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Transcript Divas

[Start of recorded material 00:00:00]
Jesse Larabee:

He even came here once and put the notes and said dont come on
up, were not going to let you in, know what I mean? Because he just
got those notes. You know, I just went down there.

Francine Larabee: But this issue is more important.

Jesse Larabee:

I know. The toilet issue was more important.

Francine Larabee: [Unintelligible 00:00:17] and say listen, I got an emergency with a
Jesse Larabee:

No, that was just a big game. We should slide these under her door.
That will [unintelligible 00:00:28] her, you know. [00:00:30] That
would be. Transgendered dead. He cried. Just to say eh, do you want
me dead? Is that why youre ignoring us? Fuck. They dont want
that, eh? It was - were just sliding these and we werent recording
too, eh? [00:01:00]
No, he should have respected what I said in those notes, you know,
because [theres just pain] in those notes and I just said you know
my mother, dont come on the stairs.

Francine Larabee: [Unintelligible 00:01:24]

Jesse Larabee:

And he was listening at the door while I was talking. Youve seen
how fake he is. [00:01:30] He said oh, I have to listen to this three
times already. I felt like saying well, I have to listen to Sheldon last
night. He doesnt care about it so Im not going to tell him. He
probably wants me to say something at the end, eh? Make him feel
big, eh, like he ignored me.

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

He feels all big too, eh. Like a [help child]. See that?. [00:02:00]
Fuck. Dont even really want to use this now, you know what I
mean? It was just a big joke, eh. Like [unintelligible 00:02:11] quick.
Gives you this impression like this is what he tapped. Listen to him,
mom. Maybe this one didnt work and that one did, you know what I
mean? Twisted that, eh. [00:02:30] Thats why he never tried that
one. Yeah, thats what it was. Wow. That one doesnt work. Its
really just that one. Wow. Wow. They can do that downstairs on
purpose, eh.

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Big fucking game. Wow. Because look at right here, no remember

I said oh, I always use that one?


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Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Thats why he said well, Im not going to check that one. [00:03:00]
Should get that on document just that, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah. Because actually, I wonder if they can use that one. Its good
that I just check this though, eh? Hed be surprised if I just asked
him pretend like I dont notice though, eh? I get the feeling that he
wants me to use this. When you listen to this sounds a little scatty in
the background. Thats not good either, eh?

Francine Larabee: [00:03:30] No.

Jesse Larabee:

Thats a its supposed to be a clear side.

Francine Larabee: What about my [folded 00:03:37] comment?

Jesse Larabee:

Exactly. But I didnt want to say that. Its just good to document this.
No, he should have respected. He should have [been actually]. He
basically ignored me and said youre a retard and it came up anyway.
See that you know. Do you know what I mean? Not respectful, eh?
No, because he just because he doesnt say it doesnt mean hes
not thinking it, eh? [00:04:00] Retard, retard.

Francine Larabee: Yup. Is that me and you right there? You know it.
Jesse Larabee:

Fuck. That was all planned, come at 2:30.

Francine Larabee: [Unintelligible 00:04:16] about that. That was [unintelligible

00:04:18] from [Jordan]. My like them looking. Oh, that was
Jesse Larabee:

- I betcha ... I betcha when he came here

Francine Larabee: - Stop talking.

Jesse Larabee:

No, what Im saying is I bet you when he came right here he looked
around to see [00:04:30] if Im recording it, eh? Because he was
right here. How could he not see the camera? Its a red light right

Francine Larabee: He faced this way and he looked at me too. [Unintelligible 00:04:38]
facing that way.
Jesse Larabee:

I know. How come he didnt plug there, you know what I mean?
Because he was standing there and you can see it right there too.
You know what doesnt make sense? Exactly. You know what
doesnt make sense? You know what doesnt make sense? How
come that worked but now it doesnt?

Francine Larabee: I know.


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Jesse Larabee:

Oh, yeah. I better ask him. How am I going to ask him about the bed
bugs? About the bugs. How is that? Well, how do I say it like that?

Francine Larabee: [00:05:00] Well, you know how ... You fumigated today, eh?
Jesse Larabee:

Yeah. Yeah. Are you spraying for bugs today?

Francine Larabee: You are, eh? Did you do that yet?

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah, did you do that yet? Yeah, did you spray yet? Hes going to
say I havent. Fuck, you had a busy day. He doesnt expect that
though, eh? Just follow his lead then, do you know what I mean?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

[00:05:30] He wont expect my rights. Come on in.

