Electric & Systems - A320

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SreannEE! ch. 2k \* “ay Ay The stabe Trav. Operates 5 ‘ a. Permanent oy Wher on batteries only. ce. Whi ene Rotlng Operera tor Pads a 2) AC ess RUS _ts nor nally Supplied He! La. AC BUS} 7 Pb AC Bus 2 ie. Curorgey Qa. AY 3) PC BAT BYE Can ba Sppllos/ by Me ~ “1a. De BUS! or batterers : ~~ a De BUSI, DO RUS 2 or batterie o. 60. De BUS2Z or balhenras av 4). &C trans fens warble AC buses: Te ba Lewneetodl tn parallel — Supphied by omg Gem or yetirnel Ar cba Supphted by APU GEN or xr PUR | onky i eee Eee Eee “ Ww 5) Apher Activatlon of the by Doe Pump orhat Kappes during the Cuor Qe. Teck A, The Rowe Pir Tarbine C RAT) is excfénded. b. The Cinargency Geu. Comtg on Lue, (e The RAT Ks antiuced! ad Me Raceyen Y Yen Comes O77 Arne. Av, 6) On Ground 10.4 Cold Cattctins air-ory com Leguration what dees tke ach'ba/iom RAT & Ewer Gor. PMA ov red of pe. Cause Y ak Ram. Aut- Turbine C RAT) anlinse'on a b- Nett 0. Finerfaey ge achlalion . yy By. — the Goole pass velue open) ar euertiuperatire rs deleted. pee C4 Condition operation. - a eee Cc. har “Le ¥v By ai He GEN 122 online, when oloee Hhe Gen [ FALLT 42 Come. on 8 ia. As soon aa the GEN 1 L1WE push butte. | . released aul. ib ae GEW/ porauctey- lo nol curred: if oe GEW7L portance ler fs 20F Corte of | GEW pb. “se releater Yq). When relraced aut, Wht” does GEWf LINE ae erable 2 ia. Te close eed 2 tapnly fe L pu As ie a Me AC MORHAL ee fe os C oo fhe ual punpps 7% Chose the BTC SLupply Ke fuol a pups from the AC MORMAL RUS. 10) yuhae 's lg, Coma ‘hin @ & fee exeiler 4 i tele wha the ely se sti Aunngn (G2 Mot ebeckrnita | b. Reduced - eEeSEEEEEEEEH | C. Wereased. Bb, 96, fob foe py) whak happens wher a Gon. Paull is detietada LA. The oxctter Preld fs no Lon Supplied and Me ote tinips - of Lb The ayo! fBr Brod no shhl bed L- Ho GOR ae 2 Cc. Tho eyertter pref rs increated b tha. . Gor . trips. 7 12) Whalt's he OmAguration. of Ho electoral netork hf Done W perahal preection hag occurred 5 Gof 2 a, The whole elecpri cal nefwerk ~s * SHY operetroual, & Ae pos d fs Lost. -@ AC Bus? Cs Lost 13) uthak's the Goon Pigurattn of Mla ebclyind a ) ses who dae 2 oh al rotection hag eccurre : en 19 . Tle whole elbctri' é ange re" SH opertFimad. & Ac Busd fs beg Cc. AC Bus 2s Lott a, (2a, 226 7 4) Hed eo differential protection fir i a rv ‘fine fro im fhe ce of Me Geu | 6. AE vo Pa Lin chal eure happens 1 fae Berk PR Ao: c. thle Ngcofl acbins MANS Ween | Ma eet GEN bution 115) al ap The za se enerQ!' Lod . ib. The ee PR daly MeN aes 91 2eol, | C. The a ee ra Ae V2ed PR Ag ban fy ergealed, E re 3 rfa aot pl 4, Paeenes LD e.GLC slay closed. b_ on c« era hays © 22ALY Ke GLL ic The Eek “ye | ele Ke opened. overload warning oceurs | | | ~ "he, (F%, 16C. i | | | “A ii whats: iynration rf Byth BTC: AD ne is He grbpun on if