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Typical conventions of Digipak Adverts

The main image matches the album cover

A release date
The name of the artist
The name of the album

Rihanna Advert
The main image
which is used is a
close up of
Rihanna which
gains the
attention, with it
also taking up all
of the poster that
makes it the only
thing to look at.

Rihanna is looking
down, she is being
secretive and sad,
this persuades the
audience to buy
the alum as it
contrasts with the
name Loud

Red hair denotates Rhianna

This font that is used for her

name, is used in the
majority of Rihannas
advertisement. Keeping
this consistent house style
allows the audience to
recognise her.
Rihanna is above all
of the writing, this
makes her look
powerful, like she is
at the top of her
career (very
stands out
against her skinWhite
ce, purity

LOUD is in capital letters

This poster has an add at the bottom with her

two most populated songs to create more
advertisement for the cd release

Ed Sheeran
The bright Orange
background makes the
advert eye catching and
The artist is looking straight into
the camera which gives direct
address towards his audience.
The artist is seen from a close
up angle which immediately
gets the audiences attention.

The poster includes the release

The audience can gather
more information using the
website page that they are

The Orange
background can relate
to Eds ginger hair.

The facial expression of

the artist being neutral
demonstrates the genre
being acoustic. This can
include slow or fast beat

They use the same font of his

name so the audience can
recognise him.
The name of his album is
a symbol, this allows the
audience to relate the
symbol with the artist.

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