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Katierose Epstein


Present Address
102 Sproul Hall
University Park, PA 16802

The Pennsylvania State University, College of Liberal Arts
B.A. in Political Science
B.A. in Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Paterno Fellows Candidate (Honors Gateway Program)
Ed W. Clark High School, Academy of Math, Science, Arts, and Technology
Advanced Honors Diploma

Permanent Address
10529 Majestic Beauty Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89135

University Park, PA
Class of 2019
GPA: 3.5

Las Vegas, NV
Class of 2015

Penn State College Democrats
University Park, PA
Treasurer, Executive Board
April 2016 Present
Elected unanimously by the active members of the organization
Committee Member, Outreach
September 2015 April 2016
Raised over $1200 for Penn States annual dance marathon (THON) for pediatric cancer treatment and
research (highest recorded College Democrats THON total since 2008)
Recruited new members to the organization (56% increase since previous school year)
Committee Member, Communications
September 2015 April 2016
Served as a liaison between the organization and news media such as the Centre Daily Times and Onward
Debated against the Penn State College Republicans attended by over 100 students
Penn State Students for Sanders
University Park, PA
Phone Banking Chair
September 2015 Present
Organized weekly phone banking events resulting in over 4000 calls being made out to prospective voters
Communicated with Centre County for Bernie Sanders to integrate the community in the organizations events
Collaborated with the other members of the executive board to plan for the rally Senator Sanders spoke at on
campus on April 19, 2016

Lion Line
State College, PA
Telefund Caller
March 2016 Present
Reaches out to alumni and parents about Penn State experiences to raise money for academic colleges, various
areas on campus, and a multitude of programs benefitting students
Fundraised $400 to date
United States House of Representatives
North Las Vegas, NV
District Intern (NV D)
June 2014 August 2014
Assisted administrative staff in answering phone calls, drafted constituent correspondence letters, and
completed legislative research
Drafted a speech the Congressman delivered to his immigration council at a round table event

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