TC. (Q. APU GBA Supplies AC RL LEX ! PWR Supplieg AC BUS. 6. APU @EW eg AC RUS ZGEW2 Supplies AC BW 2. GEL Supplis AC RULAEGEN 2 Supplier “AQ RUS JZ... 218) what is Nhe Com Spurrlion (2 BTCL t's 2 2 Bre aK ale a. GENS Suppbles Ac Bus f 2 Exr PWR Si yes "AC BUL.2.. .B. APU GEW es. fc Bdod LET pPwk bg Ae Bds 2. auinett cc. Exr PWR. Supphres AC gust Ze GENL Soppes AC BUS 2.0 Z 19) Wwhilis Ke Cul guration f both BCs ake Closers A. GEVL bye Ac BUSY ROEM? Supqebes Ac BUS? . b, APL GEM or Ex PWR orm one GEM Supplies Ac BUSY &AC RUD ; c.Apv GEN ee AC BYSd EXT PWR = . Sugpdies AC BY 2. Cc. 4F¥0, (82, {9b N 7)| Haw 'c He RAT Ox [aS iomn olen CnfFo Uedy ja By meant Poe So lonoide tnerge vee af tho Tyo. CEO. Bey means FF Bwo Se fenords- io 8 By wasnt % one So hanaid an | iach RAT Soleus Su Lod ? 72) Batery er Mor Bn 7 b Bc Bat Bus. | C. Da Butd or 2. fo2)| "Re Me norual Cox, ihe Te arhtch Fao é & 2 | 4. feet eg tes . be 7B Gea - jel peg J ee wills Pho a. eloclrrial neliark norma ed, and te AC. ESS FEED | pb. Didecred oul C ALTA) P a. AC Ess Bus fs Supplled by, byl Ene19. GEM 1b ACESS Bus te cupabed by Ac BUS "L CAC ER Bur ebay CE by PvrE eee (204, ala, 22e@, 28C & 7 24) In oe Com pureh ber eth, ann Ale speed “belba 50 KA, whkaf 13 Me Cond Hom ACHe Me 7 neler.” a, Ac Ess BUS, bo ars BUS oud AC SAKE anv. Bus he. Supplied. 6. Dc Exe Bus, AC sate Hv. Bie £ be Buds ake ghy'od.. c. Ac ees Bus, AC shite Tiv. Bus £- Do BAT BUS ae Suppbied, 725) 7 whieh Compiler “s a shite MAU. in. fault ge sent: P32 HEHEHE round ae Control Unit Geng or nel, ae a eed chahgo L, 26 . Pour Seupee 29 the ESS 729 J AC BUS 1 or Ac nee i b Ac Bus? ad AC BUS2. (C. AC ess BUS or Emeigeny Gen. 27) which egurpmourt Controle Ro @ batlary cently ce Gout 46. Bel, LS iC. Stab Fe Th vertér- hb, OS0 > 26EC, FB an 28) wher is He De ESS nefilerk power a 5) Source i TRL Aad farted 2 | a. Ac ess BUS. Lb. Bo BAT Bus. c CaM /G.- | est een, whats‘. fhe DC Ess Aus 4 (TRE | hag puted 2 ep PT RE 730) Th Od Me Com puri (ne Ac aut OC heh - o) Ta c ic ag) bet ae bei plays 1 1Q, On. fha. ECAM.. 6, On ha ELEC PWR Control pone. Gere PS 10 tadécation. 223!) When tees the BAT FAULT Lele Ge on) Q- Whan tho BAT 0b. /s.22t- ff OFF, b. then ha. discharge cutlets foo hgh . c, When a Mermal, Aunawegy oan wabernel . Short erent occurs? Zeal, 2¢b, 3206, Ble eh 332) Welle Pe the Gens an Lhe what cles Ween oa K on ty ee ehon bQ. 14. The exert and Carl 7d .9, se tha Ae nay a & The external PRewar Cm taober A Ou trolld ye Choke 0, The entornal, Ground Ab ?S 8 hthg rho Ae / De frevnd Servite Lure. 733) whotdese (Le Entarnal Puk Avail 4; (nents. who, ye 1Q. Te Ground ee Unit haa 1 tripeed fe exfernal. Ground Ot Le artarual froand CP ko Connocled . fete Ke C. Ja eafarnal Ground Cf Can be Coma ected tele. he neliark., go: The ground 7s Aunnih ud fur Po 7 on oS ke SxT PWR po. & od (7 uf Ao pnd ‘cal'sy7 - WAI obs ee Kabofy q: me GPCL hag - EPC. W's often. b.. Tha GRY Is no Suygohled Whe EPC £8, Ofer. ~ Ce GRU fs supphled Le EPC ie choked B26, 320, BA \\ 538) whabr's Khe mdiicatin, ec he exfirnel. poser i Aece place who the gre round wt 77s Copnecten! V6 (ho Ale” netitark 2 a, MoT IM USE LRLY ONL AVAL AYS ON. A Lor TH USE 4, OFF SAVAIL baton. _ Nov TN USE M pA 0 Fe AVAIL ghlcFs 3 CA) what claca Me. Pin, Menitorig flig tra) jolla fhe Gong © ee On} ‘(Gre )) monilag |The vollage &- frey panes “A The Correct” Phase. Skeguens. CO.) Ho. pln De C dattagh ab fhe ettarnal | Powter. Receptacs 73 | z Ho Ground Pouer Control Unil— Worf éaflpaey We fron! BAT. BUL. &. Mes, from tha de Creunf Servite Rie (S56, 36C , 2%, \e 33) Whe Ble fser und , with Peo el ) Lxferna Ae ise Ce whore rs Ske. Ground. Po ular Control Ontf- a The. Ground Qt 3-/le DO BAT BUS. 6. ke Da BAT. BUS i‘ C. R Gracnd AE only’ 39) Ta which of fio pellet ont | an Over @ccucs ? Q.. Fa lay ah. fue PIGS b-. On round wv, APL : ce oNGreund with. EXT PUR ‘ ) what doce He GALLEY FAULT Lyk nde Ao tee aft has bron. shed. fen : b, . All Pha! alleys have teon hod, c, . fa etree on “sy fe’ APU or £D6), Th hack Con fie. 7 Ls power autiuale Ww ct bon alo “dhe ? ae Refacing burs Supplied by sorvirce bus Gol PP. be. w nw a ~ Hof bus fol FP. — «.. Both Goof pera cor - 380, 27h, 400,414 ag wv 42) Hows IDGL y's connecfad © a... Anbs uahe ee ere rs he b. » Aubwabrially, Gbon a fully PAawoter oy befeclef by re 2 A 7 0. & rustig he TOGL gustded pb 48) Wher dees tke IDG FAULT tyht Gee. on? a. Th Cade. overheat or beer bressure defech;on. b. Ta Cwtta averhet £ hugh pressure debectiont. C- | Ty Case ¥ eer heel or Aye precure beteetrin. 44). Who. does Me APO. GEM LAdL 7 Upll oue on P qa. | when She APO /s kil down - bi dhe. 9 fault ie defee led. 0., Bok. a 4s) | whoo. & he APU GEM of antl temp. synal ub , a. | To a ECB, ace & | Pibcohd Fi he GL Soe C- | To /aYGey Aragge (x2 Eck. \ oe Eee este eee PELE eee 46) (Wha does te cstifs Supply. Re DC £HC ES busee 2. | Wha AG Bus lor2 % Gop, b., When Ra Cnaigency Gen. pahauaters UP Correcy. al As Soon As BAT! (9 0 14204430, 44b, 4542 46 @) Q- b. Ce » | Wham Me $ \e oo ng Gear uphecked£- after Ae bus fds hewn Ves Ke lr EMER GEN a ae Cae O41. 2. ‘sl, nverler 0 esp When. Ne ACV DC Ess bucec ato Lost Wh ye Ens TR W's Loo. whakis He Sobenerel Cnlrol Vale nopa Supplied a when fhe Crclart Speed /lels CY Gan. son 4g ? : a esn/ PMG. Te Be ‘Bar Bis. Say ces eo Ste CSG Corel Uni Cytral hen a i hag been! aelacked f? Fhe Solensdd Ontrob value y Ke tneter eld L- ee Get FH2 Confacfar ts The. xctPer fed 75 ony GEN Lhe Onhiclir Ae d ts bu Speed. «ey eat hue, bs ofl, fhe Gen Lye MN ofer to on, Sha. 2Mer Or pol & off mr ala haa pore Trans Loraey- Recher oe < ve ‘heal ¥ Bien ee Welecfiin - Ouerkea DQ evervellige, detechen . | Overheat M eer. BG Adehechon 4Fo; 4E4 } 4 4 > 5048 \e a) Can a Fan former Reclifhi'or unt be Aeceh? . |) er from 0 ‘BCL ora fb. (nbe Atiencs by, : &fher’ from a pb. tn tha Auvenics bay or aulamatr Gly | at poster up - » either from The CHDS or fb. he avinies bay. Whey E TRE minimum Cibhent- deleclin Syoleu enbrb;fed QO \On ground coho M0 ae ebeclrital neoliierk. 