Site Report

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Jessica Hernandez

ANT 102 T/Th Instructor Gurdil

February 3, 2015
Site report: Gobekli Tepe
Site name: Gobekli Tepe

Where is it? Location: It is

located six miles from Urfa, in
southeastern Turkey.

How large? Aerial size of

How old is it? Dates: When the

settlement: The site is large over

stones were discovered it was

all because many stones and

said to the around 11,000 years

pillars were discovered covering

old which means it's the oldest

about 22 acres of land.

because it predates Stonehenge

by 6,000 years old.

What type(s) of artifacts? Major artifact types: Some types of artifacts

discovered were
stone hammers and blades.

What type(s) of ecofacts? Ecofacts: The types of ecofacts found were of

different animal bones, the bones had cut marks and splintered edges,
which means that those animals were hunted, butchered, and eaten. For
example wild animals like gazelle, boar, sheep and red deer. Also found were bones of a
dozen different bird species such as vultures, cranes, ducks and geese.

Any architectural remains? Architecture: The architecture was very well

planned, in the pits the stones are pillars arranged in circles. There is a
hillside, where four other rings are of semi-excavated pillars. The rings have a roughly
similar arrangement in the center two large stone T-shaped pillars and circled are slightly
smaller stones facing inward. The tallest pillars tower 16 feet and weigh about seven to ten
Any mortuary practices? Burials: The site was a burial ground or the center of a
death cult; because of the way it was structure it seems to have the idea that it was especially
for the after life. The dead by the pillars looking at the horizon view into the sun, their after

Any artwork? Art: Some pillars have not markings or carvings while
others have foxes, lions, scorpions and vultures like they were twisting and crawling on
the pillars. They had drawings on the pillars, that of lions and carvings that
represent that of apostolic dancers.

What is this place for? How was it used? Why? Function: This place is one
of the oldest forms of a temple or that of a holy place. It was also used as
a burial place and humans did live around that area in order for them to
have built such a site.
Reference: This website is an online article by Andrew Curry

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