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Whats the scoop?

Up in the Clouds
A network of servers that brings saved
files together on a variety of different
sources is known as the cloud. The most
popular forms of these network of servers
include iCloud, OneDrive, Box, Google
Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon Cloud Drive.
Each one allows you to save photos, documents, contacts, and much more on
their system and in return you can access these files any where from any device. While
each one has a number of strengths, I believe the two that a person would benefit most
from using is either Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive.
Microsoft OneDrive starts by giving you 5GB of free data and allows access to online
editing, and file versioning. Microsoft OneDrive also offers a Windows App, an iOS App,
and an Android App to make accessing files on your phone or tablet much easier. Google
Drive offers most of the same features of OneDrive except instead of offering 5GB of
free data Google offers 15GB.
These servers can be used in the classroom to backup worksheets that you created, lesson plans you started, and even save pictures or videos you found might be helpful. For
example, if I start working on a lesson plan at home and decide I want to finish it during
my planning period tomorrow at work I would save the document to my computer, upload the file to my OneDrive account, and from there I would be able to access my documents and add or edit what I wish and then resave it to my OneDrive. This comes in
handy because it allows you to take your work anywhere and gives you assurance that if
your computer were to crash your files would not be lost forever because they would be
backed up through the cloud.

May 2016 Newsletter

Sliding into Summer

So, PowerPoint or Prezi? What are they and what are their
exact causes? Both programs are used a couple of different
ways in the classroom; one to allow the teacher to present
new information and another to give students an opportunity to present information to their peers. While both use
the rotation of slides to get the lesson across, design wise they couldn't be
more different. Prezi tends to focus on the graphics of the presentation compared to PowerPoint which tends to focus on the information being presented. In Prezi, the viewers are bounced from one side of the screen to the next
and the screen is often being zoomed in and out. In PowerPoint, the presentation is much more simple and with one simple click you are calmly transferred to the next screen.
So which is the best program to use during class? I think a good mix of both
would engage each student differently. For the type of students that have a
hard time focusing using a Prezi, which is known to be more active, might
gain their attention. Likewise, a student who learns more traditionally the use
of a PowerPoint would work just as well to gain their attention. Finding

the right balance between the two is the key to success.

Volume 10, Issue 1

Ms. Stanley
Kindergarten Department

Email Etiquette
Email etiquette refers to the
proper rules of sending out an
email in the professional
setting. Some of these rules
include, making sure you use
the correct form of punctuation, grammar, and spelling,
being concise and to the
point, proofreading the email
before you send it, and using
the correct form of words (no
emoji's or abbreviations).
These are important rules to
follow when sending out an
email because working at the
professional level you are
held to a much higher standard. If an email from a teacher
was sent out that had multiple punctuation, spelling, and
grammar errors this would
more and likely concern
parents, and administrators,
that this teacher does not
know the basic rules of grammar they are supposed to be
teaching their children. That
is why it is always important
to proofread before you send
an email in hopes to catch all
the errors mentioned above.

Videos in the Classroom

When bringing life to your lecture
websites like YouTube and Stupeflix
do a great job at both. YouTube is a
video sharing website that allows visitors to search on different topics and
view short films uploaded by another
person. This is a great tool to use when
you want your students to hear the
idea you are trying to teach from a
third party.

Stupeflix is also a video sharing website; however, in this website you

create your own film. This would be
good to use in the class because instead of having a basic PowerPoint or
Prezi presentation you could create a
short film full of sound and animation
to tie your points in your lecture together. Both of these options are a great way to
give your students a different view on the topic you want them to master.

Stay Cool and Stay Alert

Digital Citizenship refers to how a student acts while he or
she is online. Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps
teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand
what online users should know to use technology appropriately. The main concern while discussing how to be a good
digital citizenship is the major issue of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. For example, students who send mean text messages or
emails, students who post rumors, embarrassing pictures or
videos on social media sites, and even those who create fake
profiles in order to make fun of a child is known to be a
cyberbully. During this day and age it is so important that
parents, as well as teachers, keep a close monitor on the
childrens internet access to make sure their privilege is not

being abused. If a student notices someone being bullied on

social media the most important thing for that child to do is
tell an adult as soon as possible.

Be a ray of sunshine in someones cloudy day.

-Lisa Currie

Keeping it Legal
Copyright is the law that provides legal protection for creative works such as, poetry, music, videos, graphic images,
video games, movies, novels, artwork, choreography,
sculptures, and so on. Copyright holders have the right to
grant or deny access to their work; however, fair use allows copyrighted materials to be used without permission
from the owner under
certain guidelines. These
guidelines include: the
purpose and character of
use, amount of work to be
used, nature of the work,
and effect of any use on the
market for the work. For
example, it is okay if a
teacher plans on using a
video in his or her lecture if the video only composes 10%
or three minutes of the project, whichever one is less. It is
not okay to use a video during lecture if the teacher makes
more than one copy, changes the original video in any way,
or uses a fake, rented, or stolen video. Knowing all the
copyright and fair use rules is important in the classroom

because it protects the teacher if anything bad were to


May 2016







Field Day



















Final Parent
Teacher Confrences


End of Year Party




No School

Information found in this newsletter with help from these websites:,2817,2413556,00.asp
Copyright and Fair Use document by Taylor Stanley

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