1's Supplied by he APU G on b. On Greund chon ha AC fog GRVD FLT Buses a en ed by 2x fer! power: Cc. | On I Runt Who “Ke ae f DC. GRVY FLT 5 Be Supplied by ka. epfarndd heuer 58) whats te DC. nofwer& Cnfy tion (7 fb jen ebechrrce eucrgpen Cen fopecalion a7 RPV shirk S- alee a. | PAT BUS dieconnecled fron Je satires. 6b. | BAT BUS Conecked %& Ko bafferres. C. | BAT BUS Gxzecled % BATT ony 84) | When ees Ke how BAT od aze aelschin ty lem. { yt 2 a. (On greand, wih te BAT Le) pb. nha tule pe oon bth AbyF, wth. ple BET ob. nha AUTO pesleon, 2. Oe weed , oth Ke BAT fb 2 Lhe OFF Pek: an, | s/c, 52b, 58b, SA 4 WN ch. 32 = PWefh the Main OFF ph. ralousH YZ vy bY Pressed, ) thew Lan Swf aE Win we | Aight? af FULL BRIGHT WESS?! a. Ye Cah pepe the BEIGHT. (BET). 2b. Lageciated f5 ka WINDOWS tytt a : by, You Can popess the IAIN Yon Ho be (Hee ie ie Ak Ens BRIGHTCBRT) i CEILING (CLE ; : Cc.) dou Can press. the a wD) pb. 2) | hak ho... Khe Lavaliry, fb. On [Re FAP 0s. pres-ef ? ; : ~ 4 | he LAVATORIES ate Deawinalid af FULL RE/GYTMESS , uhorr Ke assacrléy LAVRTON Dok (s) ¢s C ae) Locked, i 6. TE LWATOLIES abe Mlrwsnal eh fl 50 7, on, ness y whan. Lo. asco csiloy LMATORY DooR IS open oF cLoced. C1 ALB te rect. 2) WA Me RWE riRw OFF coh sel ty On, ‘wher, ake He. RUMWAY ZUR AL OF Uphlen? ah, whe. The Nese handfg Gear 1'cAotra tel ! ; t b.. whe. the Néce hain Gear ro dawn focked. a, Abways. Tay 28, 8b oy 4... Wha. Ao GENER EXIT LT \N oo iy Deke Todo a Suppl ed by ho’ EPL /n efeootir- sm Aa, ON Posie Whe Ha YER CIGHT Pb onl. FAP ts ererced SMe 27 Vdc Ees BUS PS CoS a a meth DEG Gots Fa an electrical RH OHA configure ion hich Cock pit YKML= Aen ain on Pesce eet -. CAPT th ith Fly [ RH Coalee Pad byl Flo done Aiphl CHT] Ly Contre fered Wyble "Flo done Wyht h Fie [RH Contre fled yk . How Cau hho CAPT Aead- ip le fe Suitohed fe By Surniag Ke. brigkta Loo Cnmlro b fe 7 , pases AP back 11th Oy AEB ae Ccoob: os Apahig ouchales fucrescont bu.pihe yy fre ballet unle@? aoe Pissenger Asadens & work ta danl Mphl ig vn blghlin ance Lighting b EL Cree phtcg i takap Spe 4h, &b6C, ZL Pee \N wilt. itp | jena Le at TAY ty DIM. Cock Lhe ir FS & Fe Lie FWD ofl, The a Fw tite ie Te £4 Fwb entry dy whal is tf the purpose. 6 WING be ENG , err, on Mee, using Ceadeaf od fe on 9 ryan. b. 1 transit fhe bg beats eee A buguce Le OU ¢. 