Hava Nagila Lesson 3

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Katie DeVries

Date : March 20 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Hava Nagila 3rd Lesson

Grade 3rd grade

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
The students have already learned the first two sections of the melody for Hava Nagila. In this lesson, the students will finish learning the melody and will recall the
first two sections.
cognitiveR U Ap An E C*

Learners will be able to:

Sing the melody confidently with only a few mistakes

Identify melodic direction with familiarity (as they did this in the last class)
Keep a steady rhythm/ostinato when playing a bass line on the xylophone
Compose a one measure ostinato with a group
Perform/clap the ostinato composed for the other students in the class



R U Ap
Ap, An
Ap, A, C
Ap, E


Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
ART.M.I.3.1 Use developmentally appropriate singing voice, sing melodies accurately, and physically demonstrate macro and micro beat
ART.M.I.3.4 Sing melodies with confidence in a large group.
ART.M.II.3.6 Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 3 rd grade.
ART.M.I.3.8 Play instrumental parts independently while other students sing.
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Students will have a basic knowledge of correct singing technique and posture. They will have musical
knowledge through the 3rd grade, meaning that they will have a general idea of what pitch, melody,
rhythm, and rhythmic notation are. They should also know how to hold xylophone mallets and how to
bring sound out of the xylophone (although they will be reminded).
Pre-assessment (for learning):

I will ask the students what they remember about the second section, and what they should remember
to do on the high notes (expand their hands, gather more breath support). I will ask them what the
words mean, and what the context of the song is.
Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)

Formative (for learning):

At the end of the lesson I will ask them to explain what an ostinato is and how they just composed it.
This will review their skills in composition and how their composition fits into Hava Nagila.
Formative (as learning):

Students will perform their composed rhythm in front of the class. I will watch to see if they are
keeping in time with their group and if they are following the notation correctly.
Summative (of learning):
What barriers might this
lesson present?
What will it take
emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible

Provide Multiple Means of Action

and Expression
Provide options for physical actionincrease options for interaction
-Students will compose by moving
around popsicle sticks and rest

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for recruiting
interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect

Provide options for expression and

communication- increase medium
of expression
-Students will compose their own
original using a system of notation

Provide options for sustaining effort

and persistence- optimize
challenge, collaboration, masteryoriented feedback

-Translations for lyrics will be

reviewed and students will see
helpful pronunciation tips


-Students will work together in

groups to compose
-Students will practice/perform
in groups after finishing their

Provide options for comprehensionactivate, apply & highlight

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

Provide options for executive

functions- coordinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies

Provide options for self-regulationexpectations, personal skills and

strategies, self-assessment &

-Students will learn the last

-The class will evaluate the
section of the piece through a
performances and what each
whole-parts-whole approach,
group did well.
and will review what they were
singing when doing the
performance aspect of the
composition activity
The pages of the lyrics should be ready to go. Popsicle sticks and rest cards while be set out for the
group activity. At least 10 pencils and 10 sheets of paper while be out to notate the rhythms at the end
of class.

25 chairs will be set up in four rows (three rows with 6 chairs and 1 row with 7). The chairs will be on
the left side of the classroom, leaving room to use the popsicle sticks to compose on the other side of
the classroom. The pencils will be in the back on a table next to the sheets of paper to be used when

III. The Plan



(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)


Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
-Who can remember the new section of Hava
-Students are recalling the lyrics and words to the
Nagila that we learned last week? Here, Ill get you second section of Hava Nagila.
started (if they cant remember, sing one measure
of the second section)
-What did those words in Hebrew mean? (Uru
-Students are recalling the translation for the
achim blev sameach = arise brothers, with a happy Hebrew words and where the folk song is usually
-Where do the Jewish usually sing this song? At
-I am going to teach you the last part of the melody.
Listen closely! Sing the last section of the melody
-Students are listening to the teacher demonstrate
for them (from Sing we Mazeltov to rise up
the last section
children, hava nagila)
-While singing, show with your hands the direction
of the melody (For example, sing WE goes up so
-Students are watching the teacher demonstrate
show that with your hands)
melodic direction through vertical hand motion
-Teach the section that you just sang to the students
phrase by phrase, using the hand motions to show
melodic direction, and have them copy/follow with -Students are singing the last section of the piece
phrases by phrases and showing melodic direction
-If they are having trouble reaching the high notes,
with their hands as they sing
use the stretching motion with your hands (like in
the last lesson) or the voice flexing cards to help
them feel more comfortable with the jump



