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1.2, 1.3 & 1.

These sections of my notes
demonstrates my understanding
that the perspective of Indigenous
Australians differs from that of
non-Indigenous Australians. Once
recognising the differences in
how Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people view the natural
and man-made world, I made the
connection that this will inevitably
impact how Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children view
education and therefore how they

This is a visual arts activity that I was

involved in during the EDAR308 week two
tutorial that is also appropriate for use with
children within the visual arts classroom.
When completing this activity, I not only
became knowledgeable about the visual and
physical aspects of Indigenous Australian
artwork, but came to understand the
meaning behind the artwork, what artwork
means to Indigenous Australians and how it
reflects their culture, cultural identity, values
and beliefs.
This activity could very well be used by a
teacher to instil the same understandings
within their students. It could also be used
as an effective strategy to learn about the
specific cultural identify, perspectives and
understandings of any Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children within the classroom.
This will therefore assist in implementing
learning experiences that are inclusive of
children with Indigenous backgrounds,
respecting their cultural identify and
addressing their individual learning needs
through their preferred learning styles.

1.2, 1.3 & 1.4

This is my weekly reflection, describing the
key understandings and new found
knowledge I gained from the content covered
during this particular week.
I discuss how my frame of reference about
Aboriginal perspectives has been transformed
from a narrow uneducated understanding to a
more enlightened and open view of
Indigenous Australian culture. Through
deepening my content knowledge of
Aboriginal culture and history in reference
to visual arts I demonstrate my new found
ability to consider the perspective of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
in my classroom, during both visual art lessons
and whilst addressing other curriculum areas.

1.2, 1.3 & 1.4

This section of my weekly reflection again
demonstrates my understanding of the
importance and impact of differing
perspectives of Indigenous and nonIndigenous Australians on teaching and
Not only have I recognised the significance
from a teaching perspective, but have
understood the importance of students
understanding culture differences, as well
as a range of other characteristic, impact
the way that an individual sees, knows,
understands and acts. This visual arts
activity is an effective strategy for helping
students understand specifically the
differences of Indigenous and nonIndigenous perspectives of the
environments and therefore explaining the
differences in visual artwork.

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