Paper B-Kevin Moore

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Kevin Moore
Paper B
April 7, 2016

The Law School of Cornell University states that the Second Amendment says,
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

An article from says that many people died or were injured in 2015
from gun shootings.

Some 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015, according to the
Gun Violence Archive, and 26,819 people were injured, says the article.

Anita Sevier, who is a community outreach coordinator at Gesu Catholic School,

says her husband was a victim of gun violence.

My husband was outside on the porch and two men approached him, says

The young men asked my husband if they can come in and he refused, then one f
the men shot him in the leg.

Sevier says the incident could have ended much worse.

At one point, my husband told me that the man pointed the gun right at his chest,
which could have killed him, says Sevier.

In a 2014 online article from the Detroit News, reporter Christine MacDonald
says the city of Detroit was among the most dangerous cities in America.

Detroit was tops in both murder rates and violent crime rates among cities with
populations of more than 100,000, says MacDonald.

Sevier, who has been living in Detroit for over 20 years, says crime usually
doesnt happen often in her neighborhood.

We usually dont experience that much crime in the area, says Sevier.

But Detroit has a high crime rate so people assume crime happens everywhere in

Sevier says that the police ended up finding the young man who shot her husband.

The guy is in custody and he is being charged with attempted murder, says

In an online article from the Business Insider Walter Hickey says the United
States of America is an unusual country.

America is really only exceptional when it comes to the number of guns, the
frequency of gun murders, and the shockingly high number of annual gun deaths, says

Other countries don't have America's gun problem.

Sevier says it is very difficult to control gun crime.

We found out that the guy who shot my husband had a stash of guns, says

The family has been affected by this incident emotionally, Sevier says.

This incident has allowed us to realize that there are people out there with very
bad intentions and we just happened to be on the negative side of this cause, says Sevier.

Sevier says that her son even did a presentation at school about what happened.

My son did a speech at school on gun violence and he talked about what
happened to his father, says Sevier.

Sevier says she is glad that her husband is recovering from the injury, though he
wont ever be the same physically.

It has been a year and a month since the incident happened and my husband is
doing well so far, though he wont be able to walk the same again, says Sevier.

This incident left one question for the family, Sevier says.

When my family and I were discussing this incident, I asked them where is the
economic justice, says Sevier.

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