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Results of the Modified Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of the South Sangamon Water Commission Water Treatment Plant Sangamon County, Illinois Onsite Evaluation: 28-30 March 2016 Final Report Submittal: 21 April 2016 Submitted by MCPE Team: ‘Andy Curry, P.E. Capt. Michael D. Curry, P-E. Shane Hill, Village of Chatham Utilities Supt. & General Foreman John Bartolomucci, IEPA Division of Public Water Supplies ERM OPRE OTST CINE PONE of the South Sangermon Water Commission Water Treatment Plant 1 Acknowledgements . 3 “Abbreviations, Acronyms . 4 Contacts .. 5 Backgroutt _ . a 7 ‘Composite Corvection Program: (CP) Background 10 Basis of Performance Assessment oa ” u Data Review Consumer Confidence Reports (COR) 15 Bacteriological Results a TEPA Water Quality Monitoring "7 SSWC Water [reatment Plant Operating Reporis rt) Inquiries Private Citizen Interviews 2 ‘Chatbams Water Dept. Interview 26 ‘New Berlin Water Dept, Interview 29 Special Water Samples: Leed & Copper 30 Special Water Samples: Bacteriological, Chatham 31 Special Water Samples: Bacicriological, New Berlin 32 Request for Assistance: Center for Disease Control & Prevention 33, ‘Request for Assistance: Iinois Dept. of Public Health 34 ‘Request for Assistance: Illinois PA oo 34 Request for Assistance: US. EPA, 4 Request for Assistance: CDA 35 Mayor Unit Process Evaluation and Perforn Capacity Rating - son 38 ‘Raw Water Source _ ~ 40 Disinfection Process 41 ‘ron and Manganese Removal 2 ‘Membrane Filters 48 Jon Exchange Softeners 50 ‘Chemical Feed Equipmeat SL Paced by Raw Water Fiow to Reaction Basin 3 Paced by Low Service Pump Flow to Filters, ct 52 Paced by High Service Pomp Flow 2 Prospective Chemical Feed Modifications 54 High Service Pumps : 54 ‘Treated Water Transtnission Main 55 Standby Power 56 ‘Water Tseatment Piant Process Wastewater Disposal 56 ‘Trostmeat Plant Sewage Disposal 56 Performance Limiting Factors, South Sangamon Water Commission 37 Potential Performance Limiting Factors — Community Water Customers or Projected Impact of Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA) 0 ‘Unrelated to MCPS, but Inchuded for Informational Purposes 10 Figure 1, Schematic Process Flow Diagram after p. 38, Exhibit |. Water Quality Dats from CCRs: SSWC, Chatham, New Berlin Exhibit2: SSC Fhnoride Test Results from IDPH Exhibit3: Original IEPA Permit for SSW WTP. Exhibit 4 RTW Model Results EUs ore asTve Peformance Evasion of the South Sangamon Wator Commission Water Treatment Plant “Tho MCFE Team wishes to acknowledge cooperation and assistance from the following persons and entities. The ‘Team extends its eppreciation fo everyone that assisted during the MOPE activities. South Sangamon Water Commission Coxmnissioners Ruth Bottrell, Craig R. Hall, and Joe] Senders were helpful in furnishing information and assistance to the MCPE Team. Terry Burke's term asa Commissioner expired on 8 April 2016, aud be was guick to be available aud fornished considerable assistance to tho MCPB Team, The Commissioners ‘yee diligent, prompt, and courteous each of the many times information was requested by the ‘Team, Village President Tom Gray, Chatham, and Village President Steve Frank, New Berlin assisted in arranging interviews and coordination with private citizens and their respective Water Departments. Patrick MeCarthy, Interim. ‘Village Administrator and GIS/IT Manager, Village of Chatham, assisted in coordination of activities in Chatham, and ‘Mary Pfeffer assisted in coordination of activities in New Berlin, Thagks to Chatham Water Dept employees Dustin Patterson aud J.D, Crawford, and t Tom Bliss, New Berlin Supt. of Water & Sewer, for sharing information about their respective water cistribution systema, ‘Two citizens at Chatham and two citizens at New Berlin agreed to participate in private interviews to inform the (MCPE Team 2bout their concerns and complaints about water quality, These eitizens were courteous and candid, and their participation contributed to the Team’s understanding of problems being encountered. ‘The IEPA Division of Laborntories agreed to perform special testing for provess contro}, and test results were not for compliance. Tend and Copper were analyzed in frst-draw samples collected at two elementary schools in Chatham, and one residence in Chatham and atthe elementary school and two residences in New Betli, bacteriological tsis ‘were performed on first-

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