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Lesson Title: Together We Accomplish More

Lesson Type: Career
Topic: Assembly Line/Group Cooperation
Population Served: 4th Grade
Goal of Lesson: 4th grade students will demonstrate teamwork by working cooperatively with
other group member to reach a common goal.
ASCA Standards Measured:
A:A3.2 Demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work
cooperatively with other students
C:A1.4 Learn how to interact and work cooperatively in teams
C:C2.3 Learn to work cooperatively with others as a team member
Evaluation: Completed Greeting Cards for Staff/ Discussion Questions
Lesson Plan:
- Personal introduction
- Introduction/Expectations Today we are going to make greeting cards for staff
- Write instructions for making the greeting cards on the board
o Fold construction paper in half
o Write Spring Has Sprung on front
o Color in flowers using markers
petals=yellow, center=black, stem=green
o Cut out flowers with scissors
o Glue the flowers to the front of the card underneath Spring Has Sprung
o Write a short message on the inside (ex. Happy Spring)
o Sign the card From (Teachers names) class!
o Inspect the card and check to if you followed each of the steps, turn the card over
and draw a smiley face on the back of the card.
o Explain that they will only have 10 minutes to make the card
- Provide students with the resources necessary (construction paper, colored markers,
scissors, flowers coloring page, glue sticks)
- Walk around and assist students as needed
o Remind students that it is okay if they do not finish
- Ask the class to rate how difficult that was on a scale of 1-10
o Receive feedback
- Introduce the term Assembly Line
o Explain that many factories use an assembly line (ex. Car industry)
Each worker makes a different part to the product
When they are finished with their part they pass it on
When the product is finished an inspector looks it over to make sure its
- Today you are going to be a part of an assembly line
o Break the class up into groups of 8
o Assign each member of the group a role or step in the creation of the gift card


Allow time for each member to gather their resources in preparation

o Inform the class that they will have 10 minutes to make as many cards as possible
Go over potential tips (work quickly but dont rush, communication with
others, cooperation and positivity)
Begin the assembly line
o Walk around to help where needed
o Remind class to work together keep going
Ask the inspectors to count up all of the cards they made as a group (then class)
Congratulate the class on their hard work.
Discussion questions
o Difficult on a scale of 1-10
o Why was it easier/ more difficult to make the cards when using an assembly line?
o Now that you are experts in assembly lines, what advice would you give to future
classes before they start their own assembly lines?


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