David Stewart:

Hey, man.

[No audio 00:05:53 00:08:45]

David Stewart:

Do you know why this wont go to channel?

Jesse Larabee:

I dont know.

David Stewart:

Because it goes to the lock so I dont know if its actually on channel

there or channel two or what. If I hit the channel button [00:09:30] it
doesnt seem to do anything. [00:10:00] Its normally up in the top
corner it would say cable and then it would have whatever channel
its on and [00:10:30] this just has cable.

Jesse Larabee:

Is that it?

David Stewart:

Thats why.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Thats progress, you know. Is that progress?

David Stewart:

[00:11:02] It should be. Lets see if its actually ... Okay. So this
digital box may not be working anymore.

Jesse Larabee:

Why not?

David Stewart:

[00:11:31] Because the box is doing everything its supposed to do.

Do you still have the remote for this?

Jesse Larabee:

I dont I didnt know there was a remote.

David Stewart:

No, because this is a separate entity from the TV.

Jesse Larabee:

No, I dont know where it is.

David Stewart:

And its from Rogers. It ... Theres actually only just recognizes
the channel unless you change between them.


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Jesse Larabee:


David Stewart:

Well, thats not helpful. [00:12:00] Well, I can only see if I have a
spare, but if that isnt working I dont know that its going to help.

Jesse Larabee:

I dont remember me being provided with a remote.

David Stewart:

Everything was installed at the same time. [00:12:30] They came in

a box that was in the unit.

Jesse Larabee:

I know. I was just just said reflecting just thinking out loud.

David Stewart:

Im guessing it hasnt been used that much but it was yay long, grey
on the bottom, just basically had the numbers

Jesse Larabee:

- Have you seen?

Francine Larabee: No.

Jesse Larabee:

No, just [on one remote]. Like I said before, everything was working
well and then I got a different TV.

David Stewart:

[00:13:01] Well, you

Jesse Larabee:

- Because this is my personal TV and then you have that small one
that was provided by the building.

David Stewart:

Yeah. Well, Im just saying that this controls the channel changing

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. I remember that.

David Stewart:

So if you didnt have the remote you wouldnt have been able to
change the channels.

Jesse Larabee:

Well, not yeah. Im just ... If I was provided a remote that sucks.
Wheres the remote? You know, I dont remember you know, I am
quite tired, right?

David Stewart:

So it got swept under something. [00:13:30] Now the only issue is

do I

Jesse Larabee:

- I dont really want to make this a big project, do you know what I

David Stewart:

Yeah. Im just saying the only thing other thing I can do is replace
that box.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Yeah. As long as we can get the cable. Can we do that today?

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Hes angry, eh?


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Francine Larabee: Its his job to do that.

Jesse Larabee:

[00:14:01] I know, but what an attitude though, the way he with

that again, you know what I mean? Like to listen first. You know
what I felt like saying? Can we make a deal? Instead of fixing this
can you fix this, the building instead of this? Its so easy just to do
this, eh?

Francine Larabee: Well, itd take more than him to just do the building.
Jesse Larabee:

I know. Exactly.

Francine Larabee: Hes just the maintenance guy.

Jesse Larabee:

I know. You know what I should say when he leaves? I should say
hey, thanks, Dave, [00:14:30] I just want to let you know that I
know youre scared to speak out against Kim. Hed be shocked, eh?
No, I prefer to say nothing because the real issue isnt him. The real
issue is Kim.

Francine Larabee: She must put food on his table too, eh?
Jesse Larabee:

I know. I know. Hed be shocked if he left and then said hey, man,
sorry for raising my voice, just, you know, Im experiencing a lot of
harassment by the management. [00:15:00] You know how it is, eh?
Its hard. Swept underneath the rug a lot of them too. Imagine that?
Know what I mean? Hed be shocked, eh? Know what I mean?
Because he leaves with that, eh? Being told Im not angry at you,
you know what I mean?

Francine Larabee: Right.

Jesse Larabee:

Im angry at him. Im frustrated. Not angry, frustrated at her, but

should say nothing, eh? They like that because they dont even really
care. [00:15:30] Because he just thinks were all retards and that was
just me spazzing out.

Francine Larabee: Because [unintelligible 00:15:37] with the building where they
[unintelligible 00:15:39].
Jesse Larabee:

I know, mom.

Francine Larabee: I mean really [unintelligible 00:15:42].

