My Career Paper-1

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Laurie Porter
COM 438-A
Navil Elizondo
My Future Career
Communications is a relatively new field in the working world when compared to
older fields such as science or government, yet ever since its introduction into the career
world it has been steadily growing. With the continuous rise in global communications
and innovations in related technologies, this field continues to thrive in new ways. The
beginning of the expansion of this field was recorded and analyzed by many experts on
the subject; in 1987, for example, Alfred L. Lorenz published an article in the New
Orleans CityBusiness that recounted the metoric growth
communications was experiencing according to research data on the
subject. The media branch in the undustry was the fastest growing
according to Lorenz, and broadacsting was experiencing a downfall and
continue to do so for the next years due to technology upgrades
(Lorenz, 1987).
By 1998, Lorenz predictions continued to prove their veritability.
Communications Today published their findings of a survey they
conducted concerning the growth of communication related careers
and the decline of the same. Acconrding to the findings,
telecommunications careers continue to rapidly increase especially
whithin the wireless and satellite ccorporations; conversely, older
forms of telecommunication methods are becoming obsolete and
closing down (Results of careers survey made available by
communications today, 1998). In current times, this trend means that

Dr. Laurie Porter

COM 438-A
Navil Elizondo
communications whithin the online realm are encompassing a lot of job
openings as well as opening new jobs to accommodate its expansion,
while physical outlets such as newspapers, magazines, radio
bradcasting, news and such are becoming obsolete and moving to
online locations to thrive.
As a college undergraduate pursuing a communications bachelor
degree it is important to understand the demands of my future
employers so that I may equip myself to supply them as efficiently as
possible. As far as education, most employers seek a higher level
degree int the field of communications (Noronha, 1999); I will have
covered this requirement by 2017 when I receive my bachelors degree
in both Communication Arts and Political Science. Communications
careers require proficient writing, editing, speaking and rethoric skills
(Noronha, 1999); I have been refining all of those skills throughout the
extent of my college education. It is a common factor in publishing
careers that a portfolio of published samples is necessary for any job
application (Mogel, 2000), as such I need to expand my experience in
publishing articles as well in case I need to prove writing proficiency.
I have a few writing samples readily available to submit for any
application, however, they are not jpublished as of yet and as such
they will be useful only to apply to internships and such. It has become
a short-term goal for the rest of my school year to get published, and

Dr. Laurie Porter

COM 438-A
Navil Elizondo
to accomplish this I already have the information for an internship that
will allow me to do so as long as my work is well-developed. An
overwhelming majority of careers in the communication field require at
least a semesters worth of experience on the field (Noronha, 1999), as
such I have been constantly pressing to achieve this previously
establishe goal of mine for this summer. To ensure I use all my chances
I have applied to various internships for communications majors, all of
lthe internships are to take place this summer so as to leave space for
next semester to undertake another intenrship. If for any reason I am
not hired for any of the internships, I will seek out companies that
contain communications branches and seek to personally approach
them about any openings whithin their companies. In the case that
there are no openings at all, I will suggest a shadowing experience with
any of their employees to gain some insight and experience from the
work environment and several observations.
The career I ultimately chose to pursue is International
Communications consultant, this is a career that takes a lot of time and
experience to get to, so I will concentrate in achieving an international
communications position to start off. I did research concult however,
and the information regarding its duties and responsabilities. Most of
the duties involved in this career aside from consulting, include
marketing your own services, getting clients and constantly expanding

Dr. Laurie Porter

COM 438-A
Navil Elizondo
your companys scope. This career is namely all about aiding ones
clientele in the proper ways of communication and the effective use of
rhetoric to achieve the goals necessary for the his or her institution or
businessess success. It is also very much encourage to consult
independentlya as most morkers in this field do so, the profits are
complete and a consultant can set his or her own rules and other
independent issues (Bly, 2000).
Communications consultants can work in a variety of different
fields, it all depends on the professionals affinity to the environment
and the factors that play into the field. Professionals in this type of
career can work in business, health, government, the justice system or
basically anywhere that requires communication abilities and a
professional to asses this skill for them and ensure its effectiveness. As
I want to become an international consultant it is of utmost importance
for me to familiarize myself with different cultures, languages and
history of different countries to increase my success in this field.
With all the information gathered on my career, the factor im
lacking the most is experience. As such, I have already taken the steps
necessary to ensure the first step in the completion of that goal has
been taken by the end of the year. The need for internet related skills
has also become a must have for potential employees in the
communications field (Results of careers survey made available by

Dr. Laurie Porter

COM 438-A
Navil Elizondo
communications today, 1998), as such I need to polish my abilities on
that field. To stand out though, Ill also have to expand my knowledge
of online gadgets that play a part in the communications fields in
current times. As stated before, I must also collect a good number of
published work so that I may have a substantial amount of examples of
what I can do. All these are the factors I must complete to get to the
beginnig of my journey towards consulting.

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