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Harrison 1

Jayveonia Harrison
Professor Stalbird
English Composition 1201-N01
February 16, 2016

Visual Analysis
In the image there is a glass bottle titled over with a dark alcoholic drink in it. The bottle
looks to be drunk from already. There is no cap on the drink to secure the liquid, which caused a
drop of the liquid to spill on the brown wooden table. There is a white sheet of paper that is
slightly crumbled in the left hand corner, which has HELP printed on it in black ink. There are
white circle shaped pills, red and yellow bullet capsule shaped pills, green oval shaped pills,
orange oval shaped pills, and yellow circled shaped pills. There is a hand that has two white
shaped pills and one red and yellow bullet capsule pill in the palm of it. The fingers are not
grasping the pills. I chose to use this describable image because of my research topic. The
research topic I will be using is Should Welfare Recipients be Tested for Drugs?
There are bright colors in the image are dominant, which are the pills. The dark colors in
the image are the shadows. The bright colors are significant because they are supposed to bring a
happy feeling or make you feel better. However, the image is on a dark subject, which is drugs.
The dark colors brings a gloomy and serious mood. The bright colors are stark contrast to drugs.
There is slightly a shadow over the crumbled HELP paper. The glass bottle of the dark
alcoholic drink and hand casts a shadow on the brown wooden table. The shadows show how

Harrison 2
drugs are a dark subject. The word HELP shows that the person is in a dark place and needs a
light out of the dark. The fingers not grasping the pills show that the person is having an internal
The pills are arranged scattered out, as if they were randomly poured out of different pill
bottles. The glass bottle of the dark alcoholic drink is arranged as if it was knocked over. The
piece of paper is turned crooked. The image is framed by the shadows. I say this because there is
a shadow from the hand, glass bottle and the person standing over the HELP note. Each
shadow is closer to the edge of the image, which is mysterious.

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