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Technology Integration Matrix

Black ink: eportfolio matrix

Blue ink: digital storytelling/video matrix
Green ink: primary sources

Colorado Academic


for Students


1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic

3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability

Create a tab on
the classroom
weebly site that
includes a chart
with fraction,
percent, and
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
b. Engage student
in real-world
issues and solving
problems using
digital tools and
The teacher could
create a video
that describes a
number pattern.
Students could
then watch the
video as their
warm up for the
day and fill in the
rest of the number
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
b. Engage
students in realworld issues and
solving problems
using digital tools
and resources
For this one,
maybe the
teacher could find
some primary
sources of the first
representations of
data, such as
really early
graphing systems.
3. Model digital
age work and

Students could look

at primary sources
and come up with a
word problem to
solve based off of
the source they
1. Creativity and
b. Create original
works as a means of
personal or group

Understand students
will be able to refer
back to the chart to
help them to visualize
how fractions,
percent, and decimals
all compare/connect
to one another.
Create and analyzestudents will analyze
the primary source
and create a word
problem from it

Apply- students would

apply the rules of the
number pattern to
figure out the rest of
the pattern.

Students would
create a video
showing their
classmates how
they organized the
data they collected.
2. Communication
and Collaboration
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences

Understand and
create- students will
have the chance to
create their own
video, and they will
explain their process
to their classmates.
Understand- students
will be able to
understand how
graphing data has
changed over time.


Student Use


When I first looked at this assignment I was really doubtful that the eportfolios/websites could be used in every content area. I
thought I would be really difficult to integrate it into all four content areas. As I started working, I really became aware of how
truly easy it was to adapt this idea of an eportfolio to work for all content areas. This project really taught me how diverse and
applicable technology can become if you just try. This matrix also taught me that the technology standards really cover a much
more vast realm than I thought they did. I didnt realize that they included digital citizenship as well.
I thought it was very fun to look at all the standards and think about how videos can be used to teach all the different standards. I
think that using videos and allowing students to make their own videos can be a really powerful way to teach. Giving students
that authority over their work and chance to be creative in that way really gives them ownership over their learning. When they
come out of it with an advanced finished project like that, it really gives them something to be proud of and excited about. Then
copies can be made so that students can go home and show their parents and families what they made.
One thing that really stuck out to me while making the matrix this week was how difficult it was for me to figure out how to
integrate primary sources into mathematics. It was easy to integrate it into all the other subjects but math really stumped me for
a while. Even once I thought of ways to integrate primary sources into math, I still wasnt confident with the ways I thought of. I
didnt think they were ideas that would be all that valuable. However, I really think that incorporating primary sources into the
other subjects really could enhance them greatly.

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