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Building Ac/vi/es
(for use when building new coopera4ve learning groups)

Team building ac4vi4es encourage trust and empathy through challenging students with
communica4on and problem solving skills in coopera4ve situa4ons. These ac4vi4es lead
students to develop self-condence in all aspects of their life. It also encourages posi4ve
rela4onships and trust between group members in order to help achieve success.

you can get in there and everybody else is

helping you, and you can also help everybody
else if you have the answers (West, 1993).
Although this strategy will work for all students, it is especially eec4ve for students with
emo4onal and behavioral disorders. These students oCen have a high absenteeism and drop out
rate and can have a lower level of empathy towards others. Addi4onally, they can act in
aggressive, self-injurious, and immature manners. Team building ac4vi4es will build empathy in
these students and give them a sense of belonging. Par4cipa4on in these ac4vi4es will encourage
students to come to class and to treat both their peers and their self with respect.


Step 1: Give students a task by providing guidelines, equipment, and a scenario.
Step 2: Create a contract with students that allows everyone to be included in the ac4vity and values the
contribu4ons of every member. This contract should include fair play, safe play, and choice.

Step 3: Sequencing (allow students to get to know one another before star4ng an ac4vity that requires
trust and problem solving).

Step 4: Start ac?vity!

Step 5: Debrief. A debrieng process makes the ac?vity more eec?ve. It allows students 4me to

reect on their strengths and weaknesses. Possible ques4ons can include, What did you learn about
yourself or others by par4cipa4ng in the ac4vity? Or How can what you learned be applied to other
areas of your life?

Rogers, K. (2004). Team Building Ac4vi4es for Young Students.
Strategies: A Journal For Physical And Sport Educators,
17(4), 17-19.

Turk, R. L., McFadden, J., Stoss, P., & Dreiling, E. (2001). Team
Building Ac?vi?es in the Educa?onal SeAng: A Manual.

West, J. (1993). Team Building through Wilderness Ac4vi4es in
Eighth Grade Special Educa4on.

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