Escape Sequence & Library Functions

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1.) \n = NEW LINE

2.) \t =TAB
3.) \b =Back Space

1.) Main:- Its uses define function.
2.) Printf:- It is use to display valves on the screen.
3.)Scanf:- It is use to enter address of the variables through keyboards.
4.)getch:-It is use to put single characters.
5.)put ch:- It is use to input single characters on screen.

Void main()
printf( Welcome to C programming);

*In above programmes #,<,>, are the pre-processor.
* #include<stdio.h>, #include<conio.h> are header files where all inbuilt functions
are stored . These files are compulsory included.
Stdio.h include files like printf,scanf.
Conio.h include files like getch,clrscr, ; indicates.

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