Jesse Larabee:

I know.

Francine Larabee: [Unintelligible 00:15:47]

Jesse Larabee:

I know. He liked it that I agreed with him a little too, eh? Like I said
I believe theyre fucked and then I threw that in there, you know
what I mean? Because he remembers doing all that. [00:16:01] Like
because he knows hes kind in the wrong. Thats why he rushed off


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too, eh? No, his first response was, No, I wasnt busy, but yeah, I
was now that you really ask me again. Know what I mean? First
his first like his first response, No, I wasnt busy. And then the
end response, Oh, I was [unintelligible 00:16:25]. I bet she cant
even improve that though, eh? Can he really prove that he was
talking to me? [00:16:30] I dont think he can, you know what I
mean? I dont know. Even Lynette looks a little weird. I speak with
her for 21 22 minutes.
Francine Larabee: Now shes like ...
Jesse Larabee:

Yeah. I speak with her for 20 minutes alone. She validates my pain.
She even says, Im sorry.

Francine Larabee: [00:17:00] She takes all that back now, eh?
Jesse Larabee:

Oh, I bet you she wishes that she had [Rizod] back, you know.
Thats why they said we cant speak with you, you know what I
mean? Because when you know what I mean? Well, she basically
said, I believe you, but Im too scared to help. You know what I
mean? [00:17:31] You know, because I even I was even shocked. I
looked at her like this. I was like wow, thanks for the validation. I
havent got that from anybody in the building. Thats why theyre
upset. Because they think I got that on film, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Oh, because that doesnt make sense. You believe someone but yet
you wont help them because of the money, eh? [00:18:01] The
money. I want to make the money. Like he makes it the way he
comes in he makes it sound like Im the one exaggerating, eh? Like
my rights dont really matter. Because mentioned you had an
appointment today at the dentist. Who likes the dentist anyways, eh?
No, this is just more proof that Ive got to get the fuck out, eh? All
these little twists. [00:18:30] Know what I mean?

Francine Larabee: Youre getting out.

Jesse Larabee:

I know, but still its more proof.

Francine Larabee: Just even that guy there yesterday.

Jesse Larabee:

And then Lesley doesnt even call you back, you know what I mean?
It is all a little weird, eh? Because they got those phones where they
can see what message you [00:19:00] called from, eh, know what I
mean? Even if you dont leave a message it will say like even if
you dont say my phone number your phone number, know what I
mean? [00:19:30] I bet you he said it like that. Ah, maybe just swept
underneath the rug. That was just a trigger to get me upset, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.


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Jesse Larabee:

Because why would he say it? Theres no rug here, know what I
mean? I could see if I had rugs. But that was just to make a little
comment, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Wow. Because hes a he was told be careful when you go in there,


Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

[00:20:01] No, I bet you hell fix it though, eh? You fucking hope,
eh? Look at him. Do you have wheres that remote? And then if I
didnt ask well are you going to do it he would have tried to pull it
off till tomorrow, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

He was hoping that I can that I would say ah, come back tomorrow
if you want, know what I mean? Who knows. Didnt feel safe when
he was in here though really, eh? Could have you would have felt
safer when hes gone, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

[00:20:30] Over that.

Female 2:

Hi, mom.

Francine Larabee: [00:21:01] What are you looking at now? Thats you, eh?
Jesse Larabee:

Ah, fuck. He really comes in here long, eh? Know what I mean? I
dont believe for a minute that he was going and the toilets because
if he wasnt claiming because no, I dont believe he was all that.
His first reaction is are you busy? Were you busy? [00:21:31] Nope.
That was his first reaction.

Francine Larabee: I know.

Jesse Larabee:

His first reaction Are you busy? Nope. Well, are you coming up? I
got your letter in the mail. Did you send it to me? I was busy
upstairs, two tenants. Real quick thing, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah, I know.

Jesse Larabee:

Ah, two tenants dont know how to [plug] their toilets.

Francine Larabee: Two of them.

Jesse Larabee:

I know. Fuck. I just want to tell him okay to ask him hey, did you
spray again,[00:22:00] do you know what I mean? He knows who
you are too, [Marian].


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Francine Larabee: Yeah. Whos the [unintelligible 00:22:11] here, fuck.

