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Supporting Literacy Development: Making Reading and/or Writing Accessible to ELLs.

What standards will this assignment meet?

Quality Standard II: Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse
population of students.
Quality Standard III: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that
facilitates learning for their students.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

8.22 (2) (c) implement effective teaching strategies, which include a wide variety of linguistic experiences
for second-language students.
8.22 (3) The educator of linguistically diverse students is knowledgeable about language teaching
methodology and instructional techniques for teaching a wide range of linguistically diverse students, K-12,
founded on scientifically-based research and proven and effective applications; content based strategies;
identification, selection, evaluation, design and adaptation of appropriate instructional materials; and child
and adolescent literature from various cultures, and is able to:
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education: 8.22 (3) (c) plan and implement instruction so that it is
systemic, sequential, well-articulated, and delivered in an engaging environment. 8.22 (3) (d) select and
utilize instructional materials and resources that are age, grade level, and language proficiency appropriate,
aligned with the curriculum, English language proficiency standards, and English language arts content
standards, to maintain and/or improve student achievement.
Grade level: 4th
Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Colorado Academic Standard: 2. Reading for all Purposes
1. Comprehension and fluency matter when reading literary texts
in a fluent way
WIDA Standard: The Language of Language Arts

Overview of Activity (explanation/instructions)- Be detailed enough for a substitute to use this in

your absence:
Read the book One Green Apple to students. Give students a main idea and supporting details
concept map. Students will identify the main idea of the book and outline three supporting details.
After students have completed the concept map they will share their ideas with an elbow buddy. With
their elbow buddies students will write a part 2 of One Green Apple. The must write at least one
paragraph detailing what happens to the new character while she is in this new school learning the
English language.
Justification for the Activity (with citations from the readings)- Explain how this supports students
oral language development. Be detailed enough that it is clear that you have read the readings in
depth. Be sure to cite at least two sources.
This supports oral language development because it allows students to listen to a book and then
comprehend what has happened in the book. One Green Apple is a low enough reading level that
students could re-read the book themselves after having it read to them. It will be easier for ELL
students to fill in their concept maps and create a part 2 paragraph with a partner. The book One
Green Apple may also act as a mirror for ELL students because the book is about a young girl who
moves to the US and has no English language development.

Artifacts All materials and documents needed to deliver your activity (instructions for students,
handouts, photographs of realia, technology, examples, etc.)
Book: One Green Apple
Main idea and supporting details concept map.
Writing paper

Grading CRITERIA: 50 points


10 points

Overview of Activity

10 points

Justification for the


10 points


20 points

Grade level, content area, and detailed standards (both state

standards and WIDA standards) are included and align with the
oral language development activity.
The description clearly explains the purpose of the activity and
how it will be delivered to students. The oral language activity
is appropriate for grade level, content area and WIDA language
proficiency levels 2(beginning) 3(developing).
There is a thorough explanation of how the activity/ strategy
supports oral language development and readings are cited
The materials and documents needed to deliver the activity
show careful planning and preparation. They would be able to
be used in a classroom immediately. They show attention to
detail and creativity.

Main Idea:

Supporting Detail 1:

Supporting Detail 2:

Supporting Detail 3:

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