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6 May 2010

Today’s Tabbloid


ATR Condemns FCC’s Move to Minnesota Supreme Court

Regulate the Internet Decision: a Blow to Taxpayers
[Americans for Tax Reform] [Americans for Tax Reform]
MAY 05, 2010 05:56P.M. MAY 05, 2010 03:23P.M.

[PDF Version] Today, Americans for Tax Reform condemned the Federal [PDF Version] Americans for Tax Reform expressed dismay over a 4-3
Communications Commission (FCC) for indicating it will attempt to decision Wednesday by the Minnesota Supreme Court undercutting the
regulate the Internet under portions of Title II of the Com... governor’s unallotment authority. Gov. Pawlenty used ...


Behind Every Law Is Force The FTC and Those GM Ads

[Cato at Liberty] [Cato at Liberty]
MAY 05, 2010 04:30P.M. MAY 05, 2010 03:11P.M.

By Tim Lynch By Walter Olson

That’s one lesson that this video of a drug raid should drive home. I’m usually in enthusiastic accord with our friends over at the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, but it seems to me they’ve made a
Warning: Graphic Language and Material mistake by petitioning the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to crack
down on GM’s ridiculous “we repaid our federal loan” ad. Some zealous
In America today, lawmaking is discussed much too casually. The enforcers would love for the FTC to do more to regulate speech by
consequences are not seriously considered. We allow agencies to issue American business on matters of public concern, and it seems to me the
regulations without having a formal vote in the legislature. “Too last thing we should do is encourage such a trend.
cumbersome.” Compliance is automatically assumed. Few want to
consider whether the use of brute force can be justified against someone For those who came in late, General Motors and its CEO Ed Whitmire
who resists, or the danger that might be created for the innocent who get were widely and rightly assailed here and elsewhere for asserting (in a
swept up in investigations. We now have thousands of rules and column whose message was repeated in much-played TV ads) that the
regulations on the books. company had repaid its bailout loan “in full, with interest, years ahead of
schedule.” Actually, as the inspector general of the government’s TARP
We suffered through the painful lessons of liquor prohibition, but have program readily acknowledged, the firm had merely used one pot of
been slow to see the parallels in the drug war. A few years ago, Cato federal money to repay another. Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley helped
published a report on these paramilitary raids, called Overkill. The expose the dodge, and publications ranging from to the
author of that study, Radley Balko, has been vigilant about highlighting New York Times joined in with scathing coverage.
these raids and dispelling the idea that they are just a few “isolated
incidents.” Yesterday CEI announced that it had filed a formal complaint [PDF] with
the FTC urging the commission to investigate the automaker’s ad
More on the drug war here. campaign as misleading. It alleges that the ad campaign “could unfairly
dupe consumers into a false, renewed confidence in the company” and
that “consumer purchasing decisions can easily be affected by such
considerations.” Nick Gillespie at Reason, CEI general counsel Hans

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

Bader, and Todd Zywicki at Volokh have more.

