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Professional Semester Ill Final Report Faculty of Education Field Experiences Fal__Spring_X_ Semester, 2016 Pease check appropriate semester) ‘Feecdoral Sopecor T= a Trecoae equalew Wg conocer Houang_ Faire Teachng and lesional 2a) eutclum deg, aadershp, advanced mead and veal proctce. Ino Teachers are [sagnes fl time te scel forthe seresar dung whch hey aseurs rosponebiy fe approtmally oneal ot ‘he teaching day.” PS Il protesionl study Ueigned to complernen and enhance De ntrenp. The Detesion! study components may oocur on er oftsampus ard ae coornatoa by the Focty Meio In Enlsberaion th tr Teachers and sos! perso Place a checkmark (In font of the course In which you are registered X_ Education 4571 Elementary Education Education 4572 Secondary Internship = Edueation 4573- Special Focus internship Edueation 4574— Fine Arte Internship - At or Drama = Edueation 4575 Fine Arts Internship - Music Imtorn Teacher GuyBecker Grade Levels) a ‘Schoo! ‘Non Cental Schoo! ‘Adivistator ovDavenport Teacher Mentor i Veen Faculty Mentor Marlo Steed inter Teacher's Descriptive Report "began my PSI internship at ton Central School in Nton Junction, Alberta on January 4%, 2016, | was lmmodately woloomed wih open arms by tho emal ad tight kt tal. was excted to begin aching a (fade 4s combined class and embraced tne opportunity to teach grace four socal studes, rade ve Scionce, physical education, and hoalth. My clazs consisted af wentytwo students betwoon to ages of fine and elven. Tho abiltes and learning sys were verso. This gave me the challongo of oneuing that my lessons and units were as engaging as possible and accommodating sual, auctory, and knesinetis lamers During my PSI internship, taught socal studies unison Alberta’ landscape and rst peop. alo has the opportunity to teach scence units in chemistry as wel as electricity and magnetism. n physical ‘education, | began by giving students anew game each week in which they achieved oucome fom the rogram of studes and leaned a vary of new ski. AT the end of February, we moved on to two. Stforent actives each week inorder te keep students engaged. Actives Inclued: for Rockey, ngate, badminton, basketball, dodgeball games, soccer baseball tale tons, and capture the fag. Final health the clase focused on minulness medtaton ana sess reguion wae ago able fo ceato'@ taking cle for students to engage in when they felt overwhelmed. ‘As a socal studios education major, | was not sure how | would porform as a sclonce and physical education teacher. However, afte eaching the unto science and physial education, | knew bat | ad ‘he pay to step out of my Somfon zane, ncn Know area men my ebay to conte ft eismentary ‘education. | doveoped a passion for physical leaning My scence unt gave me the opportunity to explain concep to students usin avareyof hands on aces. nthe eassroom chemistry Uk Students coated carbon oxide volcanoos and rockets, 2s well asset essa. nthe olor and ‘magnetism unt, students ad te opportunity o create caries and paral crcults using componocts tk Tght bubs, elecine motors, and ans, Using these skl, students atompted to vie cardooaré houses that thoy ba wit a parner Page 8 PS Fal pot | wae moet thle to bo abl to take a leadership role ona large mathematic project were stall colaberated on bulking amath essental learning outcomes document. This documents designed to help teachers ensure thal students are achieving contnuly in math fac fuenoy as they pogiess trough ‘lomentary and junior higt chook This document i also compimented wih an ELO resource dalabase Inthe form of ange Drozbox account Ths database alow teachers fo share powerld resources that will assist teaching the ecsontal learning oulcomes ientied in the document. Through his process, | Was also able fo take on agroup inthe annual three-week math bit atthe end of February. Dring the ‘math bi, | was abot teach students leaming stratgies fr rememberng various mutation faci Pethaps the achievement that | am proudest of rom my PSI! internship is my cretion ofthe Nton (Cental Uklee Cub. began playing musi 2s teenager and developed apascion fo the Ukwoo. | was finaly able transton fram a student, toa teacher of music. | taught ukulele lessons Ica group of up to ten student ranging in age trom eight ofteen. Iwas abe fo tach slucents avery ef chords and Srumming pattems that alowed them to