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Scene 1

Lights come up on a stage set with chairs. The Bus Driver is already set in the first chair.
Man: comes onstage and hands the Bus Driver ticket
Bus Driver: Good morning sir! Have a nice day!
Man takes a seat in the back of the bus
Sam: (dragging Val onstage as Val struggles) Do you see this, Val? A nearly empty bus. It has to
be a sign!
Val: A sign for what?
Sam: If we got here and the bus was already full, there would be no means of transportation for
us. Therefore, it is a sign that we need to go meet Brett and Jeff right now. (Pulling her towards
Bus Driver) Besides, its not like you have any other choice. (hands ticket to driver)
Val: Its not like I did in the first place. (hands ticket to driver)
Bus Driver: Good morning, ladies! Enjoy your day!
Val and Sam take a seat near the front of the bus
Sam: Why do you say that?
Val: Seriously, Sam? Because you said yes to this stupid date before I even had a chance to say
anything! I hate going on dates and youve known this for five years.
Sam: Okay, yes. I may have jumped the gun a little bit, but think about it this way. We are going
on a double date with the hottest pair of twins in town. Brett likes you and Jeff likes me. It
couldnt be a more perfect scenario!
Val: I could imagine me at home, working on my college essay. That sounds like a perfect
Val stands up but Sam grabs her arm and makes her sit back down
Ellie: (offstage) Come on Andrea! Were gonna miss the bus again!
Ellie runs onstage and Andrea slumps in after her
Andrea: I dont get it, Ellie. How can you be so happy about this?
Ellie: (hands the Bus Driver 2 tickets) Because I cant wait to see dad. It feels like it's been
months since we last saw him. Plus, I miss Lilly and Spark!
Bus Driver: You two kids enjoy the ride! Take a seat anywhere.
Ellie and Andrea take a seat in the middle of the bus
Andrea: I cant believe you miss those two furballs. All they do is sleep, eat, and throw up
everywhere. Remember last time when you left your history book there for a week? It smelled
horrible by the time you got it back. Plus, all the pages were torn out of it!
Ellie: Oh, calm down.
Bus starts up (sound) and the Bus Driver starts driving
Ellie: That reminds me! Did you remember to grab the book that was sitting on the coffee table?
The one mom told us to bring?
Andrea: (taking out book from backpack) Yep, got it right here. (holds it on his lap)
Ellie: Good, at least you could manage that. We almost missed the bus, no thanks to you. I cant
believe you almost left the tickets at home.
Andrea: Excuse me, you?! You left without them too!
Ellie: Fine, whatever you say.
Val: Why are you always trying to pull me into these types of scenarios?

Sam: Because youre too much of a loner. You need to start getting out more and stop staying at
home so much. Youre gonna turn into an lonely old lady with twelve cats unless you start being
more social!
Val: Why is that so bad? I already named them all. Theres Chica, Dexter, Light, Carlos, Vinny,
Nina, Red, Squirt, Mama, Nico, Jay, and Sky.
Sam: Really?
Val: What? I thought it was funny.
Sam: Val, Im serious! Were going off to college in six months and you need to start getting out
there more. Dont make me regret picking you as my roommate. I need someone fun, not
someone who picks out cat names off the top of her head.
Val: But they were cute cat names!
Sam: Thats not the point. The point is we are going on a double date with a pair of really hot
twins and you need to lighten up. At least smile, please? I want this to go well for the both of us.
Val: (smiles) Alright, Sam.
Ellie: Why did mom even tell us to bring this thing anyway? Its so old and beat up.
Andrea: Im not sure. Maybe dad will know. Who knows? It could be his and mom forgot to
give it to him. (starts flipping through pages)
Ellie: That makes sense.
Andrea: Why do you say that?
Ellie: Mom has been acting really weird lately, almost like shes thinking differently. MaybeAndrea: No, Ellie. Theres no way. Its been too long and it could never happen.
Ellie: Why are you so mean, Andrea?
Andrea: Im not mean. Im just speaking the truth. And the truth is that its impossible. (picture
falls out of book) Whats this? (picks up picture) Is this a picture and dad?
Ellie: See, I told you I was right!
Andrea: This is messed up.
Bus breaks and stops (sound). Andrea and Ellie exit the bus and leave the stage.
Sam: I just hope this turns out like I planned. Were gonna have fun and you are going to enjoy
Val: (still smiling) I hope I have fun too. Lets go.
Val and Sam exit the bus and leave the stage
Bus Driver: (calls to Val and Sam as they leave) Have a nice day!
Scene 2
Baby crying comes from off stage while Ms. Sasha LeClair enters carrying a baby and looking
Bus Driver: Good morning, Ms. Leclair. How are you doing today?
Sasha: Not any better than yesterday. (hands driver ticket)
Baby starts crying again as Sasha takes a seat in the middle of the bus
Sasha: Please, Cameron. (rocks baby) You must be quiet. We dont want to bother the other
passengers. (looks back at Man) Especially her since shes sleeping. Dont worry, well all be
together again soon. We do this everyday so it should be normal for us by now. At least, you
would think it would be. Maybe Im wrong.

