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1. With various listening and reading activities the student will be able to correctly identify the
different practices and traditions that occur in Spain on each day of the Semana Santa.
2. With various listening and reading activities the student will be able to compare and contrast
the similarities and differences between the celebration of Easter in the United States and
Semana Santa in Spain.


Body of


The teacher will...

The student will.

Provide students with a QR code that will

take them to an easy to read, enjoyable
article that explains different customs and
traditions the Spaniards take part in
during each day of Semana Santa.

Scan the QR code and use the reading

to complete the appropriate

Project a ven diagram on the board and

ask students what traditions are a part of
their Easter Celebration. Write the
similarities and differences that the
students are mentioning on the board for
them to see.

Students will use what they have read

in the article to compare and contrast
their Easter traditions with those of the
Semana Santa in Spain.

Play a video of a Semana Santa parade

in Seville, Spain


Ask students what they saw and ask

follow up questions based on what they
say Qu son algunos adjetivos que
podemos usar para describir los pasos?
What does the men carrying the heavy
pasos represent? Piensas que se sienten
orgullosos por cargarlos?

Play una saeta (a special song sung

during Semana Santa) for the students.
Without video.

Additionally, Spanish 4 will draw

pictures that represent each day. For
example: Palm leaves represent el
domingo de ramos.

Students must write down different

vocabulary words that they see in the
video. For example: los pasos, el
capataz, los nazarenos.
Participate in class discussion
about the video

Students will draw a picture of what

they imagine the setting is. Where is
the singer? The street? A Church?
What does she look like? Who is she
singing to? ect.


Teacher will provide pictures that

represent the differences and similarities
between Easter and Semana Santa.

Students will randomly select a picture

(from a sombrero) and write down if it
is a difference or similarity and why.
They will then walk to the board and,
using a magnet, put the picture in the
empty ven diagram where they think it

Nombre: ____________________________. Clase_______.

Espaol 4 - Actividad para Semana Santa

Cmo se dice?
Las Procesiones
Los pasosLos costalerosEl capatazLos nazarenosUna hermandadUna saetaPor qu llevan un antifaz los nazarenos?
Cmo se cantan las saetas durante las procesiones?
La Comida
La sopa de ajoLa Mona de PascuaEl corderoLa leche fritaQu es otro nombre para <<El lunes de Pascua>>?

Qu son 3 ingredientes de una torrija?


Dibuja y marca imagines que representan cada da de La Semana Santa

Domingo de Ramos:

El Jueves Santo:

El Viernes Santo:

El Domingo de Resurreccin:

El Lunes de Pascua:

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