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News release



Feb. 22, 2016

Bradley Coleman
Public Relations Director
(724) 953-1111

Johnstown YMCA Ready to Unveil New Renovations

Johnstown, PA (February 22, 2016) Greater Johnstown Community YMCA is ready to unveil
planned two phase renovations for new Cardiovascular Nautilus Center and Youth Center. A
press conference will be held Saturday, March 5, in the reception area of the Johnstown YMCA
to release additional details about the project.
We are extremely excited about the renovations set for the YMCA and to immediately begin
phase one of the two phase project, says Sharon Jones, Executive Director of the Greater
Johnstown Community YMCA. Jones goes on to say, Phase one will focus on the
Cardiovascular Center as well as implementing more energy efficient lighting, a new boiler
system, and a new heating and dehumidification system for the pool.
Renovations will being in early April and do not yet have an expected end date. Plans for their
phase two renovations have not been released in full detail, however, the YMCA plans to focus
on creating a Youth Center.
This is a great opportunity for our community to give the support and location our youth need,
says Johnstown mayor, Frank Janakovic. The Youth Center will provide a safe and fun area for
our at risk youth to become involved in activities and impactful programs.

About The Greater Johnstown YMCA

For over 138 years the YMCA has been in the business of building future leaders, citizens and
parents for a stronger community. What is the reason for our success? The Johnstown YMCA
operates on principles that all people are worthy of respect with emphasis on core values shared
by people from all walks of life; responsibility, honesty, caring and respect. The personal growth
of an individual in mind, body and spirit has a long-run effect on the strength of any community.
This is the cornerstone of our organization.

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