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Were Going on a Field Trip!

We are going to Sobeys at the corner of 8th

Street and McKercher on Wednesday, April 27 th.
We will be leaving school at 12:45 p.m. Our tour of the grocery store begins
at 1:00 and we will return to school by 2:15 for the afternoon recess.
We have been trying to answer the question, How do you feed a
community? We are taking this trip to talk to some experts about where our
food is sourced and to learn about the processes to get food from the source
to our tables.
Thank you to the parent volunteers that are helping on this trip: Vanessa
Postnikoff, Camey Hryhor, Candis Olynyk, Christel Butcher.
Please send me a note return this form signed to school on Wednesday, April
27th to give your child permission to attend this field trip.
______________________________(first and last name), has my permission to go
on the field trip to Sobeys on Wednesday, April 27th.
__________________________________(parent signature)

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