There’s a long history of businesses’ responding to public criticism of
their operations or products — and getting in further legal or regulatory Should We Break Up the Banks?
trouble because of that very response. In one early case, the FTC went
after egg producers for asserting, in the midst of a cholesterol scare that [Cato at Liberty]
in hindsight appears overblown, that their ovoid wares were not in fact a MAY 05, 2010 02:30P.M.
menace to cardiac health. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and the Center
to Prevent Handgun Violence have asked the FTC to prohibit ads that By Mark A. Calabria
imply that keeping a loaded weapon on hand will make a family safer. In
Nike v. Kasky, a famous case that reached the Supreme Court [Thomas When it comes to banking policy, there are few people I respect more
Goldstein, Cato Supreme Court Review 2003, PDF], shoemaker Nike than Jonathan Macey and Arnold Kling; so when these two,
was sued under a California law over the public defense it had put independently, argue that we should be breaking up the largest banks, it
forward of its labor practices in overseas factories. Environmentalists is idea that merits consideration. Yet I still have my doubts.
have sought to suppress ads claiming that nuclear power is nonpolluting,
and so forth. First, lets start with what we are fairly certain of. There is a large
empirical literature that suggest most US mega-banks are beyond their
Free-market advocates have generally argued that whatever the merits of efficient size. There is a good survey of the literature by former Fed
laws or regulations banning misleading advertising in garden-variety Economist Allen Berger . So, at a minimum, the academic literature
commercial contexts, there are special dangers to the First Amendment suggests the largest banks are beyond a size that is justified by the social
and to robust debate generally in letting agencies and courts second- benefits.
guess the content of “issue ads” and speech on topics of public
controversy. To begin with, it encourages advocates to turn to the law to However, there is also a small literature that suggests more concentrated
silence disagreeable speech rather than muster their best arguments to banking systems are more stable, and less prone to crisis. Some of this
rebut it. In one grotesque example, and Common Cause literature has grown out of research efforts by the World Bank. While
actually petitioned the FTC to institute a complaint against Fox News this literature is largely cross-country comparisons, recalling our own
over its use of the slogan “Fair and Balanced”, since (they said) the banking history gives several examples - the savings & loan crisis, the
network was neither. mass of small banks failures in the 1920s and 1930s, and current day
Georgia – where lots of small bank failures have been associated with
Despite its current dependence on government, GM is in every relevant significant economic damage. So, at minimum, there is some question of
legal sense a private company, so any precedents forged against it will whether breaking up the largest banks would give us a more stable, less
wind up applying to every other private enterprise that might wish to crisis-prone system. In fact, there is considerable evidence to suggest
advertise on matters of public controversy. Which makes it a concern that breaking up the banks would make our financial system more
that CEI’s complaint cites with seeming enthusiasm broad FTC fragile.
interpretations of authority — for example, its authority to suppress
speech that might not be in itself false but could leave a potentially To some extent, the debate over breaking up the large banks is about
misleading impression. reducing political power. The argument is that, because of their vast
resources, these large banks unduly influence and capture our political
If there is a continuum extending from more or less purely commercial system. Undoubtedly, I believe the largest banks have substantial
speech (“Our tires last 40,000 miles”) to more or less purely political influence over both our legislative and regulatory systems. However, so
speech (“Our business is badly overtaxed”), GM’s ad campaign surely do smaller banks. From my seven years as staff on the Senate Banking
falls way over toward the “political” side. CEI’s response to this is to Committee, I would definitely argue that the Independent Community
argue that the campaign might influence consumers’ purely economic Banks Association (ICBA), as a group, has far more pull than does say
calculations (as opposed to the political reasons they have to feel angry at Bank of America, as a single company. One need only witness the various
GM) by making them more likely to see the company as solvent and thus exemptions for small banks in the Dodd bill, for instance from the
as capable of making good its warranty promises. The words “strained” consumer protection bureau, to illustrate the lobbying power of small
and “makeweight” come to mind to describe this argument. Does CEI bankers. One could also argue that the economic history of progressive
really want to establish the future principle that a company’s over-sunny era legislation, like the Sherman Act, is one of smaller, organized
talk about its financial prospects will henceforth get it in trouble with interests winning against larger sized firms. Despite its appeal, the
two federal agencies, the FTC and SEC, rather than the SEC alone? assertion that bigger is always better in politics is just an assertion. Yet
this is at heart an empirical argument, and perhaps one that can be
It all seems a rather high price to pay in principle for keeping the GM- tested. Until then, I still have my doubts.
TARP story in the papers for another day or two.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS Kennedy’s charm and vigor, and the tragic circumstances of
his death, have made it hard to see the man clearly. A 1968
Contra Camelot [Cato at study on “juvenile idealization of the president” quoted a
Houston mother: “When my little girl came out of school she
Liberty] told me someone killed the president, and her thoughts were
MAY 05, 2010 02:27P.M. — since the president was dead, where would we get our food
and clothes from?” But “juvenile idealization” isn’t limited to
By Gene Healy juveniles.

Presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns, a Kennedy

fan, wrote that “the stronger we make the Presidency, the
more we strengthen democratic procedures.” Even today, far
too many pundits and historians seem to get a Chris
Matthews-style “thrill up [their] leg” when they contemplate
“heroic” presidential activism.

Conservatives aren’t immune to presidential cultishness, of course.