1 Og wisp tod: a nacelle. on tz Who Uo tho ee: Ae 6 SHE ps wered ? ane fre nese VL di LE? sy es be ee neOle Randy) ly Gar 1 dows Lo Wek Dy), Ju) iM atu (ch selector position 1s Ka. Lanting 2 ‘Sok 5 H , een ip lle Ohl co Act i-ac Fe, ts on pried Ke Light Us Oxf Bacled ay pest co ron) + SC, GC, 10b, Ib, \M ie) \whick . al ae it excep Leal na unter bob os cht: ‘ee pocoa ei HM ewer, is ond, . sbide” Pes Ce oh. 2 Ort y a On allth display ahe /Le aap parecle, b. AD a. EW fQ, Whale he. yerael Miclion Gelers » CoS 7 q, 4 t ded f anber byt beled) He. Sv) de 6. Hgdh pipe Oy in front eck. C.. A mesege ais layed on RELL. /2), Which Couputer porecesSee Tha. esebsigd? . SAAC _b. FW 2. DNC 4) Whar fhe basse. Aofe ee DMC, 2 { q. They Coumpouté a 4G ene rate. é Prerl2 ols Waknr a fenerle, abey~ ae s) Where aloes a esabiiyy wecte pe appear 2 q. . Upper area. ree eee eee b_ Leff meme QURa. . - c RY mano akon. 1€,0b,3b, 445 54 v\ ~ 6) whol doer a Waar ap mectape 4p place ? ~ Memo ne bts / Steps PeiT ion - C.. Fae. Tithealion _ 7) Week EcAN se a ae eru/se? a ENG/NE page eye 7 be FLT ATL Pepe. C,, CRUSE Pye. 78) oe ecArl poge abr ty ed. akan hg. a as Te own 1A : 64 a. Wheel Page 7 a Zines Ca e. - FLTfCyL pegpe- j | What chahac/sri'zes 7 Qa. . £Le G$e Yu ences ort 6. /& ableence x Dspace an ; Mbaos Cc. dro creed, ie Min Pee ae . achiated. .- EEE HEHEHE “Gas F7C 4 Fa» HQ ec a = 6 Oe ee 7 what dbp lyed [on & on dike mole on aA cnplay mabe. e. ig ECAM MOO SeeumenavA 7) On whi dye gy does he ey eee ese é EMYNES V4 ln iyplay. STATUS ob ‘oply / suing aie Mo decal pb. os 2cce 9 72 Malumgs ae. ff, Led aay : Te, Lrafus pope Lo dgpbised. Ke ah riggs Vo. AL / sede op on Kha LICL page 2 (e | Prone eam Gira £140 4L MeLiepe. Whiknig MAM APC L H — Cupeler gereralet be wally Sfrdy a ANU b. SPAC. CC. FWwWe ax ee ee Nh, (20, 8b sy JAC TX 15). had kid 9f Gy Connection As O8ed lo Weaysut a wif 6 ho digpley, Layed on lke. Wipley lulp Red agile. ee placler OSPL. iS is Serl’ Daly Lyk) ¢, . Message Dak Guy. oe Which mode wes «ft pon th 4 MAW olla a PLAN meade... C.. ROSES ILS molle. ~ [Z, to fa. eels 7 nbQion | cite, y i. we Hho wWerlkor ae Mora area ees G, ,On ARINC 429 LARINC 452 buses. 6- On petlar DSOL Y ARINC #S9 uper. On ARINC AEB SX Lyplal. buses. 15), what jWforuthon dors He FEEDBACK DspL frensrark 7 a “Cot cal. pehane TD Pred back_g pray be. aes al pote Q Du (Pet late far Sia oo 15b, 66, 172, /8C . eu a 8 (P ono Ex Zo? i y) a is fka a i la a 7 | & feed whiniigs Ure, LG. M7 wah niky “s Boor. 2) | What Aappes.s ‘Sod Dye (07 fella? | DNC Aaleuali os oe ] é a mush be ofp TANS, ferred, 7 [Mo thing | a) hed DNC culpuh burp Arec/G, | cred %%5 fhe lee Os Zo [An ALC Bef hiphg gee Setehed but, ae BRINC 429 boots 2hep unwwohad bilf, a ie RS 422 bus. 22 wd wher. Redd _d RS4E? youll Z 4 eee have oo. ce a, rs Be Nye i Tal on hho Selected Wales, | Radth. Transe:ver—. 