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Teknik Menjawab - Explaining Facilitated Diffusion (4

Here is the answer outline for the question:
Q: Briefly, explain the process of molecules being transported across the plasma
membrane (PM) using facilitated diffusion. (4 marks)
Answer outline:

SOALAN RAMALAN 2015 + Teknik Menjawab - Explaining

Greenhouse Effect (6 marks)
Observe the two pictures below:

The best explanation is outlined below:

1. The word 'land and sea' is highlighted to show their importance as the main location

where the GH effect begins and concludes.

2. Giving the examples of some of the greenhouse gases (NO COMEN) would yield one
extra mark.
NO - nitrogen oxides
CO - carbon dioxide
MEN - methane.

eknik Menjawab + Cool Note :Describing & Explaining Acid

Here is the note for today regarding the acid rain from yours truly:

As you can see, the acid rain affects these five major components in the environment. The
typical SPM question would ask you the effects of acid rain to the environment. Here is
the perfect answer outline:

Each red tick is given 1 full mark. So, you can easily score 10 marks from this answer
scheme alone.
Still, it's no guarantee as you need to do a lot of revision, exercise, think & rethink about
what you have learnt so far...
It might be tough, but you sure will have the fun along the way! - as long you have the
right teacher ;-)

Teknik Menjawab + Cool Note: Explaining Compensation Point

I've been requested by few number of teachers to explain the compensation point which
you students learnt during Respiration chapter. Here is my note:

Here is the process explained the easy way complete with perfect answers for the Paper 2.
One full precious mark is given for each tick:

Tips for the Paper 2 (if they question asks to explain about the whole compensation rate
1. Divide your answer into 3 paragraphs (low light, compensation point, high light).
2. Write your answers regarding the process & result as given above.

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