Peggy Noonan called Bush’s post-9/11 address to Congress “a

God-touched moment and a God-touched speech.” Fred
Barnes wrote that “the stage was set for Bush to be God’s
agent of wrath.” National Review Online ran ads for the Bush
“Top Gun” action figure, and an article about how wonderful
it was to have a presidential superhero to complement your
My DC Examiner column this week looks at the controversy surrounding GI Joe collection.
the History Channel’s forthcoming miniseries, “The Kennedys,” starring
Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes as JFK and Jackie. It’s controversial in And even the What Would Reagan Do? stuff smacks of the “man on
large part because the producer is “24″’s Joel Surnow, who is cigar- horseback” dream of the presidency that’s caused us so many problems.
buddies with Rush Limbaugh and an outspoken conservative: In fact, Surnow, “the Kennedys” producer, seems to have an unhealthy
case of Gipper-worship himself. He told the New Yorker:
The screenwriter, Stephen Kronish, insists that he’s “not out
to destroy the sacred cow” of the JFK presidency. Too bad: In “I can hardly think of him without breaking into tears. I just
an age when Americans still periodically swoon for imperial felt Ronald Reagan was the father that this country needed… .
presidents, a little sacred-cow tipping would be a public He made me feel good that I was in his family.”
If more people felt embarrassed to talk about presidents that way, we’d
Robert Greenwald, a left-wing documentarian who read an early version be well on our way to putting the presidency back in its proper
of the script, is leading the fight to discredit the project. Greenwald constitutional place.
seems especially troubled by the (largely true) allegations about
Kennedy’s Tiger-Woodsish sex life. But I argue that:

More troubling were Kennedy’s routine abuses of power. His

attorney general, brother Bobby, ordered wiretaps on New
York Times and Newsweek reporters, along with various
congressmen and steel executives who’d had the nerve to
raise prices. At JFK’s instigation in 1961, the Internal
Revenue Service set up a “strike force” aimed at groups
opposing the administration. Nixon’s defenders had half a
point when they complained that the sainted Jack had gotten
away with the sort of abuses that brought Nixon’s own

Worse still is how the persistent longing for Camelot has distorted
Americans’ views of the presidency’s proper role:

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS Even apparently unsuccessful attacks on Western mass
transportation systems can bring major cities to a halt, cost
‘The Dumbest Terrorist In the the enemy billions and send his corporations into
World’? [‘Cato at Liberty]
MAY 05, 2010 02:14P.M. As our enemies realize, the bulk of harm from terrorism comes from our
reaction to it. Whatever role its remnants or fellow-travelers had in this
By Benjamin H. Friedman attempt, al Qaeda (or whatever we want to call the loosely affiliated
movement of internationally-oriented jihadists) is failing. They have a
Businessweek has a story quoting a former federal prosecutor in shrinking foothold in western Pakistan, maybe one in Yemen, and little
Brooklyn, Michael Wildes, speculating that Faisal Shahzad, the would-be more. Elsewhere they are hidden and hunted. Their popularity is waning
Times Square bomber, made so many mistakes (leaving his house keys in worldwide. Their capability is limited. The predictions made after
the car, not knowing about the vehicle identification number, making September 11 of waves of similar or worse attacks were wrong. This
calls from his cellphone, getting filmed, buying the car himself) that he threat is persistent but not existential.
may be the “dumbest terrorist in the world.” But Wildes can’t accept the
idea that an al Qaeda type terrorist would be so incompetent and This attempt should also remind us of another old point: our best
suggests that Shahzad was “purposefully hapless” to generate counterterrorism tools are not air strikes or army brigades but
intelligence about the police reaction for the edification of his buddies intelligence agents, FBI agents, and big city police. It’s true that because
back in Pakistan. nothing but bomber error stopped this attack, we cannot draw strong
conclusions from it about what preventive measures work best. But the
Give me a break. This incompetence is hardly unprecedented. Three aftermath suggests that what is most likely to prevent the next attack is a
years ago Bruce Schneier wrote an article titled “Portrait of the Modern criminal investigation conducted under normal laws and the intelligence
Terrorist as an Idiot,” describing the incompetence of several would-be leads it generates. Domestic counterterrorism is largely coincident with
al Qaeda plots in the United States and castigating commentators for ordinary policing. The most important step in catching the would-be
clinging to image of these guys as Bond-style villains that rarely err. It’s bomber here appears to have been getting the vehicle identification
been six or seven years since people, including me, started pointing out number off the engine and rapidly interviewing the person who sold it.
that al Qaeda was wildly overrated. Back then, most people used to say Now we seemingly gathering significant intelligence about bad actors in
that the reason al Qaeda hadn’t managed a major attack here since Pakistan under standard interrogation practices.
September 11 was because they were biding their time and wouldn’t
settle for conventional bombings after that success. We are always These are among the points explored in the volume Chris Preble, Jim
explaining away our enemies’ failure. Harper and I edited: Terrorizing Ourselves: Why U.S. Counterterrorism
Policy is Failing and How to Fix It — now hot off the presses.
The point here is not that all terrorists are incompetent — no one would Contributors include Audrey Kurth Cronin, Paul Pillar, John Mueller,
call Mohammed Atta that — or that we have nothing to worry about. Mia Bloom, and a bunch of other smart people.
Even if all terrorists were amateurs like Shahzad, vulnerability to
terrorism is inescapable. There are too many propane tanks, cars, and We’re discussing the book and counterterrorism policy at Cato on May
would-be terrorists to be perfectly safe from this sort of attack. The same 24th, at 4 PM. Register to attend or watch online here.
goes for Fort Hood.