play up to ve songs. twas rewarding to soe audentspracing {he cls that had taught thor and hearing the sound of a ure during the kunch Hour. In concusion, my PSI itamahip was the most rewarding and fling practicum experence tat | was ‘gven curing fny time as an eaueation major atte Unversiy o Lemorage.f gave me nalgnt no my ‘ture in education anc helped me realize that | belong nth elementary classroom. am now sue hat | have the ability tobe a competent and valuable teacher. The openness and Kndnose oft sal fal ‘wae euraunded wth have encouraged me fo continue my joumey In education and I cannot wal 9 see hate ure hale, ‘his page isto be attached tothe Intern Teacher's Report. ‘School Administrator Comments: ‘Guy mage postive impression eal in his Intemship trough his postive and wing attude to get Involved n our school bo wh respect fo is academic tearing an hie contoutone tothe intangibles in choo! fe that help to maka a good teacher. Prior to his aching, Guy made conta wih mysel and Ns Montor Teacher, Mrs. Veensta, to not only fn out more about Gur students but o get a fee for he ‘culture of ou school in general. This i @ vary important step often noglocad by students winen they come into a new echool as thy are fecused on ther lessons and not who they are delverng toa. Ouring Our ‘dacussions | made clear my phlosopry of ecueation and teaching ganed trom numorous years of teaching ad I belove Guy was able to develop a sense of our schoo! cuture frm this philosophy an ft Into ou" schoo! qute contonably. was qute mpressed Row quickly Guy was able be nat only seen a {teacher fo ha students while working with thom, but asa coributor to tho etal by haring some of his, {deas and expertise thal had a postive effect on our senoot. This was done iformaly around the lunch oom table, as wel as csing our weekly PLC's. Guy was not inhibited being surounced by avery Competent staff but endeavored to et only lean fro the sa but to bean active parol the PLC by ‘Volunteering fo take on teaks deemed necessary bythe group. "nave had numerous opportunites to observe guy in both formal settings and infra stings alte. Guy ‘omonstates a eal knwledge ofthe curcuar outcomes as well as gcd teaching methodology 1 {over the subject araas Fo s teaching. Guy conducts himsolf ia mane thal causes students 10 De Page acts PF Repo curious about what he fs teactng and intersted in his lessons. They also seek Guy out to ask questions Sater the lesson complete demonstrating te intrest hat Guy looson has generated Thhave alee observed Guy deal ih discipine issues coming rom both i and out ol te classroom. Guy has dealt wth isos Fay anc quickly Bing sure to change behavior tothe appropiate behaviors taught Father than to sempy punish inappropriate behaviors. When issues have requred parental contact, Guy has not Restated fo Have a discussion with te parents necessary to make sure they have undersiood| both thet chiles benavor andthe consequences ofthe behavior. {Guy was also moce than wing to be Involved outside offs classroom teaching assignment and tooken & ‘major Mat project to helo witout Elementary PLC. He organized actives forte teachers to do and ‘then coated the material giver fo him to Pelp usin an area of need wih our Math program. While Guy worked wih those exporincod teacher, he looked very corfotabe andi was obvious they looked at him as @coleague wih someting of mpartance to fer Guy has tried some unique games in Physical Education cass that he students have realy enjoyed «= ‘rol as sarod an extrarcuricur ula club forthe younger stedent. Cy hes store a yt a of the teachers on thar own projets ‘vera tink Guy wil make & ine addon tothe teaching profession and if had the epportunity ote him, | would not nestato todo so. ‘Yours in Eaueation, oy Davenport (Prneipal-Nton Central Schoo) a) bof Arar 1916 ‘School Rania Sonate oate This page is tobe attached to the Intern Teacher's Report. Teacher Mentor Comments: {nave nad the pleasure c working alongside Mr. Guy Becker while he complete his PSII ntemship at [Nton Central School Dung hs 4monih internship, Mr. Bock aught sme Science, Soca, Health, and Physical Education to my grade 4/5 combined clase. Mi. Becker was alvays punctal prepared and contagiously enhusiastc= maltaining student motvalon. He cansistonty nlograed aboraloy ‘exparments,resoarch projects, éomorsiratons and group projects into his courses. Me. Becker ha