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Student: Christina Saldivar

Dr. Crosby
Lesson Date: January 26, 2016
Grade Level: Sixth Grade
Element Focus/Skills: Rhythm

Teaching Objectives:

The student will be able to learn concepts of steady beat, meter and basic note

The student will be able to work independently and with a partner to demonstrate
proficiency of steady beat, meter and basic note values.

The student will be able to create written patterns in 4/4 meter with basic

The student will also be introduced to band instruments.

Virginia Music SOLs


The student will perform rhythmic patterns that include whole notes, half notes,
quarter notes, eighth notes, and corresponding rests.


The student will respond to music with movement by performing

nonchoreographed and choreographed movements.


The student will read and notate music, including


Smart Board with music software

Note-value Tree Handout
Manuscript paper (Big Staves)
Apache Jump on It (Track 4)

Teaching Procedure:
Introduce the lesson by asking the students to think about songs they would sing and
dance to.

Instruct the students to stand and to space out. Play Apache- Jump On It on the
smart board. Let the Students listen and dance to it. Encourage to move to a
steady beat.

Use beat pattern examples with note values on the smart board. Use the note value
tree as a handout. Also introduce 4/4 meter. Also invite the students to wave their
hands in the air to some of the patterns. Tap shoulders.

Instruct the students to create their own 4/4 beat patterns.

Have the students sit down. Explain a steady beat and demonstrate it. Instruct the
students to tap their leg to a steady beat. Play Vanilla Ice Ice Baby

Group the students into 2s or 3s and ask them to perform the patterns together.

Instruct the students to return to their seats.

Show examples of band instrument families on the smart board. Ask the students
to name the instruments that they are familiar with and which ones they are
interested in learning how to play.

Show videos of marching bands playing popular songs that they would know.

Conclusion: Ask the students what 4/4 meter is. Ask the students to name some
band instruments


Were the student able to perform their movements to the 4/4 meter and to the
steady beat?
Are the students able to explain the meter?
What could be some changes to make this lesson more effective?

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