The point is that we are fortunate to have such weak enemies. We are
told to expect nuclear weapons attacks, but we get faulty car bombs. We
should acknowledge that our enemies, while vicious, are scattered and
weak. If we paint them as the globe-trotting super-villains that they
dream of being, we give them power to terrorize us that they otherwise
lack. As I must have said a thousand times now, they are called terrorists
for a reason. They kill as a means to frighten us into giving them

The guys in Waziristan who trained Shahzad are probably embarrassed

to have failed in the eyes of the world and would be relieved if we
concluded that they did so intentionally. Likewise, it must have
heartened the al Qaeda group in Yemen when the failed underwear
bomber that they sent west set off the frenzied reaction that he did.
Remember that in March, al Qaeda’s American-
born spokesperson/groupie Adam Gadahn said this:

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010


Understanding Commodity On CNBC’s Kudlow Report

Derivatives: Unnecessary Tonight [Larry Kudlow’s Money
Regulations for a Politic$]
MAY 05, 2010 12:12P.M.
Misunderstood Product
[Americans for Tax Reform]
MAY 05, 2010 01:09P.M.

Since the financial crisis of 2007, Americans have become more

interested and reliant on complex financial products than perhaps at any
other time in history. The media made quick work lumping toge...


BREAKING: David Obey to Tonight at 7pm ET:

Retire [The Club for Growth] THE GLOBAL DEBT REVOLT

MAY 05, 2010 01:04P.M. - Steve Forbes, Forbes Chairman and CEO; Forbes Editor-in-Chief;Fmr.
Presidential Candidate; “How Capitalism Will Save Us” Co-Author
The POLITICO Obey is a prime example for why we need term limits. - Andy Busch, BMO Capital Markets; CNBC Contributor
- Peter Navarro, “The Coming China Wars” Author; University Of
California - Irvine Business Professor


Club for Growth PAC: Absentee SENATE

CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood reports from

Bennett Should Get Back to Washington.

Work [The Club for Growth] U.S. MARKETS

MAY 05, 2010 12:36P.M. - Steve Forbes, Forbes Chairman and CEO; Forbes Editor-in-Chief;Fmr.
Presidential Candidate; “How Capitalism Will Save Us” Co-Author
WASHINGTON S COMMITTEE. 202-955-5500. - Andy Busch, BMO Capital Markets; CNBC Contributor
- Peter Navarro, “The Coming China Wars” Author; University Of
California - Irvine Business Professor


CNBC’s Julia Boorstin and Steve Forbes will discuss.


Washington’s newest odd couple unites.

- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

- Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

NBC’s Jay Gray Venice, LA. Today, all of Germany still hates inflation. And the Germans are afraid
that the currency printing presses used to buy bad bailout bonds will
CONGRESS MEMBERS EXPOSED IN SHORTING FINANCIAL return the country to a haunted past. So it’s tricky business for Merkel to
CRISIS sell the Greek bailout on the eve of local elections that could disrupt her
Politico’s Eamon Javers will join us. already thin governing coalition.

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC. Merkel is playing a double game here. She’s telling the Financial Times
and the Wall Street Journal that the bailout must pass in order to save
the euro currency. At the same time, she’s telling folks at home that
Greece’s extravagant social-welfare entitlement system of bankrupt
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS promises is a disgrace that Germans would never tolerate.