Zane and Terra come onto the bus, not looking or talking to each other. They hand the Bus
Driver their tickets and take a seat in the front of the bus. Bus starts up and driver starts
Terra: (in tears) Zane, IZane: Terra, dont talk. I dont want to discuss this right now. I dont even know what to say.
Terra: Thats because there is nothing to say! By the time we get home and sit them down to tell
them the bad news, my parents are going to kill us! I mean, what were we thinking?! We didnt
take precautions and now were going to be killed. Hell, I didnt want this and you definitely
didnt want this. We cant handle this, not even in the least. My God, how are we supposed to
finish high school, let alone college?! I cant take this anymore!
Zane: Terra! Will you please calm down? We cant go talk to your parents like this. We need to
remain calm and just tell them like it is.
Terra: Remain calm and tell them like it is? You seriously think thats going to work? Because I
know it wont. The same news just came from my sister last week. I mean, I know theyre happy
for her but shes ten years older than us! Shes already finished college and shes married with a
great job. This doesnt work with my job at the cafe and your job at the car wash. We cant afford
Baby starts crying again
Sasha: Cameron, please be quiet. (rocking baby)
Baby still crying, irritating Zane
Sasha: Cameron, please! (still rocking baby) People are trying to have a conversation and that
man is still trying to sleep.
Baby still crying, Zane snaps
Zane: (turning around towards Sasha) Im sorry maam but can you please make your child shut
Sasha: Im sorry, but I cant really control his crying. Youll understand that when you have a
child of your own! But for now, youll just have to take my word for it.
Zane slumps back in his chair. Crying continues but is quiet
Terra: Why do you have to be so rude?
Zane: What?
Terra: You dont yell at random people on the bus because youre angry! It isnt her fault her
child is crying! (gets up and walks back to Sashas seat, she sits next to her) Im sorry about my
boyfriend, maam. He doesnt know any better.
Sasha: Its quite alright miss. Im Sasha LeClair.
Terra: Im Terra and thats Zane. Its very nice to meet you, Mrs. LeClair.
Sasha: Thank you, but its Ms. LeClair and please, call me Sasha.
Terra: Alright. If you dont mind me asking, may I hold your baby?
Sasha: Yes, you may. (hands child to Terra)
Zane starts walking back towards Sasha and Terra
Terra: Whats his name? (rocking baby, crying stops)
Sasha: Cameron.
Terra: I love that name. Hes so cute.
Zane: (sitting on his knees in the seat in front of the Terra and Sasha) Terra, what are you doing?
Terra: Im holding her baby, Cameron. Isnt he just the cutest, Zane?
Zane: Um...well.(sits down in chair)
Terra: How about you hold him? That is, if you want to.

Zane: Uh, sure. (takes baby from Terra) He is kinda cute.

