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Observation: Middle School

Huntington Middle School Observation

Teacher: Ms. Harmon
Class: All Girls Chorus

Classroom Learning Environment

o The room was organized
o Learning targets were on the board
o Rhythmic studies were on the board
o The music was separated by parts (soprano, alto, tenor) on shelves
The students started off by warming up
o They ran around the room to get their energy level up
o They did a number of vocalises
o Ms. Harmon accompanied them on piano while they sang
The students arranged the class into a semicircle
After the warm up, they did the rhythmic exercises
o They clapped the various rhythms
o They did them at different tempos
o I like how Ms. Harmon assessed them by having some students individually clap
the rhythms and by groups
After the rhythmic exercises, they moved on to the song they are going to perform
o Ms. Harmon went through parts and made sure everyone was sitting with their
voice section because some of them were not in the right spot.
Gizelle play the accompanied piano part as Ms. Harmon conducted them

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