9c, 208, 2b, 22¢ eco eg) wal hagoous 2 Fale] (bo 7 Fue 2 hagh ib ats 7 : : DNCo ee AS eae ee a. | Fula fare hal aes ep. 24). The Clock 3 OFC re 2 Ske. Filo PAG C..cab : Wie CPA, FOL ad 1s fo FEC, QO. . We ee ECAM aS pley, 025). ao POST FLIGHT RETOAT tx nade we oh LAST LEG Ech REPORT | MY Chs7- CEG ECA REPORT 2. Fo2_ CAs CEB REPORT. . only Mas. LAST CEG REPORT se , Wuhath achin wust-be alan tay aa’ 7 personnal, ahaa clagr f flare Ls fn Wo slur 7 q. Refer tothe. +76. to knoat of We cs a GO ,Ne GO or Gb Tr Me b_- Do noe Ao 16 (Ro age a. Morn, eft uncoFecled unfrl toa. ye “Libad Mahal eu he Ce Che, 290, Sth, bh, 26a an he... de hess 8 ballre i few odites A bocanit ig apart fe Side Ee, By La Le % GULP 0 Cab em correc ve acbion Caan whos chace 2 faite Bae : round. Lith page Wie Palire Onde dyed, ha ECAM STATUS bP, ile f SET CEG ae AVIONICS ECHL Ges ws page So Ae Chas & pellibic ose aA tigtlyed Zia Which. CofPrabyred F il igh gato fun chrims a0 avatla ele CRT (2G REPORT CA Le Ai oe Avion STATOS LMC LER REPORT, SILI REPORTS TEES 7 CURREWT 2EG Aepoer., COMREWT c a SCAM REPORT: ZC > CBD, OC, Ce CN br Abe. A oe re fape th sem fe “Aaphe fou “hed wis. Lulen J SP oe Loca Wap he failare date Geblered Debt, co Qe whut mess ehiered, ) (22. ECA. which Control val Fal Orb, System fenckoas ax anlable 4 CLUP mode. ou and. 2 a aie Sree ; : een REPbRT TEST for wal Sy Slee. _| LACT CEG REPORT SL fet CER ECAM RE0er, Whe iit he LAST cee REPORT franofered 15 fie. PREVIOUS CEGS REPORT OP Af Parse We. Sat x Sar ded res _ A fa che let IA), Afro fo aac. who ha. Ah Speed hig been. bebred 0 Knope for FO Seconda. | What's Ae suns bor nCpemeufed 7 At Greet nd /| Tirtaante (7624, AF ‘Uiigtt Ea ran srPeoH + sf Bot, 3b, B22, 330 j ca Which hfe cu Ce dlted (f Soveral tank ninboss Ahihe ts ¢Sauo.” WARM GS Mit FUN. a a ee ° OOS FAULT MESSAGE "9.50 Cilia, The OBS /ndere 4. be Phe DEW TERS STEM. cer bbew Cae 35) (C ah. OF a & anolkor MEL, ee bla Edie ras oe loser, bed tu leg, | AMEX o.| 4 weckanial fre blew. 26) | Cou ahead wi Do Mr bes MME, aun arbhe re ‘L Con. 42. ¢ a. Eg Can trad? efron, . 6.| fess Aashr/cfrve._ Cn) Mare ALIS rie fAVe- BOF Aewinde ts ddplyed on - @| the sFaFas PPR - bl 7k. Engiue Warne dipag- c| AL Ae FRsrem paper. 38) which S Pen page rs nor Ae’ Ce Le of od how ale bisa bo hie shit down pepe 2. | Sepia Pee b. Beor/ OK / page. eee : 346, 356, FEC, 878, 2hb en bho 0's an uen mote (atte cal Gof, ? flo ndealed by audro wahrnrA IPs coped wt Haste Caulior1. feioig. PUSS 7 ECAH 5 Nib ns He Bike betvan DHCG. dU: cf An. anke? "929 luigh speed dela bie, Toro buh haf lof OC cule! OSpl Ose, CRebihfes Sarah. Dala lint) , one Of ham beng Ofef az 4 Peed bathe Ean Rene og dale bipey_ what does ho. Hk beliseon File, Y- DONC, Ose ae — Bar RS Hee Drere he .