Utah Convention Includes Apparently, credit markets won’t stand for it either. Both around the
world and here in the U.S., credit markets are boycotting massive
Resolution Repudiating Wyden- government debt creation. The result is that gold is fast becoming a
currency substitute, with strong markets for the yellow metal saying a
Bennett [The Club for Growth] pox on all your houses.
MAY 05, 2010 12:10P.M.
Merkel and other European leaders would like the IMF to be the fiscal-
This is remarkable. S COMMITTEE. 202-955-5500. discipline policeman for Greece and the rest of southern Europe. But as
Nobelist Robert Mundell has argued, while the unified and fixed
exchange rate of the euro currency system, along with liberalized trade,
has been good for economic growth, things have broken down with the
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS failure of the so-called fiscal-stability pact that was never enforced.

Debt Default & Deflation Is With tens of thousands of Greek government union workers marching in
the streets of Athens calling for more general strikes in protest of IMF
Heavy in the Air [Larry austerity measures to cut back on bloated pensions, voters in Germany
and perhaps other EU countries do not believe the bailout conditionality
Kudlow’s Money Politic$] will ever work. Voters see solvent nations being saddled with more debt
MAY 05, 2010 12:10P.M. that the European Central Bank may well monetize into higher inflation.

The ink was barely dry on the $150 billion EU/IMF bailout of Greece Perhaps the Greeks should consider a privatization asset sale of the
when world stock markets tanked on two major fears. First, financial Parthenon, or some of the beautiful Greek islands, as a means of raising
analysts are concerned that the bailout money won’t be enough to cover desperately needed cash. Think of it: Greek Thatcherization. Of course,
Greece’s borrowing needs from its out-of-control budget deficit. Second, in addition to privatization, Margaret Thatcher used her budget ax.
there are fears that the EU/IMF deal will not be approved by the German That’s something neither Greece nor Spain appears capable of
parliament in a vote scheduled for Friday. implementing in a sustained way. Mrs. Thatcher also reminded us that
the problem with socialist governments is that they finally run out of
Additionally, there are new worries that the Greek debt contagion will other people’s cash.
spread to Spain and elsewhere in Europe. The looming specter of debt
default and deflation is heavy in the air for investors worldwide. What’s more, while Greece and Spain have moderate 30 percent
business tax rates, lower than rates in the U.S., their combined personal
Making market matters even riskier, German chancellor Angela Merkel and VAT tax rates come to about 60 percent. Team Obama take note:
faces key regional elections this Sunday in populous North Rhine- These are anti-growth tax policies.
Westphalia, including the conservative areas of Cologne, Bonn, and
Stuttgart. These cities hate government debt and overspending as much Indeed, the debt follies of Europe and the bankruptcy of the European
as the rest of Germany, if not more so. entitlement state should be a lesson for Obama’s Washington, where
overspending and borrowing have reached absurdly grand heights. As a
The great postwar German leader Konrad Adenauer came from Cologne. share of GDP, U.S. debt is projected to move toward 100 percent in the
He was a conservative Catholic who despised Nazism and Soviet wake of the new Obamacare entitlements. That’s near the 125 percent
communism. He also was an inflation fighter. To stop hyperinflation in debt ratio of Greece.
the postwar period, Adenauer sponsored the new German mark and
linked it to the dollar, which in those days was as good as gold. And just like Greece, U.S. government union-worker benefits, which run
50 percent above private-sector equivalents, are bankrupting federal,

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

state, and local budgets. They’re also spawning a massive voter revolt In the past, Congress tried to suppress speech to win elections. Now
against big-government debt that will bear fruit this November in the leaders must liberalize in order to compete for votes.
tea-party midterm elections.

In a vague sort of way, British Tory leader David Cameron is opposing

the spend-and-borrow mess of Gordon Brown’s Labour party that so FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
resembles Obama’s policies. Consequently, Cameron looks set to win the
U.K. election on Thursday. That’s good news for England. But it could Citizen Shahzad [Cato at
embolden German legislators to vote against the EU-IMF bailout for
Greece on Friday. And that could create an even bigger stock market Liberty]
mess, at least in the short run. MAY 05, 2010 10:56A.M.

Call it a spend-and-borrow debt mess. A pox on all your houses, at least By Julian Sanchez
until financial-market and voter discipline force the dim-witted
politicians to radically change course.


Primary Night Roundup [The

Club for Growth]
MAY 05, 2010 11:24A.M.

