the organization giving a wider view of
occupational clusters.

(SENT ON 4.8.16)

MKTG 300: Principles

of Marketing
E. A teacher of business must
be able to integrate
understanding business with the
understanding of pedagogy,
students, learning environments,
and professional development.
EFRT 401: Human
Development &
Learning :Secondary
EFRT 449: Middle
School Philosophy
BUED 401: General
Business Teaching
BUED 403: Technology
& Business Teaching
EFRT 459: The
Professional Educator
EDST 460: Student

EDUC529, EFRT559, EFRT608, REDG600, REDG604,

REDG605, REDG650, REDG651
Recent work experience as a teacher of technology
related business classes has allowed me to gain a better
understanding of pedagogy, students, and the learning
environment by working with students, networking with
other teachers and administration, and professional
development through learning communities, reading,
attending classes, online research and webinars. This has
been added to my formal and informal education and
practical work experience that gives me a solid
understanding of business and management.


F. A teacher of business must

understand the content and
methods for teaching reading
EDUC 429: Secondary
Reading and Teaching



Undergraduate Degree in Business at the University of New Mexico
CS150L. Computing for Business Students. Students will use personal computers in campus laboratories to learn use of a word
processor, a spreadsheet and a database management program. The course will also cover access to the World Wide Web and other
topics of current importance to business students.
ECON300. Intermediate Microeconomics I. Intermediate analysis of microeconomic theory and concepts. Topics include consumer
behavior and demand, production and costs, price and output under both perfect competition and pure monopoly.
ECON315. Money and Banking. Principles of money, credit and banking; organization and operation of the banking system; and the
relationship between money, banking and the level of economic activity.
MATH121. College Algebra. The study of equations, functions and graphs, especially linear and quadratic functions. Introduction to
polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. Applications involving simple geometric objects. Emphasizes algebraic
problem solving skills.
MATH180. Elements of Calculus I. Limits of functions and continuity, intuitive concepts and basic properties; derivative as rate of
change, basic differentiation techniques; application of differential calculus to graphing and minima-maxima problems; exponential
and logarithmic functions with applications

MGT202. Principles of Financial Accounting. An examination of the conceptual framework of accounting and the functions of
accounting in a business-oriented society. Topics include valuation theory and its applications to assets and liabilities, concepts of
business income, funds-flow analysis, problems of financial reporting.
MGT290. Introduction to Business Statistics. An overview of the use of statistics in business, descriptive statistics and numerical
characteristics of data, introduction to probability, statistical inference including t-tests and regression, confidence intervals;
application to business problems will be emphasized
MGT300. Operations Management. Introduction to the design, planning and control of the manufacturing and service systems
required to transform an organizations inputs into useful goods and services. Managerial challenges in productivity, quality and justin-time systems are considered.
MGT301. Computer-Based Information Systems. Course presents foundation concepts in Management Information Systems (MIS).
Students apply and integrate MIS concepts with those from other management disciplines to analyze, evaluate and present
management cases. A variety of software is used.
MGT303. Managerial Accounting. Primary emphasis on the role of accounting in the processes of management decision-making for
planning and control. Topics include: relevant cost analysis, standard costing and analysis of variances; budgeting and responsibility
accounting, planned capital expenditures.
MGT306. Organizational Behavior and Diversity. Emphasis on application of behavioral science theory and concepts. Focus on
individual, interpersonal and group processes in a diverse work force.
MGT307. Organization Change and Innovation.[Organizational Innovation.] Intensive examination of behavioral science research
and theory as a basis for understanding, managing and changing organizations. Emphasis is on a comparative organizational approach,
public or private, as a socio-technical system.
MGT308. Ethical, Political and Social Environment.[Ethical, Political and Social Environment of Business.] The influence of
environmental change on the structure and operation of the organization. Social, political, economic, ethical and technological systems
are examined as they relate to each other and to the management of small- and large-scale organizations.