Terra: See, this isnt so bad. Maybe...maybe we can do this.
Zane: Maybe we can.
Bus breaks and stops. Terra gets up and exits nervously
Zane: (hands baby back to Sasha) Thank you.
Sasha: smiles and takes her child
Zane runs off after Terra. Sasha grabs her things and heads towards the front of the bus
Bus Driver: Ill see you again tomorrow, Ms. LeClair.
Sasha: Yes, and thank you again.
Bus Driver: Send my regards to Brian, will you? I wish I could have met him.
Sasha: He would have liked this bus. I know we like it (looking at Cameron).
Sasha exits
Scene 3
Joey enters
Joey: Good afternoon! (hands driver the ticket)
Bus Driver: Good afternoon to you too.
Joey takes a seat in the middle of the bus. He is anxious and taps his foot repetitively
Sam enters, tears in her eyes. She hands her ticket to the Bus Driver and sits in a seat at the front
of the bus. Bus start up and driver start driving
Sam: silently weeping
Joey: (walks up and sits down next to Sam) Are you alright, miss?
Sam: (coldly) Im fine.
Joey: You dont look fine. My names Joey.
Sam: Sam.
Joey: Well, Sam, whats wrong? I get you might not want to talk about it with a total stranger,
but it might help. You seem quite upset. Why is a pretty girl like you crying on the local bus?
Sam: (inquires about Joey) I was on a double date with my best friend and a pair of twins. One
liked my friend and I thought the other one liked me. I guess I was wrong.
Joey: Why do you say that?
Sam: He doesnt swing my way.
Joey: (raise eyebrows, surprised) Oh! Why do you think he would go on a double date with you
Sam: Probably to satisfy his brother. I mean, I had no idea he wasnt into me. He was always so
nice and flirty could I be so stupid?
Joey: You dont seem stupid to me. You seem like a very smart and beautiful young woman who
just misunderstood. If he never showed signs of not liking you, then I can see why you thought
he liked you.
Sam: (flirty) I guess so. But whats a handsome guy like you doing on a local bus, talking to
some stranger?
Joey: Im just a naturally friendly person. I dont like to see people sad and you seemed really
upset. Are you feeling any better now?
Sam: (more flirty) Yes, but only because you made me feel better.
Joey: Good.

Sam: I know we just met but if you arent doing anything today, would you maybe wanna go out
for coffee?
Joey: I cant today but maybe some other time.
Sam: Oh, alright. (Smiles flirtingly)
Bus breaks and stops. Joey gets up to leave and Sam follows while talking
Sam: If you dont mind me asking, what are you doing today?
Joey: (stops walking and turns to Sam) Im going to visit my boyfriend, Jeff. He texted me this
morning saying he finished what he was doing and wanted to see me.
Sam: (shocked but remaining calm) fun then. I hope we see each other again.
Joey: Here, (takes out pen from pants pocket while talking) let me give you my number and you
can text me when we want to meet for that coffee. We can talk about that guy who made you feel
Sam: Okay. (offers her hand)
Joey writes his number on Sams hand then puts the pen back in his pocket
Joey: Have a nice day, Sam. (exits)
Sam: You too, Joey.
Sam exits
Scene 4
Ellie and Andrea enter, give the bus driver their tickets and take a seat while talking
Ellie: I cant believe dad wasnt even their!
Andrea: Ellie, maybe he had somewhere to go and mom didnt know about it. It probably
slipped his mind and he forgot to warn her about it.
Ellie: Still, it shows that he doesnt even care about his own kids.
Andrea: He does care about us.
Ellie: If he did, he wouldve been there.
Ellie and Andrea have already sat by this time. Zane and Terra enter, give the driver their tickets
and take a seat in the middle of the bus
Zane: I cant believe it.
Terra: They kicked me out. What else is there to believe?
Zane: I dont even know.
Terra: What are we supposed to do now? I cant go back home.
Zane: Dont worry. Well go back to my house and Im sure you can stay there until your parents
see differently.
Andrea: Ellie, dont worry. Im sure dad is alright and he does care about us. Dont ever doubt
that he doesnt. Everything is alright right. Lets just go back to moms house until we find out
where dad is.
Ellie: Maybe youre right. Who knows, maybe mom knows where dad is.
Andrea: I doubt she does. If she knew he wasnt going to be home, she would have never sent us
to his house.
Ellie: I guess that seems possible.
Andrea: See? Everything will be okay when we get home.
Zane: Terra, are you okay?
Terra: Yeah, Im alright. I mean, Im basically homeless and my parentsZane: No, I mean you look really pale. Are you going to throw up or something?

