Noelani Verdy Professor Pirrone TEL 311 20 April 2016 Activity Design Plan Activity Objective

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Noelani Verdy

Professor Pirrone
TEL 311
20 April 2016
Activity Design Plan
Activity Objective
Students will comprehend the entirety of the novel Brave New World by identifying significant details
pertaining to the text.
Description of Activity
All Students will participate in the in-class review of the novel prior to the test. Students will access the
questions using their phones, if any students do not have phones that they can use, they will be provided
with a chromebook. The teacher will present the students with the questions and the students will answer
individually. As the students answer, the teacher will take note of how many students are responding
correctly. If only 60% or less of the students get the answer correct the teacher will give a mini review
and refer back to chapters or parts of the books students should go back and study. If less than 20%of
students answer correctly teacher will ask students who correctly answered the question to give a mini
review for the students who missed it. If 100% of the students answer correctly teacher will move on to
the next question.
The Extrinsic Motivation will be that all of the students who get in the top five winning teams displayed
on the board will receive a jolly rancher at the end of the review. The teams will be selected by numbering
them 1,2,3,4,5 group 1. . The students that offer to give a mini lesson and further discuss the question will
be given additional jolly ranchers for the detailed explanation of the answers.
The intrinsic motivation, will be that all students will feel more prepared through their practice of
answering questions aligned to the text A Brave New World.
1. You will take out your phone, or I will provide you with a tablet.
2. You will sign into kahoot, once signed in place your hands on your head.
3. I will read each question out loud and wait for the class to answer.
4. If needed, we will review individual questions as a class.
5. If you volunteer to answer a question correctly and further discuss the correct answer then you
will receive a jolly rancher.
Following this we will check for the students understanding by asking the following questions:
How are we going to log into the Kahoot?

After you are signed in, what do you do with your hands?
If we need to do so, how will we cover the tough questions?
How many top teams win a jolly rancher?
All right, (insert students name), lets hear all those directions one more time before we start.

Active Participation
All students will be involved in the activity because everyone needs to be logged in to the
Kahoot, and it is visible with how many teams there are, or be attached to a team that is playing.

Kahoot utilizes its own timer to ensure that the students stay on task. Getting an answer correct
isnt the only step here. It should be noted that time also counts for points, so the students will be
encouraged to move quickly. Each round, or question, has a 20 second time limit. To earn the
maximum amount of points they have to answer correctly in a short period.
Transition times are minimal. After each question there is a display on how many teams got the
answer correct and how many did not. If they are all correct, which they often are, then we can
move on to the next round. If there are some that are lacking, we will further discuss what is
right and what is wrong, finding out where the confusion lies.
Expectation of Students Behavior
Students will know it is time to be quiet and listen for instructions once the teacher uses the
auditory signal 1,2,3 eyes on me. Students will be quiet as they read the questions, but most
importantly they will remain hushed once the answers pop up on the board as well. There will be
four possible choices with only one right answer each time, and they will want their jolly
ranchers and to remain in the top 5 on the board. That being said, blurting out the answers will
only give the other teams an advantage. They will naturally do anything to alleviate that.
Materials Needed
Electronic devices (Or they will be provided for them)
Teachers computer
We can start off with a practice round in which no candy is awarded, but the students will get the
gist. In order to do that, the most efficient thing to do would be to create a couple kahoot
questions that pertain to their actual directions. Go over them as a class, click on the consensus
answer, and then move forward.
15 Questions:
1. Who was given 1-2 months to live?
- John
- Linda
- Bernard
- Michael Corleone
2. Who is "The Savage"?
3. Lenina keeps her contraceptives handy in her...
-Malthusian Belt
-Utility Belt
-Motorcycle, she likes to live on the edge.
4. How many "World Controllers" are there?

-It never says. There could be millions.

-A dozen.
-7. One for each continent.
5. John's favorite writer is...
-Aldous Huxley
-William Shakespeare
-Ayn Rand
-Winston Churchill
6. "O brave new world" is a phrase from which play?
-The Tempest
-The Importance of Being Earnest
-Romeo and Juliet
7. A feely is...
-A crazy movie where all senses are active in the experience.
-A "Solidarity Service" ritual.
-A secret code word only Helmholtz and Bernard know.
-John's favorite part of civilization.
8. How did they condition the delta kids in the nursery?
-Shocks/Loud Noises
-Pokes/Trap Music
-Kanye West kept interrupting them while they received awards
-Stun guns/Yelling
9. What does Henry suggest Lenina should do for her moods?
-Take soma. A gramme is better than a damn, after all.
-V.P.S. Lenina is well aware of soma.
-Go to a feely matinee. Popcorn sprinkled with soma helps.
-He suggests she confess her love for John.
10. What is in the police's guns?
-Uh, bullets? That's obvious.
-Water/anesthetic mixed. Night night.
-Plasma rays. This is the future.
-Blaster bolts. I think George Lucas stole from Huxley.
11. Helmholtz ends up getting exiled to...
-The Falkland Islands
12. Mustapha Mond tells John he cannot join his friends in exile because he...
-hates Bernard and doesn't want him to have friends. Ever.
-hopes John and Lenina will get together. Such a cute couple.
-thinks that John will tell someone about his secret library.
-wants to keep him close to continue the "social experiment."
13. This combines fear and rage together in a cocktail of adrenaline...

-Mustard Water.
14. John uses mustard to...
-make sandwiches.
-mix in water for a purification rite that ends in vomiting.
-cover his face in a yellow war paint. He's so weird.
-counter the effects of soma. "A damn cancels out a gramme."
15. Black is "such a beastly color." Unless you're a(n)...

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