MGT310. Legal Issues for Managers.[Legal Environment of Management.] A conceptual approach to transactions between people
and organizations. Development of an understanding of the elements of agreements, the types of agreements which are legally
enforceable and the legal remedies available to the parties thereto.
MGT322. Marketing Management. A complete overview of the system for assessing customer needs, allocating scarce resources to
fulfill those needs, transmittal of market related information, completion of exchange processes and profit maximization in free
markets. Emphasis on interdisciplinary tools for management decision-making and developing marketing strategies in domestic and
international market applications.
MGT326. Financial Management. Principles and practices of funds management in private and public organizations. Sources and
uses of short- and long-term funds, determination of capital requirements, obtaining capital, financial forecasting, lease or buy
decisions, application of capital and cash budgeting techniques, choices involving risk.
MGT328. International Management. Provides an understanding of international operations and of international institutions in the
private, not-for-profit and public sectors and of their managerial and environmental problems. Analyzes the structure, functions and
decision-making of international organizations.
MGT329. Data Management. The management of data resources to support information systems in organizations. Logical database
structures, applications and physical implementation of information systems using database management systems
MGT337. Survey of Computer Systems and Software. An overview of hardware/software configurations as integrated systems.
Acquisition, evaluation, selection and management of the computer resources. Emerging information system technologies, including
office automation, data communications and networks.
MGT340. Financial Accounting I. Financial reporting theory, applied financial accounting problems, contemporary financial
accounting issues. The accounting cycle, asset valuation; income determination; issues resulting from the corporate form of
organization; current assets.
MGT341. Financial Accounting II. Problems relating to liabilities and non-current assets; the analysis and interpretation of financial
statements including the impact of income taxes and changing price levels.

MGT342. Income Tax Accounting I. Technical tax course primarily for accounting majors. Covers the Federal Income taxation of
individuals, including capital gains and losses, accounting methods, income, deductions, Social Security, installment sales and
alternative tax methods.
MGT343. Income Tax Accounting II. Covers corporation, partnerships, estate and gift taxes, fiduciaries, tax planning and tax shelters.
MGT346. Cost Accounting.[Managerial and Cost Accounting.] Procedures involved in the development, presentation and
interpretation of accounting information as an aid to management. Usefulness and limitations of accounting data in evaluating and
controlling operations, collecting cost information; cost estimation and allocation; standard costs; budgeting; cost-value relationships.
MGT398. Career Management Skills. Develop career management skills to prepare for entrance into the professional job market.
Emphasis on cover letters, resumes, interviewing skills, networking, organizing job search and salary negotiations.
MGT440. Financial Accounting III. Continuation of 340 and 341. Problems and theory related to advanced accounting topics
including: partnership operation and liquidation, consolidated financial statements, bankruptcy and corporate reorganization,
government entities, not-for-profit entities, and estates and trusts.
MGT443. Auditing. Auditing principles and procedures; preliminary considerations, planning the audit program, classes of audits,
audit reports, professional ethics and legal responsibility; case problems.
MGT449. Accounting Information Systems. An examination of the relationship between computer-based management information
systems and accounting. Applications of MIS techniques in the design and operation of accounting systems.
MGT459. Information Analysis. Information system analysis and system design in organizations. Topics include application
development strategies, information system life cycle, requirements determination, analysis and specification.
MGT460. Information System Design. The design and development of information systems and software. Topics include software
design, systems design and systems implementation. Emphasis is on tools and techniques.
MGT461. System Development Project. Integrative case or field study in the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of an
information system. Individual or team application development.