Here are the primary election results by state. No huge surprises,

although Rep. Dan Burton barely won his primary in IN-05. Indiana
North Carolina Ohio

Two smart guys on opposite sides of the political spectrum have sound
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS points about the treatment of suspected Times Square bomber Faisal
Shahzad. First, Orin Kerr points out that investigators have some
How the World of Campaign flexibility in determining when and whether to read Miranda rights. In
this case, they refrained initially and questioned Shahzad for a while
Finance Is Changing [Cato at under the public safety exception. And despite the apparent belief of the
perpetually terrorized that Miranda warnings are some kind of magical
Liberty] incantation that causes the cone of silence to descend upon
MAY 05, 2010 11:23A.M. blabbermouths, they determined that he would probably continue
cooperating even after being Mirandized. But as Kerr points out, they
By John Samples could have proceeded sans Miranda had that seemed
necessary—provided they were willing to waive the ability to introduce
Journalists are looking closely at the DISCLOSE bill, Congress’ response Shahzad’s confession at trial. Given that there appears to be plenty of
to Citizens United. CQ says DISCLOSE will loosen independent spending other evidence against him, that might well have been a viable option.
by the parties on their candidates.
Either way, this surely seems like the kind of judgment call best left to
Why is Congress liberalizing party spending? CQ explains: the investigators on the scene, not Monday morning quarterbacks in
Congress like Rep. Peter King (R-NY) who gave us this priceless reaction:
According to one GOP attorney, opponents of the Supreme
Court’s decision are realizing that they will have a difficult “Did they Mirandize him? I know he’s an American citizen
time challenging the constitutional right of outside groups to but still,” King said.
spend money, so this bill is a response to free up the parties
to compete. Putting aside that nauseating “but still,” does King really imagine that he
possesses some deep insight into the pernicious effect of Miranda
Mark that. Citizens United has altered the incentives regarding speech. warnings that the agents on the ground lacked? Again, Shahzad is

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

apparently still cooperating—maybe they knew what they were doing. debt can be rolled over in perpetuity, but his main point is right on the
mark. There is no doubt that most forms of government spending —
From Steve Benen, meanwhile, we have one of many posts around the regardless of the means of financing — harm growth by diverting money
blogosphere pointing out the incoherence of a cowardly proposal mooted from the productive sector of the economy (technically, the economic
by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) that would revoke the citizenship of Americans damage occurs because capital and labor are misallocated and incentives
who join foreign terror groups. The blindingly obvious question: By what are diminished, but let’s not get too wonky). Here are some excerpts
process do we determine that a suspected member of a foreign terror from Williamson’s article:
group is really a member of a foreign terror group? As Glenn Greenwald
writes, there’s not much point to having a Bill of Rights if the Properly understood, there were no Reagan tax cuts. In 1980
government gets to revoke those rights at its whim. But no, Lieberman federal spending was $590 billion and in 1989 it was $1.14
wants to assure us that suspects would have a right to challenge the trillion; you don’t get Reagan tax cuts without Tip O’Neill
revocation of their citizenship in a court—a civilian court, one hopes. spending cuts. Looked at from the proper perspective, we
Except giving material support to a foreign terror groups is, in fact, a haven’t really had any tax cuts to speak of — we’ve had tax
crime. If there’s enough evidence to persuade a court of law that deferrals. …even during periods of strong economic growth,
someone is a member of such a group—congratulations, there’s enough there has been nothing to indicate that our economy is going
evidence to convict them in the civilian system as well! It’s heartening to grow so fast that it will surmount our deficits and debt
that there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of support for this odious without serious spending restraint. This should be a shrieking
proposal, but depressing that a sitting senator would treat the rights of klaxon of alarm for conservatives still falling for happy talk
citizenship so lightly for the sake of a vapid, strutting display of about pro-growth tax cuts and strategic Laffer Curve
“toughness.” optimizing. …The exaggeration of supply-side effects — the
belief that tax-rate cuts pay for themselves or more than pay
for themselves over some measurable period — is more an
article of faith than an economic fact. But it’s a widespread
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS faith: George W. Bush argued that tax cuts would serve to
increase tax revenues. So did John McCain. …It is true that
What’s the Future for Supply- tax cuts can promote growth, and that the growth they
promote can help generate tax revenue that offsets some of
Side Economics? [Cato at the losses from the cuts. …The problem with magical supply-
siderism is that it gives Republicans a rhetorical and
Liberty] intellectual framework in which to ignore spending — just
MAY 05, 2010 08:43A.M. keep cutting taxes, the argument goes, and somebody else
will eventually have to cut spending. The results speak for
By Daniel J. Mitchell themselves: Tom DeLay and Dennis Hastert and Trent Lott
and Bill Frist all know how to count, but, under their
Kevin Williamson has a long-overdue piece in National Review making leadership, Republicans spent all the money the country had
two essential points about supply-side economics and the Laffer Curve. and then some.
First, he explains that tax cuts are not the fiscal equivalent of a perpetual
motion machine. Simply stated, too many Republicans have fallen into Now that we’ve chastised Republicans, it’s time to turn our attention to
very sloppy habits. They oftentimes fail to understand the difference the Democrats. We know they are bad on spending (I often joke that
between “supply-side” tax rate reductions that actually improve Republicans expand government out of stupidity, while Democrats do it
incentives to engage in productive behavior and social-engineering tax for reasons of malice), so let’s focus on their approach to Laffer Curve
cuts that simply allow people to keep more money, regardless of whether issues. If the GOP is guilty of being too exuberant, the Democrats and
they create more wealth. This does not necessarily mean the latter form their allies at the Joint Committee on Taxation (the bureaucracy on
of tax cuts are bad, but they definitely do not boost economic Capitol Hill that estimates the revenue impact of tax policy changes) are
performance and generate revenue feedback. Moreover, even when guilty of deliberate blindness. The current methodology used by the JCT
GOPers are talking about supply-side tax cuts, they frequently (with the full support of the Democrats) is to assume that changes in tax
exaggerate the positive effects by claiming that lower tax rates “pay for policy — regardless of magnitude — have zero impact on economic
themselves.” I certainly think that can happen, and I give real-world performance. If you double tax rates, the JCT assumes the economy is
examples in this video on the Laffer Curve (including Reagan’s lower tax unaffected and people earn just as much taxable income. If you replace
rates on those evil rich people), but self-financing tax cuts are not the IRS with a flat tax, the JCT assumes there is no effect on
common. macroeconomic performance. Sounds unbelievable, but this video has
the gory details, including when my former boss, Senator Bob Packwood
Williamson’s second point is that the true fiscal burden is best measured was told by JCT that revenues would rise year after year even if the
by looking at how much government is spending. I might quibble with government imposed a 100 percent tax rate.
his description of deficits as a form of deferred taxation since technically

