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In earlier days ,every language was designed for some purpose. Eg. FORTRAN (formula translator) was
used for scientific & mathematical applications , COBOL (Common Buisness Oriented Language) was
used for business applications. So need of such language was felt which could withstand most of the


c language was developed in 1970s at BEU LABRATORIES by Dennis Ritchie.

#The C language is derived from the B language, which was written by KEN THOMPSON
#C language comes after B language. So it is called C language.
#C is the programming language and it is suited for both system programming & application
programming.It is used for developing general app,graphic packages, CAD/CAM application,scientific

1.)Machine Independent :C code can be compiled on different machines and produce same output.
2.)Economy of expression:Small length of C code can be compiled on different machines & produce same output.
3.)Data Structure:C allows easy access to data.
4.)Operator Reachness:C supports wide range of operators to handle arithmetic & Logical calculator.

1.) Difficult to Debug:C gives lot of freedom to developers BUT it is difficult for new comers to find what is wrong with the
2.) Loosely Syntax:We can put ; , Blank line, White space, anywhere into the program. It gives difficulty to
understand by reading.

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