MGT498. Strategic Management. Emphasizes the functions of top management. Case studies offer the student an opportunity to
develop a habit of administrative thinking as company-wide objectives and policies are formulated and consistent plans and programs
are carried into action.
Graduate Course Work at Winona State University
EDUC529 Secondary Reading and Teaching Strategies - Emphasis is on reading comprehension, strategies, study skills in content
areas, lesson planning, lesson presentation skills, media techniques appropriate to the instructional process.
EFRT559 The Professional Educator - Designed to familiarize teacher education majors with school organizational patterns, legal
responsibilities, philosophies of education, professional organizations, and related topics prior to student teaching.
EFRT608 The Diverse Learner - The course develops teacher candidate understanding about how students differ in their approaches to
learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. The course
includes human relations content related to the psychological, educational and life-long needs of learners with exceptionalities, diverse
backgrounds, and/or economically under advantaged. Field experience hours may be required in addition to on-campus class sessions.
REDG600 Improvement of Instruction and Curriculum Planning - An examination of current models of instructional strategies and
curriculum development. Literature and training materials are reviewed and analyzed.
REDG604 Clinical Experience: Adolescent Development, Learning & Assessment - A field experience based course affixed to the
REDG605 Adolescent Development, Learning, & Assessment gatekeeper course for the Teacher Preparation Collaborative program.
Through this clinical experience, teacher candidates will understand the experience what it means to be a Professional Educator.
Three topics will be explored throughout the duration of the course. Topic 1 focuses on the physical, social and emotional
development of adolescents and young adults. Topic 2 explores learning theories. Topic 3 examines the collection and use of data
through research based assessment practices.
REDG605 Adolescent Development, Learning, & Assessment - This course introduces students to (1) the psychological and social
dimensions of learning in middle school and secondary classrooms (2) principles of adolescent development and their influence on

students participation in school (3) assessment, measurement and evaluation techniques. Field experience in a middle school or high
school classroom are required in addition to on campus class sessions.
REDG650 Teacher Induction and Curriculum Orientation - Students involved as Residents in the Graduate Induction Program or
Interns in the Teacher Licensure Collaborative will progress through a designed series of in-service activities to prepare them to
perform confidently and competently as classroom teachers or interns. Includes curriculum training in specified areas.
REDG651 Induction Practicum - Acting as a licensed resident in the Graduate Induction Program or an Intern in the Teacher
Licensure Collaborative, the student will demonstrate professional levels of competency in methods, knowledge of content, planning,
and classroom management as determined by the latest research and the curriculum goals of the participating school system.

At the secondary level, Career and Technical Education (CTE) is available throughout Minnesota and provides high
school students with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare students for postsecondary education, employment in
a related field, or both. According to, Minnesotas secondary CTE programs are organized into
six categories, including:

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Business and Marketing
Family and Consumer Sciences
Service Occupations
Health Occupations
Trade/Technical Occupations

According to Pradeep Kotamraju (2007), CTE students achieve better when there is an increase in academic
course taking within a curriculum integration framework and when they are placed in smaller learning communities that
have well-defined career pathways. CTE courses increase student engagement and achievement and help students
transition to life after high school. With higher engagement, students are less likely to drop out of school. However, a
concentration in CTE in high school, without an increase in academic courses can lead to a reduction in college
enrollment. I have seen this personally in my family and have seen the ill-effects of it, therefore, I encourage students in
both career and educational advancement. A business education allows students the ability to advance in any career field

because business principles and knowledge affect each and every type of business. Thus, business education helps
students become successful in many different ventures.
Perkins funds are available and can be used to assist with funding of CTE courses. The allowable funds are meant
to enhance the program and supplement the general funding of the course offerings.
In my Computer Applications and Careers course, students use the and websites to take interest and skills assessments which lead to a list of career clusters for students
to explore. Students use the information to explore occupations within the career cluster and present the information in
tables using Microsoft Word and present them in a file project using Microsoft PowerPoint. Within the Business,
Management and Administration career cluster, there are over one hundred possible careers for students to explore,
including, but not limited to, careers in accounting, sales, management, and information systems. Within the Marketing,
Sales and Service cluster, there are forty-eight careers listed on the website, including, advertising and
promotions managers, marketing managers, and retail salespeople. Within the Information Technology cluster, the website lists thirty careers including application software developers, business intelligence analysts, and
computer network architects.

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