-To help them feel the rhythm of the tambourines

sound the call section, have the students punch
the rhythm to make the feeling more bouncy and
-Once they sound comfortable with the last section
of the piece, sing through the entire piece with
them. Put the words on the screen with the vocal
pointers and listen for which parts sound weaker
than others. Adjust accordingly.
-Write a quick assessment on the rubric to see who
is matching pitch and who is not. Write the date
next to the assessment.
-Now, we are going to add an ostinato to our folk
song! Does anyone know what an ostinato is? An
ostinato is a repeated pattern that is played
underneath the melody or other notes. You are
going to get to compose your own ostinato for this
piece! It will be in 4/4 time, and it will be one
repeated measure. I am going to hand you popsicle
sticks and rests, and you can construct your
measure with that. Show them how to use the
popsicle sticks and go through an example with
them. Make sure that your quarter notes, eighth
notes, and rests equal four beats by the end.
-Split the class into 8 groups of 3 and hand out the
popsicle sticks/rest cards. Give the class time to
make their own one measure rhythm in groups.
When they have finished, tell them to practice
clapping their rhythm together.
-When every group has had a chance to write their
own rhythm, go to each group and have them clap
it for the rest of the class. If there is time, have
them compose a second rhythm. Compliment
groups that do well and ask the students to
highlight positive aspects about each performance
through a short discussion (for example, what did
this group do really well? possible answer they
stayed together and on the beat for the entire
-Ask one group to continue clapping their rhythm
over and over again, and then ask the rest of the
class to sing the melody while they clap. Then do
this with another group
-Use the rubric and do a quick assessment for each
student. Put the date on the number that you chose
for them.

-Students are using an expansive hand motion for

high notes and/or following along with the voice
flexing cards to help them locate the correct pitches

-Ask the students what they just composed, and

what it means
-Hand out a blank sheet of paper. Ask one student
from each group to write down their groups
rhythm on the paper so that they can use their

-Students are reviewing the new information about

ostinato and rhythms

-Students are punching or tapping the air to feel

the bounciness of the notes
-Students are singing through the entire last section
and looking at the words on the screen
-Students are adding ostinato to their musical
-Students are listening to directions and new

-Students are creating their own one measure

rhythm and clapping it with their group

-Students are informally performing their rhythms

for the other groups in the class
-One group of students is clapping while the rest of
the class sings the melody of Hava Nagila

-One student from each group is notating the

groups rhythms on a sheet of paper

rhythm in the next class. Explain that you will pick

one of the rhythms to use for the ostinato (and
possibly more than one) that everyone will play
-Take the students down to the library. Tell them
that they will have ten minutes to find something
about Jewish culture and tradition, and to type out
what it is and where they found it. Have them
email their answers to you, and use the information
you collected to incorporate new definition into the
beginning of the next lessons.

-Students are typing out a fact about Jewish culture

and why it is important

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
When I taught this lesson, I did not include the composition section because I had a limited amount of time to teach the
lesson. The Sing We Mazeltov is the highest section of the piece so it took them a little bit to adjust to the higher range in
their voices. The students were able to reach the higher notes when I talked about singing with a taller mouth and when I
integrated that in with the motions (expanding the space between the hands). I also didnt play the recording when I taught
this in the first class, and I think it would have been more helpful to have them sing with the recording. It places the section
that they just learned into context and helps them review the folk song in its entirety. (I also did not teach the section about
using the computers to write a response.


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