W116Hist153 Online Class 11 Taylor: Religion/Morals & Traditions

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Online Class 11 Taylor

Module 14
Why do we study history? History helps us understand change and how the society we live in
came to be. Another reason to study history is inescapable as a subject of serious study; the past
caused the present and influence the future.
Religion/Morals & Traditions
Religion of the 20th century greatly influenced our society, most thought that
religion would either disappear or become a thing for a certain group of people to
study, however religion has proven to be the mainstay of all of society. Religion has
not only not disappeared but changed everything, the world believes in God, even
the most common person would dare not say that God does not exist, so the quest
to find God has increased during and since the 20 th Century, surprisingly vibrant and
socially excepted.

Religion continues to be a major factor when it comes to the

emerging global order and its conflict. In the United States alone, scholars have
found evidence that the vast majority of Americans believe in supernatural forces,
and Spiritism that directly connects with religion, the truth being no one has ever
seen God, but yet from time eternity we still believe. President Clinton raised the
level of debate on the importance of religion to American life; we must have religion
in our lives to guide our moral compress. At the heart of religion is prayer, and the
world prays together and comes together when needed, strangely enough our
morals depend on religion, Americans pray more then they go to church. There are
so many religious beliefs that have changed over the centuries, for example:
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jehovahs Witness, then there is their belief

that their religion is the one true religion, even Voodoo and Witchcraft have a plan
among the people as a form of religion, so what can we say about how its changed
since the 20th century? The religious scene has become more complex than ever,
with the new free thinking, in the past Americans were not allowed so much
freedom, to speak and express themselves in every way this too influenced religion,
the boom generation were spiritual seekers, the growth of non-European ethnicreligious communities, religious rights in the public square, people speak freely of
how they feel about God, and politicians have learned to use the word God to get
the masses to believe they are sincere, that word alone brings about sincerity and
yet conflict. Look at the middleeast fighting over God, killing in the name of God,
this is an age-old fight, but yet religion definitely benefits society, and has been a
benefit from day one. The evil of relativism has contributed to very breakdown of
society, look how they have removed religion from the schools, this was a change
that was not positive, in fact it changed the very fiber of our schools, children were
no longer taught religion in fear of offended ones parent, that is why our children of
today have no boundaries, their open to say and almost anything in and out of
school. Todays laws have all come from religion, even secular laws originated from

So everything we are and everything we do comes from God, which

extends to religion, so religion did change the world, it made society and the world
a better place to live, it gave us hope for a better future.
Cited: Debate.org
Religious views and morals, sometimes controls personal behavior, Im sure that
many would throw caution to the wind and do whatever came to mind if we did not
have religious backgrounds or thoughts to steer us in a different direction, however,
morality does not depend on religion , although it is an automatic assumption,

religion and morality are to be defined differently and have no definitional

connections with each other, having morals and religious values are two distinct
kinds of values.

Morality is a active process that should guide ones reason for

whatever we do in life, and value judgement can vary greatly between religions,
past and present. Their has been interest in the relationship between religion and
crime and other behaviors that does not adhere to contempary laws and social
Lets take Martin Luther King, is wanted society to dwell as one, live together in
peace one love, one God and this concept changed the world, or should I say made
the world aware of the way we really feel about each other, I think that this started
a movement and allowed African Americans to see themselves as citizens that
should count, so in essence Mr. King changed the mindset of many based on religion
he quite often recited words from the bible to help others to understand that in the
eyes of God all men were created equal no matter the color or social status were all
as one, that in my mind changed the face of the world and allowed us to look inside
ourselves to see just how we were treating one another, as well as President
Kennedy, he to a man of God and a great moral fiber, decided that all mankind
should live as one and changed the face of the world as we know it today, so you
see religion, morals and tradition all come together as one, it is morally correct to
have religion and tradition that we all worship God in some form or another.

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