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1.- How old are you?

a) 12-14
b) 15-17

c) 18+

2.- Male or Female?

b) Female
3- What do you prefer? Salad or pizza?
a) Salad
b) Pizza
4.-You drink alcoholic beverages?
a) Yes b) No
5.- How much water do you drink a week?
a) None
b)A Little
c) A Lot
6.- How much soda do you drink a week
a) None
b)A Little
c) A Lot
7.- How much coffee do you drink a week?
a) None
b)A Little
c) A Lot
8.- What do you prefer? Salad or pizza?
a) Salad
b) Pizza
9.- What do you like to do in your free time?
a)Exercise B) Play Videogames c) Read a book d) other activity
10.- You eat a lot of fast food?
a) Yes
b) No
11.- You think you have a good diet ?
a) Yes
b) No
12.- Fast food or Homemade food?
a) Fast Food
b) Homemade Food

En esta encuesta se quiere generar conciencia de que una mala alimentacin solo traera
cosas negativas. Y darnos cuenta que y cuanto comemos.
In this survey we want create awareness that a poor diet will only bring negative things.
And see how much
we eat.
The Nutrition is particularly important throughout the life of the human, because it
determines their health, physical and mental performance, and productivity.

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