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 6 May 2010

Interestingly, the European Central Bank just released a new study

showing that there are substantial Laffer Curve affects and that lower tax
rates generate large amounts of revenue feedback. In a few cases
(Sweden and Denmark), the researchers even conclude that some lower
tax rates would be in that rare category of self-financing tax cuts. But the
key point from this ultra-establishment institution is that changes in tax
rates do lead to changes in taxable income. This means it is an empirical
question to determine the revenue impact. Here’s a key excerpt from the
study’s conclusion:

We show that there exist robust steady state Laffer curves for
labor taxes as well as capital taxes. …EU-14 countries are
much closer to the slippery slopes than the US. More
precisely, we find that the US can increase tax revenues by
30% by raising labor taxes but only 6% by raising capital
income taxes, while the same numbers for EU-14 are 8% and
1% respectively. …We find that for the US model 32% of a
labor tax cut and 51% of a capital tax cut are self-financing in
the steady state. In the EU-14 economy 54% of a labor tax cut
and 79% of a capital tax cut are self-financing. We therefore
conclude that there rarely is a free lunch due to tax cuts.
However, a substantial fraction of the lunch will be paid for
by the efficiency gains in the economy due to tax cuts.

Contrary to over-enthusiastic Republicans and deliberately-dour

Democrats, the Laffer Curve/supply-side economics debate is not a
binary choice between self-financing tax cuts and zero-impact tax cuts.
Yes, there are examples of each, but the real debate should focus on
which types of tax reforms generate the most bang for the buck. In the
1980s, the GOP seems to have the right grasp of this issue, focusing on
lowering tax rates and reducing the discriminatory tax bias against
saving and investment. This approach generated meaningful results. As
Nobel laureate Robert Lucas wrote, “The supply side economists, if that
is the right term for those whose research we have been discussing, have
delivered the largest genuinely free lunch that I have seen in 25 years of
this business, and I believe we would be a better society if we followed
their advice.”

But identifying and advocating pro-growth tax reforms, as Williamson

notes, is just part of the battle. The real test of fiscal responsibility if
controlling the size of government. Republicans miserably failed at this
essential task during the Bush year. If they want to do the right thing for
the nation, and if they want to avert a Greek-style fiscal collapse, they
should devote most of their energies to reducing the burden of
government spending.

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