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The Roaring 20s

An era of prosperity,

1920's collectively known as the "Roaring 20's", or the

"Jazz Age"
in sum, a period of great change in American Society modern America is born at this time
for first time the census reflected an urban society people had moved into cities to enjoy a higher standard
of living

Age of Prosperity

Economic expansion
Mass Production
Assembly Line
Age of the Automobile

Ailing Agriculture

an agri. depression in early

1920's contributed to this
urban migration
U.S. farmers lost agri. markets
in postwar Europe
at same time agri. efficiency
increased so more food
produced (more food = lower
prices) and fewer labourers
farming was no longer as
prosperous, and bankers called
in their loans (farms
so American farmers enter the
Depression in advance of the
rest of society

Consumer Economy

Culture of the Roaring 20s

Silent Movies
Charlie Chaplin


Babe Ruth &Ty Cobb

Charles Lindbergh
The Spirit of St. Louis

Jack Dempsey

The 20s is The Jazz Age

The Flappers
make up
short skirts



F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway

Louis Armstrong
Duke Ellington


Flappers were
women who
smoked, drank,
voted, danced, and
flaunted their
disdain for

1920's also brought about

great changes for women...

1920 - 19th Amendment

gave them the federal vote

after 1920, social

circumstances changed too
as more women worked
outside the home

and more women went to

college and clamoured to
join the professions
characterized by the
FLAPPER/ "new woman"

(bobbed hair, short dresses,

smoked in public...)

Prohibition Volstead Act

18th Amendment


Al Capone

manuf. and sale of alcohol
adopted in 1919 - 18th
a difficult law to enforce...
organized crime,
speakeasies, bootleggers
were on the rise
Al Capone virtually
controlled Chicago in this
period - capitalism at its
Prohibition finally ended
in 1933 w/ the 21st
forced organized crime to
pursue other interests

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