NLP Seduction

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One of the basic structures of a seduction is to model the process of falling in

love. The setup in this example has the couple looking at a newspaper on the
movies page with the male commenting on one of the male actors but of course
you can modify it to your liking as it is fairly easy to introduce the "cute
actor/singer/pop-star" theme into almost any conversation. Jobet Claudio,
Him: He's cute ain't he?
Her: Yeah.
Him: What exactly do you feel when you look at a cute guy (gesturing to your
Her: Hmm... I just feel a tingle of sorts (hah... that's one for the echoing).
Him: You like romance movies, don't you?
Her: Yeah. I love em.
Him: I'm just curious as to why you like romance movies.
Her: They make me feel so good... you know.
Him: Yeah. It can make you FEEL THAT TINGLE, (pts) I bet.
Her: Yeah.
Him: Well, I'm curious again. How do you know that YOU'RE FALLING IN LOVE with
a guy (pts)?
Her: Well... I... I don't know... it just happens and I just realize it.
Him: Well... I read somewhere that there's this guy who researched about how
women fall in love. In that study, he said that invariably (hah... Cialdini authority)
women (point to her) at first find this small "gateway"... this thing that they
notice about a guy (pts)... it may be small or big, like a dimple, or a smile, or the
eyes, or a soothing voice... anything. Then, the woman begins to feel a tingling
sensation when this guy (pts) is around... And the funny thing is, this guy's (pts)
presence creates a certain richness of experience for women (pth), like, even
small things, like a glance, or a look in the eye (look in her eyes), or a short,
simple, soothing chat... all that... takes on a special meaning, that special,
delicious feeling, you can't even begin to describe... that's when you realize
that...THIS GUY IS SPECIAL (pts)...and special, in a special way...
Pattern 2
Talking about past relationships is an excellent chance to talk about the subjects
of falling and being in love. But there is an added bonus to it - you can talk about
it referring to your former love interest and you together as "we" and you can
talk about what that "we" felt describing it in the present tense. Like this: "The
beginning was so beautiful... its like... everything around fades away... and when
we are looking into each other's eyes... we can see each other's souls". Did you
notice the ambiguity? "We"... "are looking into each other's eyes" ? Jobet
Claudio from Mindlist elaborates:
"Most women are suckers for love stories. Win or lose, success or failed, they
really love love stories. Invariably, when in a conversation with a woman, the
topic of love stories (as referenced to yourself) will often crop up as you talk

about ex-boyfriends, current boyfriends, current girlfriend, ex-girlfriends etc.

Now, the "we", in the context of the story-telling, should refer to the ex and
myself, but then again, "we" is ambigous. Coupled with a couple of hand
gestures and more referential ambiguities, conscious use of the "we/us"
paradigm could be one of the most subtle, insidous and undetectable, non-verbal
referential index shifts I know.
Me: So, you have a boyfriend?
Her: Not right now. Last one I broke up with a few months ago... how about you?
Me: Yeah, same here. It was a beautiful relationship. Too bad it had to end the
way it did... Its like... at first... we are so much in love. We feel that the whole
world is revolving around us... you know what it's like to FEEL TOTALLY IN LOVE,
don't you? We're like that (gesture back and forth). It's like, when we look at each
other's eyes (look into her eyes)... we can see... into each other's soul... and we
can SEE... and... FEEL... that love... burning within the both of us... warm and
close enough to touch (touch her forearm, or a non-touching gesture towards her
chest)... and that bond between us... really so strong... so powerful... so
overwhelming... It does become that way at times, now doesn't it?
[End example]
It's totally disarming, since you're supposed to be talking about a past love. What
happens though is that that past loves serves as a springboard into a process
that evokes the state of love in the woman you're talking to."

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