the knowedge and background to tach Grade 45 wihout any ditfiuity. If ever he was Lnsure, he consulted witime. He was lvays prepared welin advance for severallessons, alowing {Howaltyn timing ad content when student intrest encouraged changes. Mr. Bocca linked Mis tssons togetner wit a review of he prevous lesson as wel as insights into Upeoming lessons. Boars work ana ‘smartboard notes wore legible (we LOVED the Prez Nos). Discussion of notes added extra sighs Or ‘examples to help Gay key pons. Diagrams were clear and concse. Mr. Becke’'s voice projection and {assroom movement eped to Merease student partition while his enhusiasm and energy ‘onributed to student achievements ae wel ss clasroom work which resulted in high account given te cach stuget for hisher actions. Assignments, projects, abs and tests were marced prompt, Fecorsed and returned to students win scussion on Key ods, pralae and pecs inprovemont Me. Bocker was requredto partipate In our weekly PLCs (Professional Leaderstip Communities) and ‘monthly sal! mestngs. He olen gave up his ime before and afer schoo fo altendthese meetings and Paget a1 Fal Rpt _alvays came with ideas and enfusiasm. Mr. Becker's hard work has helped him to become a beter teacher, During our two Teacher Convention day, ne partspated wih our schoo ta in sessions on Improving student engagement and improving Math competencies. He als alended our 2 nights of parontteacher interviews and was more than wiling to meet wih parents any oer times as was: hecessary. He colaborated in bldg IPPs (Individual Program Pans) for thoco needing Mr. Beckers outstanding preparedness and work ethic have alowed him to buld rapport withthe stuents he taught. He ofored an after sohoo! Ukulee Cub to anyone intrested in UkulletGutarlossons. This was VERY popula! Hie desication and commitmentto out school was outstanding. Ihave been very fortunate to have had Mr Becker as a member or my classroom and schea this year and woul ook forward to teaching wih Fim again nthe ture. ~Momadtld lcci Opi wie el AS as ‘This page Isto be attached tothe Intern Teacher's Report. Faculty Mentor Comments: Pees PS Fal Reo fr Cu Bee University Consultant Commerts: ‘Guy Becker was an intern teacher doing Professional Semester Ill and I was his Unversity Consutat. During tis experince the inter nachar tok on 60% of he instructonal loa of thelr Mentor Teacher. ‘Tho [nlm was also expected to partcipatain a series of online seminars and submit assignments at regular interval, The assignmert involved a Pressional Portiolo, Professional Growth Pian, Professional inquy Project, and a Final Descriptive Repor. lobsorved the teaching ofthe intr (3 times) and had debrating session arth teaching sessions where te inten reflacted on their pracice, The following consfutes a summative description ofthe inter in the practicum, based onthe ‘Shove sources of information, Guy participated and contibutodn a regular way tothe onine seminars. The seminars consisted of diffrent topics that were relevanio the Items, and they were requed to present and respond to the presentations of chars. Ho proved insights and added to the ongoing discussion on these topics. His Contribution included a useful presenaton to the group on ParenTeacher Interviews. This presentation ‘was prepared and professionally Sone. Guy’ assigrments wore subrited on time and wit in thoughtful ways. Inthe wrt work there seemed to be an understanding nd insight into teaching and learning as well asthe demands ofthe profession His Professional Goals and Growth Plan outined specie areas of cancer Incuding inguiry Into a non-specalzed subject (mat), classroom management sratogies and dovelop relationships with patents, Thaee were epectic pragmatic activites that he made Rmeo accountable fr and reported on Fis success. His Professional nur project involved the development of learning outcomes manual and resource dstabase for math. This project culminated in afral document and resource that was shared Wi eachers atthe choo! and trough a report tht was posted in his ePortoio web sto. From my inctass observations, Guy was prepared, students were engaged, showed flexity by changing things upon thet, used elfoctive questioning, ha fun wih the studens (good rapport), Cireulated and monitored student progress, used eflecive classroom organizational pracins (2.9.

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