Jesse Larabee:

I know. This place is fucked up, eh? [00:22:31]

Jesse Larabee:

[Unintelligible 00:23:03] but not anymore, right?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Just out of the blue. They did that just to get me frustrated then, eh?
What you doing [unintelligible 00:23:19]? If I dont need to write it
down he would have just came here and

Francine Larabee: - [00:23:30] Exactly.

Jesse Larabee:

Thats what they want then, eh? To come in here on their own, right?
Wow. [00:24:30] No, he should have respected that note, eh? He just
looked at the note and he just ignored them, eh? Hes going to have
that same shitty lock again, eh?

Francine Larabee: Mm-hmm.

Jesse Larabee:

And it was a shitty lock, eh? I guess it [00:25:00] I guess they

dont know how to treat their tenants with respect, eh? Eh? They
dont know how. Fuck, thats a problem, eh? Come on in.

David Stewart:

And back again.

Jesse Larabee:

Oh, okay.

David Stewart:

Im here. I have a new one.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Great. Does that need a remote or ... [00:25:30] Okay. Great.

David Stewart:

They all need remotes.

Jesse Larabee:

All right. Cool.

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

Well, Ill make sure I put that, you know. So Im glad you guys had
another remote down there. [00:26:00]

David Stewart:

To be honest, I went and replaced a bunch of these boxes on my own

time and when I I just basically took in these boxes and they
decided that well, here, its a kit, you get the whole thing. So Ive got
extra power cords now and ...

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Well [unintelligible 00:26:28] or nice just nice for me but

David Stewart:

- [00:26:30] Well, its convenient.


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Jesse Larabee:

For us, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yup.

David Stewart:

Thats a better sign.

Jesse Larabee:

And detected a service

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

- interruption. Please dah, dah, dah.

David Stewart:

Yeah. Theyre all supposed to do that as soon as you plug them in.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Great.

David Stewart:

But Im going to get this together just in case. Sometimes if

[00:27:00] you hook it up and it seems like its working because it
still wont change channels or something stupid like that. So lets
just be prepared. Now back to on the phone with Rogers.


Thanks for calling the Rogers major account department. Please be

advised we have made some changes to our menu option. Please
listen to all of the options before choosing one of the following:
please press one if you are a tenant or a ... Your call will be
transferred to a technical support consultant. [00:28:01] Your call
may be recorded for quality and training purposes. If your inquiries
are related to recent changes to your TV service you may find more
information by visiting Were
happy you called. Theres a bit of a wait since all of our Rogers live
agents are busy at the moment, but someone will be with you as soon
as possible. Please hold to keep your place in line. [00:28:30]

Male 4:

Hi. Im Trevor from Rogers. How can I help you today?

David Stewart:

Hi Trevor from Rogers. I would like to reinitialize a DTA50.

Male 4:

Sure. Is it a business or a personal account?

David Stewart:


Male 4:

Okay. Can I get [unintelligible 00:28:51].

David Stewart:


Male 4:

[00:29:01] Just a moment. Ill just be one minute here, open up the
account. Can I get the name of the bulk account?

David Stewart:

The name of the bulk account should be St. Clares Multifaith

Housing Association, [00:29:30] David Stewart, 138 Pears Avenue,
M5R 3K6.

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David Stewart:

Im still flashing. There we go.

Jesse Larabee:

Great. Thank you.

David Stewart:

We have TV. [00:30:30]

Male 4:

[Unintelligible 00:30:35]

David Stewart:

No, thats it. Thank you. Have a great day too. Bye.

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah. Actually, I think youre probably really right. I think I did

have a remote now that I look at this, you know. Well, I knew you
were right. I just dont remember having the remote. And in fact,
probably the remote is probably still in the room.[00:31:00]

David Stewart:

It probably is in

Jesse Larabee:

- So when I find the remote I can give it, you know, because I dont
need both of them now. I can kind of give that to you and then you
can still use it or ...

David Stewart:

Yeah. They dont work with all the boxes.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. So thats great. So when I see it Ill give it to you.

David Stewart:

Can I play with your remote for a minute though?

Jesse Larabee:


David Stewart:

I might be able to set it up so that it powers your TV on and off so

you can just use the one for TV watching and then you can use that
one to switch to ...

Jesse Larabee:

The movie.

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Thatd be pretty good, yeah. [00:31:30] Thats what I was

actually kind of worried about it. What do I do when I want to watch
a movie?

David Stewart:

RCA apparently is a very popular TV brand that has many, many,

many, many codes.

Jesse Larabee:

I only have so many movies too. I watch them over and over and
over. Probably just stick with the TV.


