Lesson4 Year 3 4

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-To learn
the parts of
the body

Activity (inc GPS starter)

Whole class work/guided work/independent
work/differentiation/pupil reflection/use of ICT/Targeted
support/other adults/key questions
(Differentiation and starter to be indicated in bold)
Whole class group.
Oral review about some introductory expressions. + Say
HOLA AMIG@ and hanging the friend from their clothes.
- Aprender las partes del cuerpo



Bronze: to
remember at least
5 body parts

-Song bugui
-Post its with the
names of the parts
of the body. In
year 3 they will
have a pack of
post its every three
students. In year 4
they will have a
pack of post its
-Something to
distinguish who is
the doctor

Silver: to
remember from 5
to 10 body parts.

Gold: to remember
all the body parts
Whole class group.
- With some pictures, explanation of the parts of the
- Repeat each part of the body to improve the
pronunciation. Cabeza, brazos y nariz (Tongue
between teeth), barriga (strong r like a motorbike),
ojos y orejas (sound of the tiger)
- There will always be an image of a human body and
we will add labels to the parts of the body as they
are being explained.
- Parts we will explain: cabeza, cuello, espalda,
barriga, brazos, manos, dedos, culo, piernas, pies,

pelo, ojos, nariz, orejas y boca.

When we explain the vocabulary related to the
fingers, we will also ask them where else of the body
they have fingers apart from the hands. They are
supposed to say that in their feet despite they still
dont know how to say pies.
Altogether, they will do a matching exercise in the
smart board.

Whole class group.
- Song of the Bugui Bugui. It is an easy song with a lot
of repetitive movements that the students will follow
without any problem. They will have to stand up.
- The song includes having to move several parts of
the body and that way they will learn them.
In a threesome or individually.
- In this activity, the students will be given some post
its with the names of the parts of the body they have
learned throughout the lesson. They will have to
hang them in the correct place of the body.
- In year 3, the students will work in pairs while in
year 4 they will do the activity individually.
- Once they have finished putting the post its all over
their bodies, there will be a student who will be an
example for all the rest of the class to check if they

have done it properly.

Whole class group.
- The last activity will be the chain game. In this
activity they will have to repeat and remember what
their classmates have said.
- In year 3 they will have to repeat the parts of the
body so that one student says: cabeza. The
following one will have to say: cabeza, espalda
cabeza, espalda, cuello cabeza, espalda, cuello,
- In year 4, there will be one student who will be the
doctor. S/he will ask their classmates Qu te
duele? and the students will answer one by one:
Me duele la cabeza Me duele la cabeza, la
mano. Me duele la cabeza, la mano, el pie,. In
the board, they will have a slide with the parts of the
body (with the article) they can say when playing the
game. The target is to remember as much as
Say ADIS AMIG@ + Give the clothespin to the volunteer
student and keep their friend in the tray.

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