Terra: No, I think its just nerves. Im scared about how youre parents are going to react since
mine werent happy with us.
Zane: (takes Terras hand in his) It will be okay, I swear. Well get through this, together.
Bus breaks and stops. All exit.
Bus Driver: Have a nice day!
Scene 5
Bus starts and driver starts driving
Bus Driver: Hey lady, whats your deal? Youve been on this bus all day and have yet to get off
at any of my stops. You havent spoken a word.. I see people riding this bus, day in and day out,
but none of them have ever spent an entire day on here. Until there was you. Youre something. I
cant really put my finger on it but theres something about you that is different from everyone
Ive ever seen on this bus. I will admit that people have ridden it multiple times in one day, but
one long ride just doesnt seem right. I swear, Ive never seen you before. This wouldnt be as
awkward as it is right now if you had ridden this bus more than just today. I just want to know
why youre doing this.
Man: Well, I didnt really have anything to do today so I figured I would learn something.
Bus Driver: And what did you learn?
Man: Well, lets look at the different groups of people who weve seen today. Val and Sam were
two best friends, but they were unfortunately split up by the homosexual tendencies of Jeff. Now,
Sam thought she had found solace in Joey, the other young man she met today. However, he
turned out to be Jeffs boyfriend. Ironically, Joey wanted to help Sam get over his own boyfriend.
Bus Driver: Do you think Sam will ever tell him?
Man: Of course not. She does not want to lose her new friendship with Joey.
Bus Driver: Understandable.
Man: Next came Ellie and Andrea. If you were to pay attention to their conversations very
closely, you would come to the conclusion that their parents are divorced. Tragically, Ellie still
believes her parents will get back together. However, Andrea only sees the truth, which is not
necessarily a bad thing. Contrary to the situation, their parents could be getting back together in
secret, as seen by the book and the photo inside of it.
Bus Driver: But isnt that just an assumption?
Man: Not in the least. The mother told them specifically to bring that book, not just any book
but that book in particular. She knew the picture was in there and she wanted her former husband
to find it without telling her kids to give him the photo directly. Therefore, Ellie was correct
when thinking her parents could be getting back together.
Bus Driver: Wow.
Man: After them came Ms. LeClair. Her story was the most hidden.
Bus Driver: Ah, I do know that one. Her husband, Brian, died during service before their baby
was born. Tragic, isnt it?
Man: Yes, very.
Bus Driver: Shes ridden this bus every day since he was buried. Takes it to the cemetery so
their baby can see his father. I feel bad for the kid, knowing hell never know who his father is.
Man: So do I. Now for the next couple, Terra and Zane, there was definitely something wrong.
Did you notice how they were reacting to Ms. LeClairs child?
Bus Driver: No, I didnt.

Man: Zane was angry at it but Terra seemed to sympathize with Ms. LeClair. This leads the
conclusion to be that Terra is pregnant with Zanes child and they dont believe they are ready to
handle one. Plus, now that Terra has been kicked out by her parents, all she has left is Zane.
However, I think Zane will make a wonderful father with the way he worried so much about
Terras wellbeing. I do hope they work things out.
Bus Driver: I hope they do too. Ive seen them around town, good kids. Now, tell me one more
Man: What?
Bus Driver: How did you manage to figure all this out?
Man: Its simple, really. By listening as opposed to talking, which everyone else on the bus,
including you, did, you are able to discover much more than what you originally thought you
Lights fade

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