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Instructions: Look at the Weekly forecast and

write sentences.
Instructions: Identify the sentences in future
tense and put a tick.
It is windy ___
The morning is very cold ___
It wont be hoto n Wednesday ___
The night was very windy ___
The day will be sunny and hot ___
It is foggy and cold ___
It will be cloudy and warm _____
The night will be hot ______
Yesterday afternoon was chilly ____
It wont be cold and windy on Friday ____

Instructions: Complte the sentences according to

the forecast.

1. It __________ be cloudy and col don Monday.


It will
It will
It will
It will
It will

______ _____________________ on Tuesday.

be _________________ on Wednesday.
be stormy and cold on _______________.
_________ ______ cloudy and warm on Friday.
be _____________ and _______________ on Saturday.
be sunny and warm on ____________________.

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