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David Stewart:

Every once in a while even though theres four A12s, 15 different

codes it just says that its not going to accept anymore. [00:33:00]
Or invariably it sets the last one.

Jesse Larabee:

So I cant just turn on the PlayStation 3 and put it on channel three

and then itll be fine for me to watch like a movie?

David Stewart:

It should be, yeah. But youll have to use that remote to switch it to
DVD because thats what it was doing before or thats what it was
on before when you were watching a movie.

Jesse Larabee:

So what are you doing right now?

David Stewart:

Im trying to set it up so that this remote will turn the TV off and on
[00:33:30] because right now all its doing is doing the channels.

Jesse Larabee:

So everything is good, I could just change the channel? [00:35:00]

Youre just doing this extra feature?

David Stewart:

Yeah. It also helps you also makes it so that this will use the mute
and all that fun stuff.

Jesse Larabee:

Oh, okay. You know what youre doing. Youre just doing it, right?

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Thats bad too, eh, [00:35:30] the Paris terror attack. Wow.

Jesse Larabee:

Are you doing it or are you trying to do it?

David Stewart:

Theres two different ways you can do it. You can either enter the
codes that are in this little booklet or you can put in a different code
and then you just hit the channel button and then when it shuts off
you just hit the set button and its good to go.

Jesse Larabee:

I guess it just looks like youre trying to change the channel but
thats not what youre doing.

David Stewart:

Yeah. Basically every time I hit the channel button it sends out a
signal saying for well, it sends out a signal for each code that it

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David Stewart:

Well, its up to you. I can stop and you can just use two remotes.

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah. [00:38:00] We will do that too, I guess.

David Stewart:

Here you go then.

Jesse Larabee:

All right. Have a good day.

David Stewart:

No problem.

Jesse Larabee:

Im just wondering. Have you had a chance to spray the building

yet? There has been reports of cockroaches and bedbugs.

David Stewart:

We have pest control in every two weeks. The next time theyre in is
actually tomorrow and we have five or six units [00:38:30] being
sprayed for different things.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. So you

David Stewart:

- We actually usually do some

Jesse Larabee:

- Im just wondering if you so you havent done that today though?

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

When was the last time? Did you guys spray this

David Stewart:

- Two weeks ago tomorrow.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Can you spray mine whenever is the best time?

David Stewart:

The next spraying is tomorrow.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. So theyre going to come tomorrow?

David Stewart:

Ill have to see if you can we can get you on the list.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Weve only, weve only weve seen one bug [00:39:00] and
it was on this bed and I was at Winters place in 206 and I didnt see
a bedbug but it was a cockroach and it was in the kitchen. So I know,
you know, things could get worse, right?

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

And I think thats really the goal just to prevent it from spreading,
you know. Ive lived in worse places and thats just a cockroach,
right? It wasnt like a billion or but ...

David Stewart:

Yeah. Weve got a lot of cockroaches [00:39:30] on the second


Jesse Larabee:

On the second floor. Okay. This is the first time Ive

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David Stewart:

- Yeah. Do you remember [Steven McGillis] in 204?

Jesse Larabee:


David Stewart:

The older native gentleman.

Jesse Larabee:

No. Two ...

David Stewart:

Zero four right at the end of the hall like.

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah, yeah. I think I remember.

David Stewart:

Yeah. And had the little dog, the little, white, puffy dog.

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah, I

David Stewart:

- Just before he left he brought in

Jesse Larabee:

- He brought on a lot. Well, and ... And its like where did he get that
from though, eh?

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

[00:40:00] Do you know what I mean?

David Stewart:


Jesse Larabee:

Because you could he got that from somewhere else and it follows
you, right? The bedbugs. Not the bedbugs, but the cockroaches.

David Stewart:

Yeah, bedbugs and cockroaches.

Jesse Larabee:

They can follow. You can get that just from going on a sub like a

David Stewart:

On a bus or a sub, yeah. Anything.

Jesse Larabee:

And so ... Yeah, I was just wondering about that. Is there anything I
should know about the future and whats the plan regarding all that?

David Stewart:

For cockroaches, its they only come in they do the kitchen

because cockroaches tend to migrate to where the food is obviously.
[00:40:30] So like theyll do under the counter. They can

Jesse Larabee:

- So thats why we clean

David Stewart:

- do the cabinets.

