Liz Discussion Lplan RK

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TEACHER: Group Lesson Plan

DATE: 19th April, 2016
CLASS: Form 3
TIME: 80 minutes
UNIT: Diseases
TOPIC: Smoking

REFERENCES (Include page numbers. Avoid using the students

class textbook).
CSEC Biology
Students should know:

Life Skill
Students should know how to:

Work in groups.
The chemical components in
Communicate effectively.
Diseases associated with
Smoking on the individual and
second hand smoking.


For Teacher

Prepared scenario to distribute to students.


School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

For each group/student

Handout of scenario
Bristol Board

Exposure to second-hand smoke from burning tobacco products

causes disease and premature death among non-smokers. There is
no risk-free level of second-hand smoke, and even brief exposure
can cause immediate harm.

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At the end of the lesson, student will be able to:

1. Assess the dangers of second hand smoking in
public as it relates to the rights of an individual.
2. Develop a policy in dealing with Issues of Smoking
in Public
3 Recognize the importance of valuing the opinion of

Cognitive domain ( Evaluation)

Cognitive domain ( Create)
Affective( Valuing

During this lesson, student will be engaged in:
Please tick
Identifying/formulating a problem
Designing and Planning an experimental procedure
Setting-up and executing experimental work
Observing and measuring
Recording of data and observations
Interpreting and evaluating data and observations
Communicating scientific ideas, observations and arguments
Applying scientific ideas and methods to solve qualitative and
quantitative problems
Decision-making on examination of evidence and arguments
Extracting from available information data relevant to a particular


Role Playing Strategy
1. Teacher presents a scenario where a person is smoking in a park and a woman with a child is
nearby, the woman gets
upset with the man.
2. Teacher chooses three students to do an improvisation based on the scenario.
School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

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Discussion Strategy
3. Teacher asks students involved in the improvisation to explain to the class why did their
character, act in such a manner?
4. Teacher asks students to divide themselves into groups: those who agree with smoking in
public places and those who are against smoking in public places.
5. Each group is then asked to analyse the situation and come up with reasons why they
supported either view, to present to the class. Students are then encouraged to record their
arguments to present to the class.
6. Teacher walks around to groups to ensure that the discussion is relevant to their situation and
that all members of the group are contributing meaningfully to the discussion.
7. Groups are then asked to present their arguments, for and against smoking in public places
8. Teacher listens to both sides of the argument and then clarifies any misconceptions that may
have arisen during the presentations.
Teacher then distributes Bristol board and markers to groups and they are then required to
develop a policy for the government with suggested recommendations that deals with the
regulation of smoking in public places that will not infringe on the rights of the citizen, which will
then be displayed in the classroom.

This is a great topic for a discussion lesson, and the structure of the lesson suits the
development of the concept through discussion.

School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

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School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

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