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Deep Breathing - Psychoeducational Group

Jennifer Kiaha-Raquino

Feb. 12, 2016

Goals / Objectives
Teach patient how to deep breathe.
Identify deep breathing as a relaxation technique or distraction.
Get patient to identify possible situations deep breathing may be beneficial.
Have patient demonstrate deep breathing exercises.

Gather patients into a group at table.

Have patients identify possible situations in which deep breathing can be used.
Explain how to deep breathe.
Perform deep breathing exercises as a group.

Open mind
Calm/Relaxed environment

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Number of Participants in Attendance

4 participants in attendance ages 15-17.


The goals for our group were met, each participant was able to properly identify an actual
situation that they may be in to use deep breathing exercises.
Each participant did participate in the actual deep breathing and they did report that I was
Each participant followed the established rules of the group.

Suggestions for Improvement

A suggestion for improvement would be to incorporate more into that learning

experience, once deep breathing was done everyone was clam and receptive, it would
have been a good opportunity to teach another topic as well.

As a nurse engaged in patient education what was learned?

I think this psychoeducational group was a good improvement from my last group. I
remembered to establish rules and boundaries prior to beginning group. There was one
participant that did need to have a warning but after the warning he was fine in the group. I
learned that not every group will work the way you expect it to work and a lot of it has to do with
the personalities that are participating in the group. Its a good idea to assess the participants
prior to group and to see if any accommodations should be made or if certain people should not
participate in the group.

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