Jesse Larabee:

Thats why we clean the place so well because we were worried

about not doing our part to prevent it from getting worse, right?
Everybody needs to do their part. Everybody, all of the tenants. Its
not just your responsibility. Its ours too, right?

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David Stewart:

Yeah. Because for a lot of the pest control they come in and they
look around and go okay, well, I can spray two feet there, [00:41:00]
a foot there, a foot there if its for bedbugs because you got have to
have bedbugs like to hide under the baseboards so you have to
have that clear so they can spray it.

Jesse Larabee:

Yeah. Well, on this bed

David Stewart:

- Sounds like people dont.

Jesse Larabee:

Like is this going to protect anything in your opinion, this plastic that
was still left on the bed?

David Stewart:

It can, but if there is a hole in it theyll just walk in and out of it.

Jesse Larabee:

Okay. Well, can you do that for me, put me on the list and
[00:41:30] put an update in my mailbox about whatever that
whatever happened in the future about all that?

David Stewart:

Yup. Just like I said, if its for cockroaches they only put the poison
where the like in the food area and its usually like under the
counters. So you dont have to do anything special

Jesse Larabee:

- Well, Im just, Im just ... Im just you know, Im just a little

alarmed because Ive lived in this building for four years and this is
the first time ever Ive seen this. Four years and its the first time
ever Ive seen this.

David Stewart:

Well, until Steven McGillis

Jesse Larabee:

- I thought this was actually like [00:42:00] like Ive read things on
the internet. I remember I read things on the internet about bedbugs
and I was like well, I havent seen no bedbugs but yet theres all
these reviews. I was kind of confuse actually for a little while.

David Stewart:

Yeah. I think theres just a couple of disgruntled tenants and up until

Steven McGillis brought them in we hadnt had cockroaches and St.
Clares has owned the building for like 11 years or something like
that. So luck of the draw so to speak. Have a good day.

Jesse Larabee:

You too. [00:42:30] That was a brilliant move, eh? Remember when
he came in and I asked about do you need to remove the
[unintelligible 00:42:43] and he treated me like a retard, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

That was very abusive, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

And the way he said ah, its just probably a couple disgruntled old
tenants. No. I spoke with [00:43:00] there was this one tenant

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named Debbie and she had a lot of valid complaints. I guess its
easier to say one a few upset tenants, eh?
Francine Larabee: Yeah.
Jesse Larabee:

Than to say they had valid complaints.

Francine Larabee: Do you have use the control with I mean [unintelligible 00:43:13].
Jesse Larabee:

Its a game now, mom. Well, at least they can come in here and say
they fixed at least we can say theres no reason to come back in the
room now, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

You have to go close, eh, now. That was a big, abusive game, eh?
[00:43:30] Eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

Because he was treating he was treating me like a retard when he

came in, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

How do you feel?

Francine Larabee: Tired.

Jesse Larabee:

We had to wait till four. Can you believe that? He lied to me, eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah. Do you got another [grant]?

Jesse Larabee:

I already talked about that. Do you want to go out?

Francine Larabee: Well, Im going to fix up this Im trying to get the volume going.
Jesse Larabee:

[00:44:00] I know, eh. I notice he didnt even fix it all. You notice
he didnt even really fix it? He was happy when I said okay, would
you [unintelligible 00:44:09].

Francine Larabee: Yeah.

Jesse Larabee:

With the two controllers, eh?

Francine Larabee: Well, [unintelligible 00:44:15] going to the TV this way.

Jesse Larabee:

I know, but I wanted him out quicker.

Francine Larabee: Exactly. So when you leave, this one here, the RCA is
Jesse Larabee:

- I know. I get it. But he was treating me like a retard, [00:44:30] eh?
The way he said, Well, they all mean [unintelligible 00:44:36].

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Francine Larabee: Yeah. Exactly.

Jesse Larabee:

And then he said, Oh, a few disgruntled tenants. He probably liked

that I made a few said a few things like that, eh? Eh?

Francine Larabee: Yeah. I cant even get the volume going.

Jesse Larabee:

Do you want me to try?

Francine Larabee: Yeah. Look at here.

Jesse Larabee:

I know. They didnt even really fix it, eh? When you really think
about it like that.

[End of recorded material 00:45:03]

This is to certify that Jesse Larabee and Francine Larabee have hired Transcript Divas to
transcribe the audio they have provided to us, on January 15th, 2016, and that we have
delivered the transcript to them, transcribed accurately to the best of our ability.


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