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Miss Thorlakson

GUITAR 10-20-30

77 minutes




Researching 1 develop a
knowledge of music history and
literature and their relationship to
world history
Attitudes 13 appreciate the
expressive qualities of music so as to
improve the chances of having an
increasingly dynamic aesthetic
Popular Music 1 demonstrate an
understanding of critical listening
skills as applied to recorded
examples of popular music
Popular Music 4 identify and
analyze, through critical listening
and/or other forms of study, four
styles of popular music, with specific
reference to musical elements and

TSWBAT identify the

various styles of rock
that became defined in
the 1970s.

(observations, key questions written
assignments, performance assessments)

Formative: I will be having

discussions with the students over
the course of the practice time and
making anecdotal comments on
what I am seeing/hearing.
Summative: This will be leading
towards their demonstration and


1. Alberta Program of Studies
2. Whats That Sound? John Covach and Andrew Flory
Computer and speakers
Marking sheets for demonstrations
Exit slips
Introduction: _12___ minutes
Hook: Show them the video of what was happening in the 1970s, I think its a great sum-up.
Housekeeping: We will finish the demonstrations that we didnt get to yesterday.
We will get our journal #4 today, will have time to work on it tomorrow, and will be due Thursday,
last assignment before Spring Break!

Miss Thorlakson
Body: __63__ minutes
Activity #1: Sum up 1970s (5 minutes)
From the video we watched, what did it feel like to be in America during this decade?
Activity #2: In pairs, discuss the various rock genres (10 minutes)
Show the students the list of songs, have them put up their hands for which numbers they are
interested in and group them off into pairs to work together.
Activity #3: Present back to class with filled in gaps from Ms. Thorlakson (20 minutes)
Have the students come back and present the major aspects that the piece represents about the genre.
Think about wide-sweeping trends in the music, not song-specific.
Fill in any gaps.
Activity #4: Work and demonstration time (remainder of class time 10:10)
Closure: __2__ minutes
Exit slips, Meagan, dont you dare forget them this time
Alternates if something happens:
Success in Lesson: I didnt forget the exit slips!!! Wohoo! All in all, they had some very good
feedback. They all seem quite pleased with what they are learning. The one thing is that they want
more playing time, I can understand that. I think in the last two weeks of this unit I am going to
focus on talking less, listening more, and giving them more time. I think part of that has to do with
the way that I do research, I am reading stuff that has a tonne of information and it can be quite easy
to get over-loaded with information and feel like it is all important and needs to be presented. It
doesnt. I like what we did today, I had them again go off into groups, and upon Kathys suggestion,
I gave them some more direction as to what to listen for and what I wanted to them to discuss when
they talked back to the class and this was very efficient. I think with something like this, it will
always be rocky the first time, but once they do it more than once they are more comfortable with it.
So it went very well and it was a good way to cover a lot of rock genres in the 1970s without feeling
rushed or me just doing a lot of talking.
I think that will need to be one of my major goals: DONT TALK TOO MUCH!!
The demonstrations went well, there were definitely some students that had done no research, but
were able to tell me basic things from class. In this respect, I gave them a lower mark and explained
that if they wanted a better mark that it was in their hands. Also, there was one student that has been
doing a lot of goofing off in class and from seeing his demonstration, he might have just needed
some more direction in how to practice efficiently, but I did have a good chat with him about how he
would have gotten a much better mark if he had used his class time more efficiently. Hopefully this
comes through.
All in all, it was a very good lesson. I am going to continue to mix things up with how they
learn/obtain the information. We will have to see how their journal goes tomorrow as it covers the
information we worked on today.

Miss Thorlakson

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