Udl Lesson Plan

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Lesson Overview

Title: Bear Snores On

Author: Katelyn McCord
Subject: Reading
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Class Description:
This is a reading lesson that is intended for a kindergarten class with
students between the ages of five and six years old. The classroom has four
computers, equipped with Kidspiration and Kurzweil. In addition, the
classroom has an interactive white board, and a GOTALK.
Students in the Class:
Two students in the class are identified with disabilities. The first child, Paula,
is able to decode words, however has trouble with comprehension and
fluency. As a result, she also has difficulty responding to text. Although Paula
can understand spoken language, she often misses vocal nuances which
makes it difficult for her to interpret the language.
The second child, Jim, has significant delays in speech/language, motor, and
social development. Additionally, his cognitive development is well below
age level expectations. Jim is read to regularly and responds to pictures in
the books.
Jim is working on communicating with others beyond basic needs.
The class has one ELL student, Ruthie who speaks both Spanish and English
at home. She understands English, although has difficulty decoding words
and often needs picture cues to help with comprehension. Additionally, the
class has one student performing above grade level, Grace. Grace can
decode and comprehend on a third grade reading level.
Unit Goal:
How do animals respond to seasonal changes in autumn?
Lesson Goals:
1. Students will be able to identify the characters and setting in the story.
2. Students will be able to identify an animal that hibernates in the winter.

Student Outcomes:
Students will be able to identify characters, settings and major events in a
story. (RLK.3)
Students will be able to actively engage in group reading activities with
purpose and understanding. (RLK. 10)
Students will be able to follow words from left to right, top to bottom.
Students will be able to recognize that spoken words can be represented in
written language. (RFK.1.b)
Students will be able to understand that words are separated by spaces in
print. (RFK.1.c)
Students will be able to read emergent-reader texts with purpose and
understanding. (Shared reading of song or poem) (FRK.4)
Students will be able to participate in conversations about kindergarten
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. (SLK.1)
Students will be able to identify the main topic and retell key details of text.
Students will be able to actively engage in group reading experiences with
purpose and understanding. (RIK.10)
Students will be able to use a combination of drawing, writing, dictating, to
compose informative explanatory texts in which they name what they are
writing about and supply some information about the topic. (WK.2)


Background Information:
This unit explores changes in autumn and animals reactions to those
changes. Students have been exposed to the idea that animals hibernate.
They will continue to explore different animals that hibernate during the
Anticipatory Set:
Sharing of lesson goals and objectives with students:
This week we have been talking about what animals do as the season
changes in autumn. We learned a new word about what some animals do as
the autumn turns to winter. Can anyone remember that word? The word is
Discuss, and display the sentence strip with the vocabulary word on the
board for everyone to see.
Before we begin I have a video that reminds us what the word hibernation
means. (Youtube Video)
Ok, can anyone tell me about what it means to hibernate and share any
animals that you already know hibernate?
Introduce and Model:
As a reminder, yesterday we read the book Silly Snowy Day. We read this
book to determine how the illustrations help us to understand the text. Today
we are going to re-read the book Silly Snowy Day, but for a different
purpose. Today we are going to identify the characters, and setting of the
Before reading, discuss what the words character and setting mean.
Display the vocabulary cards in the front of the room.
Before Reading:
Identify the parts of the book. Point to the front cover, spine and back cover.
Identify the author and the illustrator.
Have the children think about the characters and setting as you read. After
reading the book, discuss the characters and setting of the book. Using our
character and setting anchor charts, add the characters and from Silly
Snowy Day to the charts. Write the word as well as draw a picture. Repeat
with setting anchor chart.
Provide Guided Practice:

Pass out the library book Bear Snores On to each student. As a class we are
going to re-read our book Bear Snores On. As we read, we are going to
think about the characters and setting of the story.
Before Reading:
Identify the parts of the book. Point to the front cover, spine and back cover.
Identify the author and the illustrator.
While Reading:
Encourage children to track their print. Students need to point to each word
as you read. Encourage students to read along with you.
Allow the opportunity for students to re-read the story on their own. Jim and
Ruthie can use Kurzweil to help them reread the story. If any other student
needs additional support of this software, they too may use the computer.
Paula can listen to the story on YouTube. This is a reading with varied voice
intonations for her to hear.
Provide Independent Practice:
Children will have the opportunity to show that they can identify the
characters and setting of the story. They can use their text to help them
complete the assignments. The classroom has 3 tables as well as computer
Computer Stations:
Students will use a graphic organizer in Kidspiration to show the characters.
Photographs and labels of pictures are provided. Students simply need to
click and drag.
Table 1:
Students will cut, sort and paste pictures of characters found in the story and
characters that were not found in the story.
Students will cut and paste the accurate setting of the story onto a
Table 2:
Students will create a list of characters in the story. They will draw a picture
of each character.
Students will draw a picture and label the setting of the story.
Table 3:
This table will be for students performing above grade level.

Students will assemble pictures of the characters in the story as they appear.
Students will write about the characters.
Students will write about the setting of the story using complete sentences.

Wrap Up:
Students can share the characters and setting of the story with a partner.
They can share how they displayed this information with one another.
When students are finished ask:
Who are the characters? As the students respond, on our characters
anchor chart, write the name of the character with a quick picture.
What is the setting of our story? As the students respond, on our setting
anchor chart, draw a picture and label the cave.
Can anyone explain to me how the bear in the book today was hibernating?
Was it difficult for him to hibernate? Why?

Formative/Ongoing Assessment:
Provide ongoing assessment throughout the lesson.

Observe and encourage student participation in class discussion,

asking and answering questions, and volunteering comments and

Visit students throughout the table activities and provide direction,

correct any errors, and affirm successes.

Did student's responses accurately answer the questions?

Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment:

At the end of this lesson and other lessons,

How do animals experience the cycle of the seasons?

How do they respond to seasonal changes in autumn?

Did use the correct vocabulary words?

-Sentence strip with the word hibernate and a picture of animals
-Hibernation Song:
-A Silly Snowy Day by Michael Coleman
-Sentence strip with vocabulary words and pictures of: characters and
-Anchor charts: character, setting.
Worksheets, scissors, pencils, glue for table work
-Big Book:
Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapmen
-22 Library Books: Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapmen
Book holder
Bear Snores On: Read Aloud Video

Web Sites
Hibernation Song:
Bear Snores On:
Assistive Technology:
-Sentence strips
-Anchor charts
-Book holders
-White board

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