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Alyssa Kirk

3rd Grade
March 2, 2016
3rd grade
AD. S1. B2.2
S-P. S1. B1. 3

Several large sheets of butcher paper
2 roles of masking tape
Handout for team 1 and 2
A together is better-observer sheet and pencil per child not on a team

Discussion: 5 minutes
1. For the introduction to this lesson, it will be imperative for the counselor to ask the
following questions,
What kinds of behaviors do you need to work as a team?
If you are not a team player, what traits do you display?
Do you think team work is important?
What are some reasons people dont work well in teams?
2. If time permits, it would be appropriate to ask questions similar to the before
Activity: 15 minutes (5 minutes explanation/questions; 10 minutes per team)
3. Two teams (teams of five) will demonstrate two different ways to work on a project.
The students not chosen for the activity will be the investigators (a VERY important
4. The first team will be given the Team 1 card; the second team will be given the team
2 card. The teams will share (where no one else can hear them) the information with

their group. Give the investigators the observer sheet, and review the sheet with them.
Team 1 will act out card 1, then team 2 will go.
Discussion: 10 minutes
5. Once both teams have gone, ask the investigators to explain what they saw (using
specific examples). Ask team members how they felt about the behavior of the team
and their final product (team 2 will not finish).
What is the most difficult thing about working as a team?
In what ways are you (the student) a good team player?
What behaviors could you change to help you become a better team player?
6. Using Butcher block paper/ Bulletin make a list of what the students saw
as helpful and not helpful, post it in the class so that when the students
are doing projects they are able to refer back to the butcher block paper/

Estimated time:
Total of 35-40 minutes
Vernon, Ann. (1998). The Passport Program: A journey through emotional,
social, cognitive, and self-development grades 1-5. Champaign, Illinois,
United States of America: Research Press. 95-96.

Specific Suggestions:

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