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Reading Response #1

Personal essays are a way a writer can contemplate the influence of people,
events, or configurations of ideas on his/her personal life. Personal essays offer a
chance for the writer to come to new interpretations that enable them to understand
significant aspects of their own past, relationships, etc. What makes a personal essay
advantageous is the helpfulness it gives you by writing a personal essay. Personal
essays are a valuable way of us to learn about ourselves and others better. Writers who
write personal essays are better at understanding an intellectually or emotionally
challenging fact, setting, idea, or phenomenon. Some of the elements that make a
personal essay are a display of learning, a conversational tone, descriptive detail, and
explanatory writing. Personal essays are exactly as they sound, personal. Personal
essays are honest sharing of specifics of the individual writer's ideas, circumstances, or
Some reasons of why we journal is to offer responses to readings, observations,
or experiences. Journals can help improve your insight and understanding to certain
topics. Journals can also track your overall development with whatever you are doing.
Journals can also be good at facilitating personal or academic growth. Some elements of
a journal are the reflection on the reading or experience, the discussion of the topic
you're covering, and your own personal opinion on the issue being discussed. As a
journal I would respond to Reading Response #1 by describing what I have read,
observed, or experienced. And then I would write about what I have made of the topic.

The first part of READING RESPONSE #1 IS ON: Understanding Types of
Academic Writing, Personal Essays, and Journals.

Understanding Types . . . is an introduction to 15 different genres with 2 examples



Personal Essays. READ it along with the 2 examples. What is advantageous of the
Personal Essay? What are some of the "ELEMENTS" that make a personal essay?


Journals: READ it along with the 2 examples. Why do we journal? What are some of
the "ELEMENTS" of a journal? As a genre, the journal entry is particularly useful for

responding to the readings in a course. How would you - Respond to READING

RESPONSE #1 as a journal?

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