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Psychology Lab booking process

There are 2 categories of labs within Psychology and there are different bookings procedures for
The specialist eye-tracking, EEG and TMS labs have their own bookings calendars that are
administered using a system called Sharepoint. If you need to book these labs then please come
along to the technical office in Keynes A1.6 and we can give you access to the appropriate calendar
and give you instructions for using them.
All other labs are booked as follows:
The simplest way, for when you know what you want, is to use the online booking system here:

Log in with your usual Kent username & password

click the New Booking link on the left.
Fill in the short form
choose the timeslot(s) you want. (bookings are normally done as am or pm or all day.)
Use the bottom free text section to tell us any extra info/requests e.g. space for 4
participants; need 2 computers,..
Click the Submit button at the bottom when youre done

When the booking requests are processed, you will be sent a confirmation email detailing which
sessions have been booked for you want what lab(s) have been allocated.
NOTE that at busy periods it is not always possible to give you all the sessions you have requested
(its worth bookmarking the lab-booking url though as you can check your current bookings there

Booking period:
Every Sunday the sessions open up for the week commencing 8 days later.
e.g. on Sunday, March 1st, you can make a booking for any of the period [Monday 2nd Friday 6th
(current week) AND Monday 9th Friday 13th (following week)]
(The period commencing Monday 16th could not be booked until Sunday 8th onwards.)

The other way is to pop along to the Technical office [ Keynes A1.5 - Mon-Fri : 9-1 & 2-5 ]
and chat to us. We can then advise on things like room capacity, room features# etc and make the
booking on the spot for you.
Note that contrary to information provided on the lab-bookings website, access to most of the labs
is controlled using your KentOne card so you need to keep that with you (and make sure you dont
accidentally lock yourself out of the lab too).
The labs in the E3 area are the only labs with key access. The E3 keys should be collected from the
Technical office at the beginning of the session booking and returned directly afterwards.

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