Vocabulary Portfolio Assignment

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Vocabulary How can we help students learn words?

What standards will this assignment meet?

Quality Standard II: Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse
population of students.
Quality Standard III: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that
facilitates learning for their students.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

8.22 (2) (c) implement effective teaching strategies, which include a wide variety of linguistic experiences
for second-language students.
8.22 (3) The educator of linguistically diverse students is knowledgeable about language teaching
methodology and instructional techniques for teaching a wide range of linguistically diverse students, K-12,
founded on scientifically-based research and proven and effective applications; content based strategies;
identification, selection, evaluation, design and adaptation of appropriate instructional materials; and child
and adolescent literature from various cultures, and is able to:
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education: 8.22 (3) (c) plan and implement instruction so that it is
systemic, sequential, well-articulated, and delivered in an engaging environment. 8.22 (3) (d) select and
utilize instructional materials and resources that are age, grade level, and language proficiency appropriate,
aligned with the curriculum, English language proficiency standards, and English language arts content
standards, to maintain and/or improve student achievement.
Grade level: 4th
Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Comprehension
Colorado Academic Standard: 3. Knowledge of complex orthography (spelling patterns), morphology
(word meanings), and word relationships to decode (read) multisyllabic words contributes to better reading
c. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based
on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
WIDA Standard: Language of Language Arts
Vocabulary words chosen: (Identify whether they are Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3)
obvious, complex, identify, classify, establish, verify Tier 2 academic vocabulary.
Overview of Activity (explanation/instructions)- Be detailed enough for a substitute to use this in
your absence:
1. Help each student find a Tier 2 academic word like those listed above.
2. After students have identified a word they will create a word square (depicted below)



Tier 2 word

3. Have students fill out the required information on each of their word squares. Students may use
dictionaries, thesauruses, or other reference materials.
4. After students have created their word square they will present their work and then act out the word
using the word at least twice in their skit.
5. Word squares will then be hung around the classroom for reference.
Justification for the Activity (with citations from the readings)- Explain how this supports students
oral language development. Be detailed enough that it is clear that you have read the readings in
depth. Be sure to cite at least two sources.
According to Wright this helps support students language development because it allows student to access
prior knowledge as well as describe vocabulary in a variety of ways. When students are able to identify
several aspects of a word it helps them develop a true mastery of the word and allows them to see and
understand each component of the word. Authors Levine and McCloskey go on to talk about how language
acquisition is seen and learned through sharing information and expressing feelings. When students share
their word square and are given the opportunity to express what they have learned through movement, it
only reinforces understanding of the vocabulary.
Artifacts All materials and documents needed to deliver your activity (instructions for students,
handouts, photographs of realia, technology, examples, etc.):
Various colors of construction paper
Materials for reference.

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