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Itzamary Gil
English 11
March 23, 2015

Should illegal Immigrants be made legal citizens?

Have you ever thought of why an illegal immigrant would come to the
United States? Put yourself in their feet. How would you like it if you couldnt
do anything to give your family a better life? You cant get a good job or have
a great education were you could have the opportunity to attend college and
become a successful person. Its depressing. Wouldnt you want a chance?
Im sure everyone would. Then why shouldnt we give immigrants the chance
to have a better life. Everyone in this world deserves a chance. We are all a
human being therefore everyone should have the chance to live in the
United States. Illegal immigrants are people like anyone else. You may not
know how hard it can be to get a visa; its not their fault its cheaper to come
here illegally then legal.
Hispanics can do anything like any American; such as building houses and
etc. Immigrants want a future too and thats why people move from their
countries to have a better future that there country wont offer. They dont
cause any harm to the economy, they work very hard. All of the people have

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the right to receive help from the government, like getting a drivers license
if their criminal records dont prohibit them.
They should become legal immigrants because they have fought to come to
the U.S. As long as the person works and has no criminal record why not let
them become legal? They have come from far land with hopes and dreams.
Some people think its bad for the economy and they think its not right for
them to come. Now days Mexican people are the ones working more than
Americans, because they know that they have to give their family a better
life. How many homeless people are out there asking for money in the
streets when they have papers they could have a better job and have a
better opportunity to get everything they always wanted; they dont realize
how hard it can be for an illegal immigrant.
Immigrants have been through a lot and put their life in risk when they drive
without a license because they never know when a cop can stop them and
ask for papers or workers permit and when they do they get deported and
leaving a family behind its hard to come back into the U.S.
Families should always be together. Not separated. Some families are
separated because of this situation.
Immigrants should have the opportunity to live here and give their children a
better life then what they had in their childhood. A lot of us can relate to this
because everyone knows a family that has passed through this and how

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difficult it can be when your family is afraid to drive or work because they
check papers and ask for a SSN; but no matter what and how difficult it is
they dont give up and still work for their families.

They dont have to give every single person the opportunity to become legal;
they can have some rules like not having a criminal record or have a DUI.
They have to work and pay taxes they would follow that to have a better life.
I think illegal immigrants should be made legal citizens. Knowing about what
they went through they deserve an opportunity just like everyone else in this
world no matter where we come from we are all human being and we should
all have equal rights. Everyone should get along and there shouldnt be a
difference between anyone because we are all lucky to have what we have

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