| Tuo denies pool. dale busep_ WhaF lees HH mtan eho "Ky pt hsp lyed aub0orA. of a DU rasfead of 4 numer se. Yale 4 The tepertivce ditated o's fin hot «| Fhe. Uae '0 4 Fite. num bor. TAQ purr c lA ; eh corrected, “Accecliod- I, 4ob, 414, 420 ” |e Aa carder Oe Xx. whet whe He GNO/CTL pb. pas hae freee? / ; ‘ o AHSAZ But of (ff Ah, ao) a a i ae Beye eerige Sth p> ADB y x wa \ \ es s® — awe ore ‘\ < oe ‘ Qo 5 WW ch. ae we ic He. water Mink Piessert Bed e leave ey ee % weam 75 allow Lalor, AW eAetbu bien. drawn How) a valves are. Used dur hagfeparalea 9 Tuo Three - C. Kou what's oe fink r gperal son P eee “oe leek SA ye ef - ee a0 ie 0 fie ies Wha Mees Ke fa ee trol Gone on? tho Ee, alg,” Ge the ack f MUL. Gif ini value sc Cloted. at Tha fant ts Lal - Ke fo / brash oe @ ean ae. drat oe sla Cad win [k2. te, ualer Bra syohew? : se Hoo srnks Lleueck basis fi bo. 0. a oe Perna nent Loge Gabi al Pres arr es Te Peet cathe base 13 beng sb bated . 1c, 2%, Bh, 4b ob- we Die pe Bs a Ke fot bowl Asn eng ws. Te ee (Sfp. Peak The. wdasle UsaQunl fart , The Polible. watér Fak, thew cbetHe vacate Genel ater operate ? “ss af. abh tude Coe wy yf) le cha “pet or- it Oeccowe ve fou? ae |i chu up's ge feat ors descent boleri 16000 foet- whats Mo mouum Generator Used for 2 To od bed SL dee esol Pinar 7 ke Aald, \To Aomecie. “tette, nately frou Ho fs be 4 pte what ake Mo nl valie hbisk vahee Morr; fa real! Tle Uae wine Con Fro hek, Fhe Uncen Yy0Feus ellbh, iT dak ao One P= e. |e apse Ly Fool Fur ph ConProl 6c, 7b 8, IC, : XN What hageens cafien, a fawke fal At | Siena Ké achivaléd,. a, | *§ Vie Sysfeun TOP tp on he Fore, d fered Pacel Coleg on. 5 all Or! rere SHE DY Lb | TAs Brewton ee on Pha Ygc, pel operat ous Cot Le . C. Alo hiig , IW) | How mang poh. gale Servi.e £ alrarn poued ete ated %5 tha ale. 2 a. |. one. b. two ce. Aree. rnd where 1 Do. wan dra pelt of Ke poleble Sean, 2 On ho "geo /ible, ‘woth. Serta Panel. 9. 6.) On Aa porwla walt, Depry re, Parek , Cc. Mba fR - /B) | How -w. thle li. guatily sndelore ae arg ZB a oF Pee iu ee ‘yp ri g q- MA) | How ct fhe wesle Fact porfed. eM wes le htth§ Fate 2 q. |B AL, Prem erealed ’n Loo wapls fark. bo | By (le water foesk ng gry. C. Boy wal [TRIS OLR EERE EEE SS Se 04, WC, (2a, "Shy S44 15) e f 7) Cc. 13) KS ‘ Xe Mee many rll Service panol. ate Alte om Ma ale? One Bw Sicko a. Three ie rhe waste gael hy Wy displayed 2 |Cn 0 ts lef-. Service panel | On Ko Ferntarod. Affe. at Pomel . On. . beh. a. “The te lof” (Eun AS PET pee rege Te Fe a R- a The CFOS. The. USC. Pirie Whale Me. fevclrne fe wee Hye fen Confrol “Lata [tarry 154, l6C, 70, 188, | Yo = ch. Jo HZ OG (ce de iene econ! Al tok ar Primary aA V2Seo High, by-pass Raab. 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Make-up subsy Mew ; eked vtalece ts lathrol, Ua 10 “leg ~ OM 0 a1 “i iP pte a wd ae SS - Feel back riicre Sustlih . ia Operation ; Lt | fee Pot vey cu choced- | + Fark Sa o Ofte a Coobleg por WPT 2th shige Relay eB ESCeeCtiee + Localir f pallet Core Ey Jadelock eee 2 Riatnterp 3 viele 3. ACL CAcHVe Clearance. Cxl yl) 2 | (Tarbwe Case. Coobiig, ) Gree) Qh 4h ayy eS ple anes)

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